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  1. I am trying to configure MultiAVCHD on a new Win 10 desktop. I've followed all the install instructions but it will not let me have menus.

    I ran the multiTest tool and it fails the VC-1 test (Directshow decoder test.)

    I have run the Win7DsFilterTweaker tool and switched the 32-bit VC-1 from uSoft to ffdshow. Unfortunately, there is no ffdshow option for the 64-bit VC-1 and perhaps that's the problem.

    I'm new to Win 10 (previous desktop I installed MultiAVCHD on was running Win 7.)

    Any advice?


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    I have an interest in helping out with your issue. I've just yesterday actually completed getting multiAVCHD working successfully to complete three newly burned BluRay discs, produced from recently acquired MP4 (H.264/AVC) 1920x1080p input files with DD5.1 EAC3 audio. I'd previously had good luck with multiAVCHD authoring BluRay discs from edited clips of HDTV content (MPEG-2 1920x1080i and 1280x720p, with either DD2.0 or DD5.1 audio) but this was my first attempt starting from MPEG-4 MP4 input. And eventually yesterday I was successful.

    I'm operating on a Win7 Pro x64 machine, but there's nothing I can imagine which might prevent multiAVCHD from running on Win10. But now that you've asked for help I will try duplicating my "multiAVCHD production setup" on Win10.

    I will say that mt own multiTEST results also failed VC-1 as yours did, even on Win7. I didn't pursue it too much and no matter what I tried as a solution it never was successfuli. At first I thought maybe I was using a newer version of AVISynth of FFDSHOW, and so I backed off to the older "supported" versions of those components. But it made no difference. Still VC-1 error. I don't think it's critical unless you have content that might depend on it, which I don't.

    In fact my own objective is to run multiAVCHD in REMUX-MODE, taking input MPEG-2/MPEG-4 content that is already video-compatible with BDMV for frame rate and resolution and audio-compatible as well, so that NO RE-ENCODING (or "transcoding") is required, and which often can take hours with multiple titles. I want a REMUX-ONLY production if the input is suitable, so that the whole multiAVCHD process takes 5 minutes (not counting disc burning). I want the authoring functionality, for titles, menus, navigation, chapters, posters/thumbnails, etc., but mostly I want a simple but usable interface on the screen when playing the disc. And I want the production process simple and straightforward and reliable.

    And that's exactly what multiAVCHD gives me.

    Now, what do you mean when you say "will not let me have menus"? You mean the ability to pick from the one or two or more "titles", to play a specific title? Or do you mean wanting to create a set "chapters" within a title, with thumbnails and text under each thumbnail, so that you can navigate to specific chapters within a given title?

    Are you familiar with multiAVCHD's user interface, so that you already know how to create both of the above types of menus? Or are you a newcomer, looking for instructions on just how to start both of the above processes?

    One more "graduate school" technique that I could share with you, regarding "chapter menus". You have two optional ways to go here, one of which involves the use of multiAVCHD's own built-in player and interface, to pick (a) a chapter starting frame location within the video, and (b) frame location in the video to be used as the chapter thumbnail on the created menu, and (c) text to be presented underneath the thumbnail if you want. But this is cumbersome and tiny and hard to work with.

    A second far easier way to accomplish this same result is to use NOTEPAD or NOTEPAD++ etc., to build an external "TXT chapter file" which contains this very same multi-item chapter information, but as individual lines in a text file for each chapter. Then you use multiAVCHD to "browse" for the location of this external chapter text file, and then you "select" it (inside the window showing the one or more external chapter lists you might have added to the project perhaps for other titles), and then you "load" it which will ask you if you want to totally replace your existing chapter list for the title with this new set of externally provided chapter settings (and you generally would respond "YES, go ahead and replace the now obsolete chapter values with my new set of updated chapter values).

    This "external chapters TXT file" technique doesn't have much documentation that I could find, but I did learn about it somehow several years back from another user, and I could share all the details and technique with you if you'd like.
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  3. I have used MultiAVCHD for several years on my Win7-based machine with very good results, so I am familiar with menu creation. My problem is much simpler:

    1) I have installed MultiAVCHD and all the tools it requires using the versions called out in the author's install instructions (
    2) I have configured the tools per the same instructions.

