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  1. Hello everyone,

    as some years back I used this hack for my Panasonic DMP-BDT110

    Therefore my new Panasonic DP-UB450 (RC2 EU model) should get the same "update". As apparently it still works for this product generation - guessing from these:

    I picked up my OFA URC7490 as purchased back then and programmed it again with the given sequences.

    Applying buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 to the player however - it does not work. No reboot. RC1 DVDs are defined as wrong region.

    When pressing the first button "1" for code 00191 a menu for video selection "Disc or USB" comes up. Can anybody confirm, that this is the correct behaviour for this sequence?

    Reprogrammed "1" three times - always the same behaviour.

    Remote itself turns the player on/off correctly - so I guess the base "0490" is working fine.

    Thanks for any ideas on how to get this player working (without spending more on a pre-programmed eBay-remote or enhanced firmware "been there, no success").

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  3. Is anyone still reading this?
    Ran into the same problem (using OFA 7556), first "magic" button (00191) is OK/Enter (see

    I ordered
    and will report back results:

    Remote arrived today and it worked on my DP-UB450EG on the first attempt.
    1. No disc inserted
    2. Pressed OK on the original remote 2x (Videos -> Disc)
    3. When message "No disc inserted" appeared I applied the hack remote (message "1B" appeared on lower right corner).
    4. Waited 10s, unplugged player, waited 5s, powered up again
    5. Used Region 2 and 4 DVD to confirm: player is region free

    I still don't know why it didn't work with the OFA remote, but the button sequence is transmitted much faster than I expected (i.e. not the ~1s interval mentioned in the original hacks).
    I bit pricey to play some old DVDs from my collection, but I could set as many Panasonic players free as I wished now...
    Last edited by ratkat; 6th Feb 2024 at 14:53. Reason: added results and details
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