I'm calling:
and getCode:"I:\workspace\Hybrid\debug\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 8 -i "F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -f rawvideo - | "I:\workspace\Hybrid\debug\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -turbo -bitrate 1500 -pass1 "E:\Temp\test.stats" -w 640 -h 352 -csp i420 -framerate 25.000 -o NUL
as output on the console and the stats file only contains:Code:xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert xvidcore build version: xvid-1.3.7 Bitstream version: 1.3.7 Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE41 TSC Detected 16 cpus, using 16 threads. -1: key=0, time= 0, len= -5 | type=I, quant= 0, len= 0 Tot: enctime(ms) = 0.00, length(bytes) = 0 Avg: enctime(ms) = -1.00, fps =-1000.00, length(bytes) = -1 N frames: 1 frames, size = 0/ 0
-> any idea what I'm doing wrong? (same happens with '-csp yv12')Code:# XviD 2pass stat file (core version 1.3.7) # Please do not modify this file i 0 0 0 0 0 0
Got an example of a working command line with pipe input?
Cu Selur
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users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini
Shortening the calls to:
Code:"I:\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -i "F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi" -map 0:0 -an -sn -pix_fmt yuv420p -f rawvideo - | "I:\Hybrid\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -cq 3 -w 640 -h 352 -csp i420 -framerate 25 -o "E:\Temp\test.m4v"
Code:xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert xvidcore build version: xvid-1.3.7 Bitstream version: 1.3.7 Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE41 TSC Detected 16 cpus, using 16 threads. -1: key=0, time= 0, len= -5 | type=I, quant= 0, len= 0 Tot: enctime(ms) = 0.00, length(bytes) = 0 Avg: enctime(ms) = -1.00, fps =-1000.00, length(bytes) = -1 N frames: 1 frames, size = 0/ 0
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
According to this doom9 post, try:
Code:-i stdin
Nope, that does not help:
Code:"I:\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -i "F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi" -map 0:0 -an -sn -pix_fmt yuv420p -f rawvideo - | "I:\Hybrid\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -cq 3 -i stdin -w 640 -h 352 -csp i420 -framerate 25 -o "E:\Temp\test.m4v" xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert Error opening input file stdin
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
When I call xvid_encraw with -i NUL (to get the version number only), I get the following error:
Code:Wrong input format, I want YUV encapsulated in PGM
A "pgmyuv" format for ffmpeg is mentioned, but documentation is sparse.
PS: I asked to get this discussion separated from the original "new version" thread.Last edited by LigH.de; 5th Oct 2020 at 06:51.
I hope that's a hint towards the reason...
Code:Input options: -i string : input filename (stdin) -type integer : input data type (yuv=0, pgm=1, avi/avs=2) (0) -w integer : frame width ([1.4096]) -h integer : frame height ([1.4096]) -csp string : colorspace of raw input file i420, yv12 (default) -frames integer : number of frames to encode (all)
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Discuss in this thread.
Download from https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/386228-Xvid-1-3-5-%28CLI%29 -
Code:"I:\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -i "F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi" -map 0:0 -an -sn -pix_fmt yuv420p -f pgmyuv - | "I:\Hybrid\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -cq 3 -type 1 -w 640 -h 352 -csp i420 -framerate 25 -o "E:\Temp\test.m4v" xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert xvidcore build version: xvid-1.3.7 Bitstream version: 1.3.7 Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE41 TSC Detected 16 cpus, using 16 threads. Wrong input format, I want YUV encapsulated in PGM Tot: enctime(ms) = 0.00, length(bytes) = 0 Avg: enctime(ms) = -1.00, fps =-1000.00, length(bytes) = -1
Code:[NULL @ 000002026c727f40] Requested output format 'pgmyuv' is not a suitable output format pipe:: Invalid argument
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
True, pgmyuv is only a demuxer.
May be necessary to study the sources. -
I hope, studying the source (http://websvn.xvid.org/cvs/viewvc.cgi/trunk/xvidcore/examples/xvid_encraw.c?view=markup) can be avoided,..
I opened a thread over at doom9s about it.
https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=181894users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
I guess that xvid_encraw is unable to determine the number of frames of a pipe stream (because it cannot seek to the end of a file and possibly returns a size of 0 bytes), so you may have to add the number of frames explicitly as parameter...
Sadly, adding '-frames 429' didn't help either.
