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    TMPGenc Authoring works 5.
    I have 40 min long videos (16:9 ratio), and have downsize them to 460,000Kb approx now using HDVideo converter., from 2Gb each.

    I create two tracks each is 1 file yet I am near the 4,7Gb buffer again, 2Gb did that so why no change ?

    How can I get perhaps 3 or 4 onto a 4.7Gb dvd ?
    What setting do I click on to cram more video onto my disc ? also exactly where is it to be found, .

    Just how is it one can buy a movie in top quality on a dvd when its 2hrs or more long yet two 40 min videos and its almost full, 3782 / 4437, another 12 mins approx of space left .


    Last edited by DBenz; 1st Feb 2021 at 17:33.
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    Try using AVStoDVD, it maximizes the space.

    Commercial disks are typically 8.5GB dual layer as opposed to the common 4.7 GB writables.
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    Commercial disks are typically 8.5GB dual layer as opposed to the common 4.7 GB writables.
    The movies I have, have a picture on one side of the disc and the readable bit on the other side and are over 2hrs long, yet I can only get 2 and a bit 45 min videos onto a 4.7Gb single sided.
    So how is it that as I have asked, I can get 3 or 4 videos of 400,000kb onto a 4.7Gb.

    what settings in TMPGenc do I use, or what do I have to do the scrunch the files size down even further ?

    I thought I did well using .mp4 to get the 2gb .mpg down to 0.4Gb .mp4 yet still I can get only 2 videos into 4.7Gb, 2 before and now still 2 ...why ?

    What to do about this please ?

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  4. Filesize = duration x bitrate. Reduce the bitrate.

    If you're making a DVD, reducing your filesize in an mp4 before authoring doesn't do anything except lose quality. TAW will re-encode to mpeg2 at whatever bitrate or target size you have set.

    Under the output tab you will find ways to change it under the target size settings.
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  5. Do you want to create a standard DVD or do you just want to store several movies on one DVD?
    The difference is that a standard DVD only accepts videos with mpeg2 encoding (unfortunately worse quality and more storage space). So a commercial DVD usually contains only one movie (and maybe some trailers).
    But if you encode with x265 (hevc) for example, the movies are better quality and up to 70% smaller.
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  6. Originally Posted by DBenz View Post

    Commercial disks are typically 8.5GB dual layer as opposed to the common 4.7 GB writables.
    The movies I have, have a picture on one side of the disc and the readable bit on the other side and are over 2hrs long
    They are dual layer not double sided. The player can see through one layer to read the other.

    But you can put as much running time as you want on a single layer. Just use lower bitrates. The problem is the quality decreases along with the bitrate. You can partially make up for that by using lower resolutions (PAL DVD supports 720x576, 704x576, 352x576, and 352x288) but then you are trading off resolution to get less artifacting.
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  7. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Also, you are confusing dual layer with dual side. Commercial discs can be both. Burnable discs can only be 1 sided, whether single or dual layer. Very likely your burnable discs were single layer, as you would have known of paying a premium when getting dual layer.

    Also, very possible your bitrate of your clips are:
    1. Artificially high and wasting of space
    2. CBR instead of VBR, thereby making it less efficient, qualitywise
    Either or both, due to limited encoder options or understanding

    Try running mediainfo on one of your clips vs one of the store-bought ones and post both here and we can compare and comment on the contrast.

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  8. 4.7GB is approx 4482mb before it is maxed out and you are in overburn territory, depending on the disc make e.g Verbatim, Maxwell which by the way are very reliable and solid brands. Using DVDShrink on already ripped DVD or one which you had personally made, you can further enhance it by compressing to suit your planned disc size and using Shrink's special sharp/smooth option and write it again to your PC and/or burn it at its newer size. I always use its Maximum sharpness setting on old material and then create an ISO or transcode to H264 using my preferred video converter.
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    thanks for the replies.
    If TMPGencAW can do it all for me, good as saves me buying yet more software.
    I see I have DVDshrink if I type DVDshrink into start menu but it takes me to a 404 not found.

