flipped .mov file and converted it to .vob and burnt to dvd and still upside down.
so burnt original file and still upside down.
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Try inverting it before you burn to a DVD. Any video editing program should be able to do that.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence -Carl Sagan -
i flipped the video upright in the video editing software that comes with windows 10. but the problem occurs when I try to burn the video onto a DVD it burns it upside down. it also occurs when I plug in the flash drive containing the upright video to a TV it plays it upside down.
When you flip the phone it needs to be re-encoded with the program you are using,are you doing that or just flipping it and saving the project?
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
i have the file on my computer. it saves it to a .mov file. I used the video editor in windows to flip it, then I burnt it with dvdfab. when I play the file on my computer its right side up but when I burn it to DVD it plays upside down. I've tried burning the original and the flipped one but both play upside down on DVD. :\
Still not clear what you ACTUAL steps are. In detail. The devil is in the details.
Scott -
Could it be that Win10 software simply adds a rotation flag that is somehow not respected by your player?
I don't have Win10 so can't check it to be sure. Maybe try another software and re-encode the video.
EDIT: Or maybe it's lost during conversion to VOB. (Does it support rotation flags at all?) -
You say "MOV" but then say Win. Makes me think you are going from iPhone to PC. Probably some issues w honoring rotation flag as was mentioned. In addition, might be converting from HEVC to worse, losing both quality & efficiency.
Scott -
made video with iphone. downloaded it to my windows computer. played video on vlc plays fine. burned video to DVD with dvdfab. i played the burnt DVD and its upside down. i used windows video editor to flip the video. i played the video on vlc and it plays upside down. i burnt the video with dvdfab. i played the DVD and its upside down.
Here's my take:
iPhone takes video. Is held upside down but iPhone puts in rotation flag.
Copy to PC.
View on VLC, recognizes flag and shows it properly.
DVDfab DOES NOT recognize flag properly, and burns AS-IS, throwing away the flag.
Shown on DVD as upside down.
Win video editor used on original, recognizes flag (so would be viewed ok), but you tell it to flip, so now throws out the flag and re-encodes AS upside down.
Shown on subsequent DVD, or encoded file on computer or TV = upside down.
You just need to use a set of tools that understand your material.
Scott -
or hold the iPhone right side up with the button on your right when using it in horizontal mode...
SONY 75" Full array 200Hz LED TV, Yamaha A1070 amp, Zidoo UHD3000, BeyonWiz PVR V2 (Enigma2 clone), Chromecast, Windows 11 Professional, QNAP NAS TS851
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