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  1. Member Seeker47's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    drifting, somewhere on the Sea of Cynicism
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    I accidentally dropped one of mine onto a hard surface, something is now rattling around loose inside (but WHAT ?), and the player has since developed "Alzheimers." (It does not see or recall videos added to a hard drive or flashdrive since the drop, which the other WD Live TV players will find and play. Besides that, it seems to still be functional -- but that deficit is still a dealbreaker.) I believe that the device is probably toast at this point, but I'd like to find out what came loose, for future reference. There are no apparent screws or other points at which one could take this device apart, and I'd rather not use a crowbar type solution if I don't have to. A Google search came up with a reputed procedure for taking apart a different model, the Live TV Hub. Might anyone here know the answer ?
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    Feb 2006
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    Originally Posted by Seeker47 View Post
    I accidentally dropped one of mine onto a hard surface, something is now rattling around loose inside (but WHAT ?), and the player has since developed "Alzheimers." (It does not see or recall videos added to a hard drive or flashdrive since the drop, which the other WD Live TV players will find and play. Besides that, it seems to still be functional -- but that deficit is still a dealbreaker.) I believe that the device is probably toast at this point, but I'd like to find out what came loose, for future reference. There are no apparent screws or other points at which one could take this device apart, and I'd rather not use a crowbar type solution if I don't have to. A Google search came up with a reputed procedure for taking apart a different model, the Live TV Hub. Might anyone here know the answer ?
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