    smrpix...reducing your filesize in an mp4 before authoring doesn't do anything except lose quality.
    so making mp4 from mpg will have lost quality.
    I have the original .mpg so I need instead to make tracks in TMPGencAuthoringWorks with the .mpg
    as I bring them in the line will go off the bar at the size indicator.
    smrpix...TAW will re-encode to mpeg2 at whatever bitrate or target size you have set.
    Under the output tab you will find ways to change it under the target size settings.
    I see having added an initial 2 files at 2Gb each I am beyond the 4.7Gb limit, but the only way to get to the 'output' option so as to do this and see how many more I can add, then make a menu for them all, is to make a menu before I am ready and do simulation for these two, as the output tab is greyed out as the last stage in the process.
    Do I ignore the bar and just put in what I want and make menu etc, as I had expected to fit in as many as it will allow, then make menu for those, but its a catch22 situation.
    I have to make menu for the files without knowing if they will fit, so as to get to the output tab.


    ProWo... Do you want to create a standard DVD or do you just want to store several movies on one DVD?
    I want to make a dvd of my 16:9 footage for an elderly friend who can play the videos from his dvd player via hdmi to his flat screen (which has no usb socket, everything I supply I have to burn to playable dvd),.

    ProWo... But if you encode with x265 (hevc) for example, the movies are better quality and up to 70% smaller.
    so I need to take the 2Gb .mpg videos and encode with x265 (hevc).
    Where do I do this and does that also lower the bitrate which is also said to be needed ?

    Azmoth, I recall dvdshrink but the presence of it on my pc takes me to a dead website.
    Will it deal with the x265 and bitrate above when I select your settings ?

    found it on internet, says no longer developed or supported last version 2004.
    says free download, but 2004 onto a win7 PC will I be ok with this ? I dont want any upset to this PC.
    with no support I need to know just what to click on and where in it. It seems to be about dvd ripping so I need to find out what settings will shrink a video keeping quality and sound ok.
    where the x265 is and bitrate settings are.

    update.... I have now installed it, chosen open file, browse to folder with my .mpg in, and says error occurred cant find .IFO
    looks like it expects to find a video in the form of .bup . ifo and .vro such as the video originally arrived onto PC from my panasonic HDD recorder/player before I edited the unwanted bits out and saved it as .mpg using videoredo.
    If DVDshrink is about DVD's and not .mpg files then its no use to me.

    But hang on, there is another site

    it has dvd shrink 2021

    yet I was taken in the links in this forum to a site with 2004 software which I installed.

    Perhaps this will shrink the .mpg

    I MUST BE ABLE TO GET THE FILES TO AUTHOR IN TMPGenc Authoring works, as I have a theme for menus, and I am totally familiar with that prog, I have bought it, and been using it for years., Know how to create menus, move images, thumbs and text about, just need files that are an ok size so as to fit videos onto 4.7GB.
    3 or 4 episodes each 45mins long would be good per disc.

    So try again see if DVDshrink2021 will recognise .mpg

    I attach the mediainfo of a .mpg video.

    I would be more comfortable placing into TMPGencAW files that are good to go and show me how many I can fit in , then make the menu, and simulate then output, than make a menu of something I dont know is going to be ok.

    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	MediaInfo Video.jpg
Views:	72
Size:	173.8 KB
ID:	57205  

    Last edited by DBenz; 5th Feb 2021 at 18:14.
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    If your source file is mpeg-2 and is already DVD-spec compliant drop it into AVStoDVD and it will author it, and optionally
    burn it to a disk
    AVStoDVD is a free program, it's still active and the author supports it here on the forum
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  11. Originally Posted by davexnet View Post
    Try using AVStoDVD, it maximizes the space.
    Do as davexnet suggested in the first reply to your questions. It's free. You don't know what you're doing and are wasting time. You could have finished the project by now. And use the best quality source you can before feeding them into AvstoDVD. Don't reencode.

    Edit: Oops, too late.
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    I must be able to get the files to author in TMPGenc Authoring works, as I have an art theme and buttons and so on I use for all my dvds for menus, and I am totally familiar with that prog, I have bought it, and been using it for years., Know how to create menus, move images, thumbs and text about, can even do movie backdrop in menu if I wish, I just need files that are an ok size so as to fit videos onto 4.7GB.

    so I have installed dvdshrink 2004, hells bells, why are there two separate websites

    I hate having to undo an install. I didnt for once back up the pc, took a gamble, in a hurry. Not sure if I uninstall 2004 and install 2021, or if 2021 will update 2004, damn !

