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  1. I uploaded a video on Youtube. The duration is 1:30.560, my editor showed it as 1:30, Youtube preview shows 1:31, and when playing Youtube shows 1:30.

    I could have trimmed the video after uploading with the Youtube Editor and so keep the same link. The issue is that the video seems to have a codec problem: it plays OK on my computer with VLC but freezes on Youtube at 1:25. And so the Youtube Editor only lets me trim to 1:25, so I would lose 6 seconds, when I would only like to trim 560 milliseconds.

    The video is unlisted at:

    Is it possible to trim video on Youtube Editor when the video stream is shorter than the audio stream?
    Last edited by miguelmorin; 14th Mar 2021 at 10:35.
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  2. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Youtube link ?

    trimming .560 milliseconds is not IMO going to make any difference. That could be 'rounding' or simple 'delay'
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  3. I edited the question with the link. I got the video duration from an ffprobe command. Yes, the issue is that Youtube rounds up instead of down like my editor. What do you mean by "simple 'delay'"?
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  4. Member DB83's Avatar
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    On my browser, the video previewed at 1:30

    The 'delay' I referred to could have been where the audio is before the video or vice-versa. That does not appear to be the case when I downloaded the clip for local playbach etc.

    However, as you stated, the video freezes at appr 1:25 whereas the sound continues. Possibly a bad upload and the 'fix' will be to upload it again.
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  5. Yes, the video preview is 1:30 after clicking play, but the duration on first load and when it comes in a list such as my channel dashboard is 1:31.

    A new upload would fix it, but it's part of an application where I already submitted the link and so a new upload would get a new link. Or, since this is a bad upload, would Youtube Help be able to replace the video and keep the link?
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  6. Member DB83's Avatar
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    No harm in asking.
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  7. I couldn't find where to ask. It seems that emailing the creator team is only through the Youtube Partner Program: "If you don't see the email option, make sure that you're signed in to the channel that's in the YouTube Partner Programme."

    Please tell me if you know any other way.
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  8. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Well I did read and it is NOT possible to substitute a newer video for an older one and keep the unique url of the older.

    So you either trim your video back to 1:25 or keep as is (is the video for the last 5 secs critical ?)

    I believe you can add a picture in picture link towards the end of the original vid which if the viewer clicks will go to a later version. But I do not know that works - I have seen it in practice.
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  9. Thanks DD83! I will keep it as is, I have heard back from the organizers and those 560 extra milliseconds should not disqualify the video.
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