    When I launch MultiAVCHD and select Author / Menu styles and options / Create top menu, I get the following:

    [15:00:45] Avisynth is not working properly! Menu will not available!
    [15:00:45] Re/Install Avisynth 2.58, ffdshow, haali splitter.
    [15:00:45] Download links:

    I've uninstalled and re-installed those three tools multiple times and followed the configuration instructions carefully but every time, I get the same problem.

    So that's where I'm at.

    If you have been able to click on the Create top menu box and not get this message, please tell me how you installed the utility and its tools!


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    Ok. Now I understand what you are asking. And of course the steps and approach you describe for your install in the Win10 environment matches what you and I also have done in the Win7 environment without issue. So maybe it's some problem with those older products trying to run in the 64-bit Win10 world and having problems. Don't know yet, but now I know what I'm looking to duplicate or not.

    I will proceed with my own Win10 install of multiAVCHD and prerequisites as you've done and see if I can do a "create top menu" or not.

    More to come.
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    Well, I'm sorry to say that my experiment installing multiAVCHD on my 20H2 Win10 system produced perfect results. No problems at all creating or previewing all menus.

    All three versions of the support products were exactly the "supported" (but back-level as of today) versions as instructed, even though there are newer versions available. I actually had downloaded these installers 10 years ago, so I am still using the same exact input. I didn't have to actually download anything new since I already had everything.

    I decided to just go with the true original versions since I have no other need for the installed results beyond what multiAVCHD requires. So the Haali Matroska Spliiter is, FFDSHOW is the Rev3054 from 2009, and AVISynth is 2.58. I have no reason to want anything newer, if multiAVCHD is happy with these. I specifically was careful to be sure I matched up the few screenshots Dean had provided for the specific checked/unchecked items he wanted to ensure we had right. I don't believe I changed anything else (at least nothing of real functional consequence) for any of the three products.

    Also, the multiTEST ran all tests successfully! Yes, even the VC-1 test ran without erroring as it had in my Win7 world. This actually surprised me.

    Now my own test involved using two of the multiAVCHD projects I'd just completed in Win7, as I said earlier. The input for one is a single MP4 files (1920x1080p H.264/AVC 23.976 video, and EAC3 DD+ 2.0 audio at 224Kbs/48k). The input for the second are two MP4 files (1920x1080p, H.264/AVC, 23.976 video, and EAC3 DD+ 5.1 audio at 640Kbs/48k).

    ==> Because I had previously been unable to get multiAVCHD to run properly with these three MP4 input files because of what I interpreted to be probems decoding the audio input, I finally decided to see if I could overcome this issue by re-muxing the MP4 files into M2TS versions (100% original non-reencoded audio and video) using VideoRedo TV Suite 6 (which I use frequently) which can handle re-muxing very easily and quickly. Remarkably, multiAVCHD had no problems once I fed it these M2TS files. Inside was the same underlying MPEG-4 video and DD+ audio, but perhaps something that was inherently defective with the EAC3 audio in the original MP4 got "fixed" by VRD as a result of the remuxing to M2TS. Whatever the true explanation, multiAVCHD now worked perfectly with the remuxed M2TS. So that's what I'm now starting from in Win10.

    I don't know if your problems might be the result of the particular input files you're using in your own project, or if it's really some issue with the prerequisite programs. Or perhaps it might be in your project definition? These two projects of mine are pure-remux, involving zero re-encoding of either audio or video. So they both run in minute, not hours.