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Question: ¿does the problem also happens on Linux or Mac OS
I have just perused the source-code of xvid_encraw and unless I am very mistaken, it doesn't have pipe support on Windows"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Question: ¿does the problem also happens on Linux or Mac OS
(I guess named pipes might work on Linux, Mac and may be even on Windows, but I'd really like to avoid using them.)
Last edited by Selur; 6th Oct 2020 at 10:51.
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Ooops, it seems I didn't express myself clearly
I wrote "pipe", but I actually meant «stdin» =^.^="Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
looking at the source of xvid_encraw from http://forum.mediacoderhq.com/viewtopic.php?p=6578&sid=ec823340d2ac72a210714de0c57709d7 it looks like that version might work but it probably needs to be compiled against the current xvid version since the xvid_encraw binary does not seem to work with the current version,.. (or I'm doing something wrong)
Over at squid_80s site (http://members.optusnet.com.au/squid_80/) there is a xvid_encraw64 and xvid64 but I can't get them to work.Last edited by Selur; 6th Oct 2020 at 11:15.
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs."
got it working somehow a bit:
Code:| "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\xvid_test\xvid_encraw.exe" -w 640 -h 352 -framerate 100 -frames 2 -type 0 -o "E:\Temp\test.m4v" xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert 2002-2003 xvid [warn]: Single pass defaulting to quant 4.00 xvid [info]: Input is 640 x 352, 100.000fps (100/1), starting from frame 0 xvid [info]: Number of frames to encode: 2 xvid [info]: xvidcore build version: xvid-1.2.0-dev xvid [info]: Bitstream version: 1.2.-127 xvid [info]: Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 TSC xvid [info]: Detected 16 cpus, using 16 threads. 1: key=0, time= 2, len= 6 | type=I, quant= 4, len= 16093 -1: key=0, time= 0, len= -5 | type=P, quant= 4, len= 6 Tot: enctime(ms) = 4.00, length(bytes) = 16099 Avg: enctime(ms) = 2.00, fps = 500.00, length(bytes) = 8049 I frames: 1 frames, size = 16093/ 16093, quants = 4 / 4.00 / 4 N frames: 1 frames, size = 6/ 6
(using a frames X with X more than two I only get one)
-> hoping that it works with a modified xvid_encraw.c and a current xvidcore.dllLast edited by Selur; 6th Oct 2020 at 11:42.
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Ganz leicht ist es nicht
https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1925174#post1925174"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Fortunately Kurtnoise chimed in and fixed the stdin issue of the encraw.exe
https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1925197#post1925197"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Yup, strange thing is I'm pretty sure I had an xvid_encraw back in the days that worked properly with yuv4mpegpipe, but having rawvideo pipe support is good enough.
Hopefully whenever someone again changes something in the code he also adds some error message when there is a parameter that can't be parsed (due to a typo or similar).users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Argh,... now that xvid_encraw works MP4Box fails me.
A simple:
Code:MP4Box -add "E:\Temp\2020-10-07@17_16_39_1610_01.m4v" -tmp "E:\Temp" -new "E:\Output\2020-10-07@17_16_39_1610__02.mp4"
Code:[Importer] Error probing E:\Temp\2020-10-07@17_16_39_1610_01.m4v Error importing E:\Temp\2020-10-07@17_16_39_1610_01.m4v: Filter not found for the desired type
Cu Selur
Ps.: mkvmerge doesn't support MPEG-4 ASP raw streams either :/ (https://gitlab.com/mbunkus/mkvtoolnix/-/issues/270)
-> so ffmpeg seems to be the only tools that currently can remux such streams to mkv/mp4Last edited by Selur; 7th Oct 2020 at 14:27.
users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
Yes, that's the reason why MeGUI needs this workaround too: xvid_encraw doesn't create OpenDML AVIs >2GB (and MKV support is marginal, if enabled at all), so it has to create raw MPEG-4 ASP, and then it can't mux it with the optimal tools. Somehow, xvid_encraw is really only a test tool, not a production application.
Update: Now works without any -i parameter (and -i stdin is not recognized anymore).
But thanks for looking into it!
Cu Selurusers currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini -
If you need both, then you will have to convince wiiaboo in the Pull Request on github that he patches the alternative handling back in...
don't really 'need' both just think it's more consistent.
Personally I would prefer '-' for stdin
-> no biggy
Cu Selurusers currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555, marcorocchini
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