    I just want to know what steps to follow to shrink a video down in size with DVDshrink.
    with this codec that was mentioned x265(hevc) and the bitrate or will selecting a shrink setting do that selection for me ?

    Just what are the steps in shrink2021 (assuming you were talking of 2021 and not ancient 2004) to follow to get a shrunk file I can then introduce into TMPGenc Authoring Works ?


    And use the best quality source you can before feeding them into AvstoDVD. Don't reencode.

    Edit: Oops, too late.
    I have the .mpg files from videoredo, the files arrived as folder DVD_RTAV folder with .bup .ifo and .vro insode.
    I quickstream fix this and edit out unwanted parts and it saves as .mpg
    damn it was 16:9 on panasonic, and VidReDo saved as no change but I got 4:3 , they are turning into 4:3 when copioed to pc from DVD-RAM disc, so I had to remux it to 16:9 in videoredo.
    thats the file I have, the folder as such is no use as its got unwanted material in it.
    is it too late on this .mpg , not sure why you say too late.

    I didnt want it as 4:3, when it should be 16:9 and I had to edit out the unwanted bits. Remuxing VidReDo tell me doesnt alter quality at all.

    I cant see anything I have done that has buggered up the original file.

    Last edited by DBenz; 5th Feb 2021 at 18:28.
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  13. Originally Posted by DBenz View Post
    I just want to know what steps to follow to shrink a video down in size with DVDshrink.
    You don't need DVDShrink. If you have to shrink it, a full reencode rather than a transcode will produce better quality. And Shrink won't work on your MPG anyway. You'd have to make a DVD out of it first.
    ...not sure why you say too late.
    I was referring to answering 2 minutes after davexnet.
    Remuxing VidReDo tell me doesnt alter quality at all.
    You mentioned earlier reencoding for MP4.

    You can use AvstoDVD to make the size you want and add them to TMPGenc to add in the menus without further reencoding. Surely it has that ability?

    ...and I am totally familiar with that prog...
    Apparently, you aren't, as you're asking really basic questions about how to use it. I don't use it myself and can't help there.
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  14. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Why don't you just buy some dual layer discs and burn to them? Probably then no need to shrink anything.

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    Another possibility is to do the encoding in AVStoDVD, let it produce the mpegs, then add them to TmpgEnc authoring works for the
    authoring step; hopefully it wont re-encode them

    Perhaps the OP should restate the problem with some details; how many minutes are you trying to cram onto the DVD
    what format is your source(s) in?
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  16. Convert to mpeg2 and burn as data or encode at 4,500 Mbps VBR to make it compatible with older players. Hollywood studios use custom built encoders on fast computers and replicate on dual-layer discs. You have to do 2-pass encode.
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    firstly having been told of dvdshrrink and installed it from the link the wording, in orange, took me to, it was v3.2 and 2004 vintage last developed it said.
    Then I see a website and its 2021, I download it, I dont install it pending a series of pertinent questions to support on what price, support after purchase,.mpg to cram 3 or 4 45min vids onto 4.7gb, OS and what happens to 2004 install., but who answered just one, its not free, no mention of price or anything else.
    The newest version is not free, you can try it for 3 times for free and then if you are happy you can purchase it.
    To be able to make it work with all windows versions and new DVDs, we need development, money to invest, this is why is not free anymore.

    I then google dvdshrink again and this time I see this:- which says:-
    DVDShrink is and will always be FREE software, aka Freeware. You won't be charged for it, ever. If you were charged for it, you've probably been cheated.

    so what is going on out there ?

    Manono...You can use AvstoDVD to make the size you want and add them to TMPGenc to add in the menus without further reencoding.
    Davexnet ...Another possibility is to do the encoding in AVStoDVD, let it produce the mpegs, then add them to TmpgEnc authoring works for the
    authoring step; hopefully it wont re-encode them
    I have AVS Video Converter 9.1
    so do I simply browse to the .mpg 2Gb video file that was produced by VideoReDo after I removed the unwanted parts, and select for output the button 'to mpeg'
    For my first video for which I have posted here the mediainfo data, (40mins 2.57Gb) it gives me the attached output options.
    Are they ok ? I see no codec x265 mentioned but its other options dont have this in the drop-downs, the only other video codec is mpeg1
    It has chosen a smaller bitrate.