    Just for your reference, I'll provide screenshots of my 1-file project, which also has an external chapter file providing 17 chapter marks. The 2-file project has no chapters for either title.
    Last edited by DSperber; 22nd Dec 2020 at 08:43.
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    (1) Media tab, defining one M2TS input file:

    [Attachment 56366 - Click to enlarge]

    (2) Author tab, showing "create top menu" (XMB style) checked:

    [Attachment 56367 - Click to enlarge]

    (2a) Welcome screen configuration:

    [Attachment 56368 - Click to enlarge]

    (2b) Welcome screen preview:

    [Attachment 56369 - Click to enlarge]

    (3a) Menu tab - general sub-tab:

    [Attachment 56370 - Click to enlarge]

    (3b) Menu tab - advanced sub-tab:

    [Attachment 56371 - Click to enlarge]
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    (4a) Menu preview - main menu:

    [Attachment 56372 - Click to enlarge]

    (4b) Menu preview - chapter menu:

    [Attachment 56373 - Click to enlarge]

    (4c) Menu preview - title list menu:

    [Attachment 56374 - Click to enlarge]

    (5) Subtitles & Audio tab:

    [Attachment 56375 - Click to enlarge]

    (6) Settings tab:

    [Attachment 56376 - Click to enlarge]
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  8. Did you install them all as an administrator? Right-click on the .exe file and choose 'run as administrator'. Not sure if this is your problem, but it's not unusual with older programs.
    "Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds
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    Originally Posted by TimA-C View Post
    Did you install them all as an administrator? Right-click on the .exe file and choose 'run as administrator'. Not sure if this is your problem, but it's not unusual with older programs.
    I did not do that in my own experiment. Just ran the programs normally.
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    Ill try to help. I run muitiavchd on windows 10 have been for years with small issues i fixed myself and since then i had no issues. I run Haali Matroska Spliiter without a issue along with avisynth 2.60 and i do not use ffdshow anymore i haeven't used it in over 5 years i use LAV Filters. Since then no issues making blu rays. For you to use LAV Filters you need to remove ffdshow. Give LAV Filters a try. I don't have any programs set as admin. Let me know how that goes.
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  11. Wow! Lots of information!

    I appreciate the time it took for DSperber to add all the screenshots, but this issue is even more basic -- it happens without adding any video files. It happens right out of the box - just launch MultiAVCHD, click on Author, and try to enable menus.

    It seems clear to me that I have some sort of program conflict going on but I have no idea what it might be. Clearly, others have been able to install this utility and its tool requisites without issue on a Windows 10 system.

    Would it be possible for someone out there to do an experiment in steps:

    1) install multiAVCHD, launch it, and see if menus can be enabled (I would guess no.)
    2) install avisynth (2.58), and see if menus can be enabled. If they can, I'd be curious to know if MultiAVCHD really needs v2.58 or can operate with the latest version of avisynth.
    3) repeat for the other two tools, one at a time.

    Hopefully, this will narrow the problem down to which of the three support tools I actually have an issue with.

    Other tools I have installed: avidemux, Audacity + ffmpeg for Audacity, AVStoDVD, MyMP4Box GUI, Virtualdub, HandBrake, XVid Video Codec, eac3to334. Perhaps one of those is introducing a conflict via some tool or filter it added to the registry.

    I don't know what else I can try except for a complete re-install of Win10 and then MultiAVCHD. I really don't want to have to do that!

    Looking for more ideas, thoughts, things I can try.


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    Originally Posted by jond View Post
    ...this issue is even more basic -- it happens without adding any video files. It happens right out of the box - just launch MultiAVCHD, click on Author, and try to enable menus.
    When you say "enable menus" I assume you mean to simply check the "create top menu" box, yes? Having not selected any media file for input?

    I have no problem checking that box, un-checking it, checking it again, etc. Nothing happens when I check that box aside from the "XMB Menu" box also getting checked automatically as a result. Could either be the default, or because that's what I last checked. Whatever the situation, I certainly have no action resulting from merely checking that box. I haven't pushed the START button (which is still grayed-out anyway, since there's no input media file yet specified) so I can't imagine why AVISynth would be invoked or anything, just because you checked the "create top menu" box which is like any other optional checkbox.

    I don't think there's a requirement that you must first add input files before going to the other tabs to set other options. I've not seen anything preventing me from going to the other tabs to set options and then coming back to the Media tab to add the input files later. Again, I wouldn't think anything should be initiated (and possibly encounter a problem) until you push the START button, or maybe a "preview" button. But not just from checking an option.

    So, sorry to say it but I still cannot duplicate your issues.
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  13. Yes, it's just that simple. No video files added.

    Fresh install, can't click on that box without the errors.

    I don't know why it doesn't work either and I agree that it makes no sense that the app should need other tools installed to let you enable a feature, but apparently it does some sort of test when you click on that box.

    Just for shits and giggles, I added a video file (mkv), went to the Author menu and tried again. The results were the same.

    Is it possible that you have some other tools / filters installed that makes multiAVCHD happy?

    Very frustrating!

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  14. I started to take a closer look at the support tools installation and I see something I don't understand.

    Upon installing avisynth 2.58, I see this in the install dialog:

    Output folder: C:\Windows\system32
    Extract: avisynth.dll
    Extract: devil.dll

    However, when I navigate to C:\Windows\System32, there is no sign of these two dlls. However, they do show up in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

    I've tried running the installation as administrator as well.

    If multiAVCHD is looking for these dlls in system32, that could explain why I can't enable menus.

    Can someone who has multiAVCHD working under Windows 10 check and see if they have these two dlls in their system32 folder?


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    On my Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro I have avisynth.dll and devil.dll in both system32 and syswow64.
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    Originally Posted by mail2tom View Post
    On my Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro I have avisynth.dll and devil.dll in both system32 and syswow64.
    Only in SYSWOW64 for me, on my Win10 Pro x64 system.

    And that is from simply running the installer avisynth_258.exe on that same Win10 Pro x64 system downloaded using the link on the multiAVCHD site.

    NOTE: When I open multiAVCHD now, even with no media files showing since I haven't either loaded a previous project to start from or used the MEDIA tab to add new files for a new project, when I go to the AUTHOR tab (and all the other tabs) the assorted items which are checked or not are still there from my original (and successful) attempt. The only thing not showing are the media files from the previously run project.

    So when I go to the AUTHOR tab the "create top menu" box is already checked, since that's how it last looked (and remember, my whole experiment was completely successful). So it's not like when I opened that tab the "create top menu" box wasn't checked and I now had to check it. It perhaps was like that very very initially when I just installed multiAVCHD and this was the very first time I opened it. But ever since then all of the various optional checkboxes from my prior used project are retained, not discarded and reset to defaults.

    I will give it another try, to see if resetting everything back to "default" and thus hopefully losing everything I've currently got retained from prior use makes any difference. I will then see if that "create top menu" box is truly un-checked when I get to that tab for the first time. And then I will see if there is anything problematic when I check it, but I'm sure not since this had to be what I went through the very first time I did it a few days back.

    I'll give it one more try, after uninstalling everything and deleting all previously created folders for the three prerequisite products as well as multiAVCHD. But I don't anticipate any difference in results.

    Note also that I do not have most of the other products installed: avidemux, AVStoDVD, MyMP4Box GUI, Virtualdub, HandBrake, XVid Video Codec, eac3to334. But I do have Audacity + ffmpeg for Audacity installed. I have some of these other products installed on my Win7 system where I used to occasionally create AVI's from assorted videos with Virtualdub, but not on my Win10 system. And I haven't used Virtualdub on Win7 for maybe 10 years.
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    I've now gone through the whole prescribed installation process, EXACTLY as instructed on Dean's "latest links" and installation instructions page. I used another Win10 machine that had never had anything video-related installed on it. In fact I don't even have Audacity installed on it, preferring to use CoolEdit 2000 for the relatively simple audio editing functions I utilize.

    Anyway, just to be clear, here was what I did. Remember this is a brand new "virgin white canvas" Win10 (20H2) system. Everything installed was exactly as it opened, pushing only NEXT until done. The only changes or tweaks in the default install sequence for any product are specifically noted.

    (1) Installed multiAVCHD.

    (2) Ran multiTEST (expecting everything to fail). It did all fail.

    (3) Installed AVISynth 2.58.

    (4) Installed FFDSHOW rev3054 from 2009-08-04, with the following items manually checked (their defaults are un-checked), exactly as shown in Dean's installation steps:

    (a) checked MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
    (b) checked VC-1
    (c) checked Raw Video

    (5) Installed Haali Matroska Splitter from 2009-11-01, with the following items manually checked:

    (a) enable MPEG-PS support

    (6) ran multiTEST again. This time ALL TESTS WORKED, including VC-1.