    4kblurayguru...encode at 4,500 Mbps VBR
    so I need to up that to 4500 from 3766, the original being 9263, would that be so ?

    I see by the way , the original footage was HD 16:9, when it gets to PC via dvd_ram from the panasonic DMR BWT850 its as SD but ratio is 4:3 720x576, videoredo I used to alter back to 16:9 . Will AVS need telling to keep to 16:9 ?
    Its first output on 4500 ended up playing 4:3
    I did a second choosing 16:9 from its second tab, but it plays with black margins and doesnt fit PC screen in win media player, its shrunk w and L.
    I choose the original that was created by VideoRedo which is 720x576 4:3 and choose ijn the aspect tab input original, output 16:9 and 4500vbr, result is showing as 4:3 in mediainfo and again doesnt play full width, yet the remuxed in videoredo to 16:9 does fill screen.

    Why when choosing 16:9 does dvdshrink not make it 16:9 same as videoredo does ? I certainly need it as 16:9 else its distorted, circles as elipses etc. I see no settings to do this except in the output aspect tab and I am choosing 16:9 !
    What I do see is it taking the 4:3 shape (which is distorted and circles are elipses pointing up/down, ) which is shown in its 4:3 shaped preview screen as fully to top/bott and full width and when I select output 16:9 it adds in grey margins top and bott but the 4:3 shape remains the same and the circles remain as elipses (circles with sides compressed so main axis is north/south ), so unlike videoredo who make it 16:9 and it plays 16:9 filling my PC monitor, it is keeping what it believes is the correct shape of everything in the video, but it isnt. the footage was 16:9 shape with normal circles.

    Remember the original was that 16:9 ratio and HD but copying to the Panasonic only allows SD, but when then played from the Panny to the TV they are 16:9, and normally also as such on the PC after transfer with dvd_ram disc. For some reason some are coming from dvd_ram as 4:3 720x576 and others 16:9 720x576.

    I am hoping to fit 3 if not 4 of these 40 mins videos onto a 4.7Gb disc, I dont want to have to buy dual layer, not sure if I do my existing system will burn to such without more problems when I am familiar with 4.7Gb and it works. I have some dvd-rw here 4.7gb its just to show an elderly friend a load of videos with no extra expense here.

    Anyhow, I take two videos given 3766vbr and drop them into TMPGenc and that 4.7Gb bar is filled up same amount as if I had used the two original files, so nothing gained at all.

    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	AVS video converter 9.1 in and out options default.jpg
Views:	47
Size:	80.3 KB
ID:	57221  

    Last edited by DBenz; 6th Feb 2021 at 10:25.
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  18. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Dvdshrink does not re-encode in the manner that normal re-encoding apps do, it does a dct-domain transcode. In other words, while most of the rest apps will fully decode the streams to uncompressed, and then fully re-encode & re-compress the streams (hopefully to smaller size as per your need), dvdshrink just leaves the file in the compressed state it is already in, reads the quantization tables and figures out which coefficients to change/drop in order to allow for more of the higher frequency "quality" to be made redundant and removed and to make the resulting stream more compactible still.

    Because of the uniqueness of this approach, though it can take less time overall and avoids certain types of signal degradations, it resultingly doesn't change the signal that much from however it was originally existing.
    So if the original stream was 4:3, the shrunk version will be 4:3 also, and 16:9 will stay 16:9.

    The only way you can get 16:9 from a 4:3 title is to fully decode/decompress & recompress/re-encode while force manipulating the signal in the interim to the new aspect (either via stretching, zooming&cropping, padding, etc).

    The whole business of versions is a rabbit hole - dvdshrink is old (for good reason, the dvd spec hasn't changed but people have moved on), and the last legit version is 2004s. The newer one is just some repack meant to entice folks. DELETE THEM BOTH, then re-install the old one. Done.

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    the old one 2004 is the only one I have installed, and it wont recognise the .mpg file
    I have used AVC Vid converter as was suggested and the bitrate that appeared by default, and still as mentioned the two videos fill up the 4.7Gb, yet bitrate was apprx 1/3 of the original. 3766 versus original 9263
    also AVC as mentioned is keeping video 4:3 shape even when choosing 16:9, yet Videoredo manage to remux at 16:9 and it plays fine in windows media player or jaksta.

    see attached.

    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	AVS 43 v 169 on 720x576 169 after VRD 43.jpg
Views:	62
Size:	129.9 KB
ID:	57225  

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VideoRedo con 169 played in WMP and compare AVS con 169.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	173.9 KB
ID:	57226  

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  20. The process of making a movie DVD from your AVC videos will convert them to MPEG 2 (the only type of video allowed on DVD). The bitrate used for that MPEG 2 compression determines the size of the resulting files, not the size of the AVC videos. So all you've by converting to AVC is wasted time and degraded your videos.
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  21. Originally Posted by DBenz View Post

    I have used AVC Vid converter as was suggested...
    No one suggested AVS Video Converter. What was suggested several times was AVStoDVD.

    It was suggested because it can do the necessary reencoding to fit your videos onto a single 4.37 GiB single layer DVD. If your own program is any good at all, it'll accept the reencoded video without you having to reencode it yet again, and allow you to author it with the menus you've created.
    ...cram 3 or 4 45min vids...
    3 hours is definitely a bad idea. 2.25 hour might be problematic as well, depending partly on the content and partly on your ability to stomach poor quality video.
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    now with AVStoDVD.
    What do I select in it to make my three videos remain as three separate files as mpeg2 and together they fit 4.7Gb dvd-r ?

    Talking of bitrates, I used the suggested bitrate though in the wrong prog AVS video converter and its made no difference at all. 1.4Gb videos yet they still occupy 80% of a dvd same as 2 x 2gb did. I presume it doesnt do what AVStoDVD does.

    Why is it that there is nothing else on the internet that will do a simple task of fitting 3 x 40min videos onto a single 4.7Gb dvd-r

    DVDShrink 2004 cannot, AVS Video converter cannot.

    So I go to the AVStoDVD site now to yet again add to my myriad of video progs.

    I look for tuts on what I am doing but nothing, all I see are take a video and squeeze it onto a dvd-r. Nothing about how to make 3 videos the right size to fit, keeping them separate files.

    I have TMPGenc for authoring and burning as it has the backgrounds and buttons I use, I WILL NOT be using AVStoDVD for authoring and burning.
    As such I cant see anything about how to work it to make sure my three episodes will together fit a dvd-r, each must remain as separate files to have separate text and click to play options in the menu.

    I go to youtube to see how to use it and there yet again is nothing that I can follow.

    Zero forum, zero video tuts, in the dark yet again.

    What do I select in it to make my three videos remain as three separate files as mpeg2 and together they fit 4.7Gb dvd-r ?

    does one do maths and divide 4.7Gb by 3, then enter that as target size ? has it a place for entering 1.5Gb target size ? (...4.5/3) does one take 4.5 or 4.55 or 4.6 ???

    The mysterious world of video, even for doing a simple thing, upholds the mystique again.

    On a side note/ wish...
    I would love to see one prog , edit, convert, downsize, interlace/deinterlace. author and burn. instead we have to buy loads of different ones.

    Videoredo say if you author your DVDs using VideoReDo it (the suggested TVsuite 6 purchase) will automatically transcode and resize the files to insure that they fit on a DVD-r, and complete the DVD0r authoring for you. Just open and add each file to a DVD and then author.
    No video to show what it can do at all, one needs to see these things in action, no one on youtube has done anything on it.

    so money spent on TMPGenc AW5 is wasted, why the hell cant TMPGenc AW5 do this ? Output option is at end and thats useless on seeing what files can be added, by then its too late to add more as the menus are done.

    What was a Christmas treat sees me getting yet another prog. AVStoDVD.

    Last edited by DBenz; 6th Feb 2021 at 18:34.
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    I found an old version of your program (or at least a predecessor) installed in an old XP box,
    Tmpgenc Video Mastering Works V5.
    Seems to have all the bells and whistles for encoding, but no authoring stage.
    I added three 40-minute source files; the program set the bit rate to approx 4500 kbps;
    after encoding they turned out at about 10% undersized.