    [Attachment 56397 - Click to enlarge]

    (7) Launched multiAVCD for the very first time.

    (a) initial default presentation, with Media tab selected:

    [Attachment 56398 - Click to enlarge]

    (b) initial default presentation of Author tab:

    [Attachment 56399 - Click to enlarge]

    (c) Now I checked "Create top menu" box, and the program seemed to do something for a few seconds (perhaps this is when your error situation is occurring), so obviously it's not just checking an option that happens when the box is checked. Clearly SOMETHING else IS definitely happening. But in my case that did not cause any problem. After that short period of "thinking about it" the screen changed slightly, un-graying the default XMB menu option.

    [Attachment 56400 - Click to enlarge]

    So that's it. No errors of any kind up to this point.

    Sorry. Can't duplicate your problem.
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  18. Okay, sounds like something on my machine is conflicting in some way.

    I guess either myself or the guy that built this computer for me installed something that the tool just doesn't like.

    I think I'll need to resort to re-installing Windows 10...


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  19. Okay, I completely re-installed Windows 10.

    I installed NVIDIA control panel and Firefox - nothing else.

    I installed multiAVCHD and all the tools per

    MultiTEST fails VC-1 decoding.

    I launched multiAVCHD, went directly to author tab, no other setup of the application. Cannot check Create top menu box. I still get:

    [15:36:43] Avisynth is not working properly! Menu will not available!
    [15:36:43] Re/Install Avisynth 2.58, ffdshow, haali splitter.
    [15:36:43] Download links:

    I will uninstall, re-install and provide screenshots.

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  20. Virgin install of Windows 10.

    I didn't change anything for avisynth.

    I clicked on four additions for ffdshow.

    I clicked on one addition for haali media splitter.

    I didn't configure anything for multiAVCHD, just tried to enable top menus.

    What am I doing wrong???

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    Interesting that the install target is to C:\ in Win10 (as it is on my machines as well) whereas in Win7 it's C:\Program Files (x86). Doesn't seem to make any difference as far as running the program, but it's interesting.

    I happen to have my systems with UAC set to OFF (so as not to be bothered constantly every time I do anything that touches something Windows is protective of). Again, shouldn't make any difference even if you still have UAC active as long as you let it go ahead and make whatever changes it wants to make when you install or run anything.

    Not that it should make any difference, but I don't use my Microsoft account userid/password to sign into Windows. I have a "local" (offline) username/password, very traditional. And of course that local username/password has Administrator rights. So installing AVISynth, etc. should have gone ok... assuming this error message is legitimate in complaining about some kind of a problem.

    Try this, to verify that AVISynth is installed and operational. It should work as described if it is:

    (1) create a script (i.e. text file) named VERSION.AVS and put it somewhere. It's content is only one line (exactly as follows):


    (2) open File Explorer and navigate to where you saved VERSION.AVS, right-click on the file and select "Open with..."

    (3) When you get the "Open with..." dialog click on the "more apps" link to get the "how do you want to open this file" dialog.

    (4a) Scroll down through the alphabetical list of offered programs. At the bottom you should see Windows Media Player, which you should select.

    (4b) If you don't see Windows Media Player at the bottom of the list there is a "look for another app on this PC" link, and click on it to get the standard "Open with..." dialog. Then navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player, open that folder, and double-click (or select and push the OPEN button) on WMPLAYER.EXE to launch Windows Media Player.

    (5) You should then get a message from WMP about the fact that it doesn't recognize the extension of AVS but that it still might be able to play it, and do you want to let it try. Go ahead and push the YES button, and if AVISynth has been installed properly you will next see a short "video" that looks like the following:

    [Attachment 56429 - Click to enlarge]

    If this works as I describe, then it sure looks like AVISynth is actually installed properly. If not, let's pursue what happened back when you installed it.
    Last edited by DSperber; 25th Dec 2020 at 07:25.
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  22. I did what you described and I get exactly what your screenshot shows, so it seems that avisynth is installed correctly.

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  23. I just launched ProcessMonitor (d/led years ago from Microsoft) and added a filter for Process Name is multiAVCHD.exe.

    I then launched multiAVCHD and navigated to the Author tab. Once there, I cleared all logged events (ctrl-X) and clicked on the Create top menu button.

    Attached is the exported log file in comma separated format (CSV.) I see a lot of results with NAME NOT FOUND -- I'm not sure if that's a problem but it doesn't sound good to me...

    It looks like multiAVCHD is making a file called 20201225-103308-avstest.avs several times and using it in various way but it gets deleted, so I don't know what's in it.

    Perhaps you can create a similar log and see if there is anything substantially different between the two.

    Image Attached Files
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    Looking at your PROCMON output and comparing to mine, I'm wondering if your MULTIAVCHD.DAT is corrupt or invalid. Are you using some unusual disk storage manager, BitLocker or something? Running in a VM?? I'm not.

    Early in both of our trace outputs is the identical information about multiAVCHD.DAT: "CreationTime: 8/26/2010 5:16:14 AM, which is exactly what I show on my system. So it does look like we're both using the same version of multiAVCHD.DAT.

    But there is an odd trace entry at line 7 in your file, about "QueryEAFile","C:\multiAVCHD\multiAVCHD.dat","SUCC ESS","" which I don't have in mine.

    This QueryEAFile sometimes pertains to a corrupt file. This entry in your file comes right after a "CreateFile","C:\multiAVCHD\multiAVCHD.dat","SUCCE SS" which I also have in my trace, but I do not have the QueryEAFile that you have.

    Next, we both have the identical "QueryStandardInformationFile","C:\multiAVCHD\mult iAVCHD.dat","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 5,210,112, EndOfFile: 5,207,375, which seems to say you have the identical multiAVCHD.DAT, which is good. But I don't know about that QueryEAFile.

    There is a download for:

    multiAVCHD DAT file only:

    That retrieves multiAVCHD-DAT.exe, which you then RUN to produce multiAVCHD.DAT (5,207,375 bytes). This should be in the same directory as the multiAVCHD_4.1.exe installer for multiAVCHD. At least that's where I have both of them, in the same directory.

    When running the install of multiAVCHD, immediately upon completion there is a duplicate multiAVCHD.DAT located in c:\multiAVCHD that is exactly the same 5,207,375 bytes. At least that's what it is supposed to look like. Do you show that as well?

    Most suspicious about multiAVCHD.DAT on your system is that right after the QueryStandardInformationFile against multiAVCHD.DAT my trace shows TWO ReadFile entries: one returning a record of 765 bytes and then a second of length 4096. On your trace, only the 765 byte record has a ReadFile entry. The second ReadFile is missing. This could be related to the QueryEAFile entry that's in your trace but not in mine suggesting some corruption perhaps, maybe explaining the missing ReadFile in your trace.

    I'll attach my own CSV output which is larger than yours, but it's really up near the front where we need to focus our attention I believe, to see the "giant clue" (as I like to call it).
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by DSperber; 25th Dec 2020 at 20:16.
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  25. I have re-installed Windows 10 one more time (settings / Update & Security / Recovery / Reset this PC / Remove Everything / Local reinstall.) Once it had completed, I created an offline account, updated Windows until it was up-to-date, and then proceeded to install multiAVCHD. I even used Edge as the browser, so I installed nothing beyond the Windows OS prior to the multiAVCHD install.

    I started with the tools: avisynth, ffdshow, and haali, in that order, downloaded using Dean's links.

    I then installed multiAVCHD, launched it, navigated to thee Author tab, and clicked Create top menu. As before, it complained. I attached the ProcMon trace.

    The trace looks much like it did before, although that initial QueryEAFile is now gone. It still did only one read of multiAVCHD.dat as before.

    This is a brand new computer, custom built. The specs are:

    AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 3.5 GHz 16-core CPU
    MSI MEG X570 UNIFY ATX AM4 mainboard
    G.Skill Ripjaws V 128 GB DDR4-3600 CL 18 memory
    SK hynix Gold P31 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME SSD <- (C:)
    (external RAID5 via eSATA)
    (and a couple of Pioneer dual/triple/quad layer burners)

    I don't know why multiAVCHD would care about any of that though...
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