    The program you have must have this functionality, perhaps there is something you're not setting correctly
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  24. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    also you may want to consider a "4.7GB disc" in computer size is only 4.365GB 4.7 gigabits is advertising speak but computers list file size in KB aka kilobytes.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  25. @davexnet -- TMPGenc Authoring Works and TMPGenc Video Mastering Works are completely different programs. There is some overlap, but TMPGenc wants to sell both.

    TAW only lets you set a target size (which should suit OPs needs fine.) It does not give you the precise control of VMW. TAW does have smart rendering, which VMW does not.
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    Originally Posted by smrpix View Post
    @davexnet -- TMPGenc Authoring Works and TMPGenc Video Mastering Works are completely different programs. There is some overlap, but TMPGenc wants to sell both.

    TAW only lets you set a target size (which should suit OPs needs fine.) It does not give you the precise control of VMW. TAW does have smart rendering, which VMW does not.
    Interesting. Then this lends even more weight to the early advice to encode the Mpgs elsewhere and use Tmpg Authoring works for the authoring/menu setup, etc
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    thanks for the screenshots just the feedback one hopes for and it would have been so useful, but as is said here, and I didnt know that , so we all know now.
    TAW is different to TVMW.

    Interesting. Then this lends even more weight to the early advice to encode the Mpgs elsewhere and use Tmpg Authoring works for the authoring/menu setup, etc
    so as I am trying to do, encode them elsewhere.
    I have the suggested AVStoDVD now.

    What do I select in it to make my three videos remain as three separate files as mpeg2 and together they fit 4.7Gb dvd-r ?

    does one do maths and divide 4.7Gb (4.365 in fact) by 3, then enter that as target size ? has it a place for entering 1.455Gb target size ? (...4.365/3)

    Using step by step visuals, or else typed text, please can someone tell me the steps to take.
    This (esp if visuals) will no doubt be of use to all wishing to fit 3 separate video episodes onto a dvd, 4.7gb (4.365gb actual...thanks aedipuss)


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    Is the program and it's pre-requisites (Avisynth and LAV filters) installed successfully ?

    Have you given it a trial run to make sure of basic functionality ?

    Assuming you have the basics working, the first thing is to check the preferences/video
    to make sure the video standard is correct (PAL/NTSC) change it if it's wrong and put a check mark
    in the lower left "save as defaults"

    Add your clips. Select the arrow to the right of the "DVD size" button and select Custom/4200 (to save room for the menu)
    Select the arrow to the right of the "output" button and select muxed Mpeg2.

    HIt the start button and it will create the DVD-spec mpeg files in your "DVD output" path, as defined in the Preferences
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	a2d1.png
Views:	31
Size:	70.6 KB
ID:	57319  

    Click image for larger version

Name:	a2d2.png
Views:	28
Size:	69.5 KB
ID:	57320  

    Last edited by davexnet; 11th Feb 2021 at 18:52.
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  29. Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    United Kingdom
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    I have downloaded AVStoDVD, also Avisynth and LAV filters.
    I will do an Acronis clone of the PC before installing this., so rather than do so and find I didnt need to, ...
    Just to double check, the result if I feed in 3 clips will be 3 clips that fit onto a dvd-r 4200Gb and that can be menu'd with three thumbnails and played individually, it doesnt turn them into one video clip ?


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  30. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States
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    Originally Posted by DBenz View Post
    I have downloaded AVStoDVD, also Avisynth and LAV filters.
    I will do an Acronis clone of the PC before installing this., so rather than do so and find I didnt need to, ...
    Just to double check, the result if I feed in 3 clips will be 3 clips that fit onto a dvd-r 4200Gb and that can be menu'd with three thumbnails and played individually, it doesnt turn them into one video clip ?


    Hello -
    the program has been supported by the author here in the forum and recommended by us for at least 5 years.
    The install/uninstall is clean, creates a registry key in HKCU/software for it settings ... that's it.
    So use it with confidence, look at the settings I mentioned and you'll get the 3 separate files to author as you wish.
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