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  1. Member
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    6 Top Lace Sewing Tips

    Lace is something which always adds beauty and elegance to the dress. Usually, to enhance the look of the simple dress, we like to add lace to it. If you have the best basic sewing machine then you can add lace in the dress in no time or you can visit for the relevant information. No matter what kind of dress you are preparing, from shirt to the skirt, the lace can be added anywhere.

    Sew lace on a basic sewing machine

    If you are attempting lace project for the first time then you need some details to get started. Here we are to help you in moving forward in the projects by giving some of the tips.

    Lace type:

    Once you are in the market then you are going to realize how many laces are there in the market. Sometimes it’s going to be hard for you to choose the right one according to the project. From the bold one to the delicate design, there will be lots and the clear thing you need to keep in the mind is how you can construct it in the professional and righteous manner.

    Laces need to be fixed on the dress in a delicate manner because one mistake can cause a problem. In some cases, if you are using netting lace then keep the speed slow at the time of stitching because few techniques need to be applied to stable the lace. You can use water-soluble stabilizer as well which can later be removed from the fabric by washing.

    Invisible Seaming Techniques:

    At the time of attaching the lace to the dress, sewing techniques hold great importance. This is not possible to always avoid the seam lines because of the open structure of the lace but as a sewer, you can always find a solution. If you are sewing with the net backed laces then you can utilize the applique cuts over the seam line.

    You can sew the applique all the way around the place and you will be done with the whole thing without creating any mess. To hide the seam allowance and to avoid the stitches, you can use the same color thread or you can start stitching from the back of the fabric.


    At the time of adding lace to any kind of fabric, the most important part of the sewing is construction. You must understand the whole system of cutting and constructing the lace without damaging or creating bulky areas in the dress. To make the construction of the lace with the fabric less complicated, you need to cut it in a manner that edges must not be revealing.

    You are always allowed to cut the motifs and start sewing them into the fabric you want. Don’t get rush as this thing is just going to make your work hectic and full of mistakes. Keep the pace slow at the time of cutting and sewing.

    Cut lace fabric for sewing

    At the time of construction, you need to take care of the darts as well. A best first sewing machine can make things pretty easy and you can read more here for the relevant information.

    No to Backstitching:

    The seam is one of the most focused and typical things to sew and this determines your skills especially when you are a beginner. The seam must be flat, smooth and should not have any kind of bulky edges in the end which can ruin the whole appearance of the fabric. When you are starting or ending the seam, we usually do the backstitching to hold the seam at its place.

    When it comes to the lace then backstitching can bunch the whole fabric in the background. In this case, the ends of the seams will be untidy and you have to rip out the stitches to start over. Instead of doing backstitching, you need to keep the long tail of the thread and then tie the knot at the back with your hands. It will give a finished and tidy look to the lace as well as edges of the fabric.

    Decorative Edges:

    If you will ever get a closer look at the lace, then you can see the decorative edge in one of the laces and you must know how to take advantage of it. If you want to finish the neckline or hem in this situation, then this is the ideal time. This is one of the best trouble saving feature for the sewer and it can hide the bulky edges of the dress or it can help you in finishing the edges in the professional and easiest way.

    Pattern Weights:

    No matter if you are sewing a simple dress or you are preparing something with the lace, you need to use pins or weights to keep the things at its place. These small tools make the work much easier and we don’t have to measure or change the work position again and again. In the case of lace, I don’t prefer to use the pin and laces are delicate and they can be ruined with the pins.

    I prefer to use the pattern weight when you are sewing with the lace. You can also use markers to get the idea about a certain point but use the marker from the wrong side because it’s hard to remove the mark from laces. Once you are done with the whole setting, use the pattern weights to keep the laces at its place and start sewing.


    Laces are one of my favorite things to add in the dress because it gives an elegant, delicate and unique look to the whole work. If you are sewing the lace right into the dress then it can help in maintaining the consistency of the dress as well. You can read Expert Reviews On What Is The Best Sewing Machine For Beginners You Should Buy to get more relevant and useful information about the sewing machines.

    I hope the above tips are going to help you in constructing the next lace project successfully.
    Last edited by Kim Bowen; 15th Aug 2021 at 04:23.
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  2. Original content more than :30 long?

    Adobe Premiere
    Davinci Resolve
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  3. davinci resolve, (free version) you will need decent computer, at least i7 8gb ram for resolve, and that is just for basic 1080p 16gb ram minimum if you want to make motion graphics as well.
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  4. Member
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    Why not try some of the free ones first before you invest, Kdenlive, Openshot, Shotcut, there are others, then upgrade when you feel ready.
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  5. Originally Posted by DeJay View Post
    Why not try some of the free ones first before you invest, Kdenlive, Openshot, Shotcut, there are others, then upgrade when you feel ready.
    The "free ones" by and large give a second rate user experience. Better to try the "real" NLEs during their free trial period and then see if the free ones are suitable.
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  6. Originally Posted by smrpix View Post
    Originally Posted by DeJay View Post
    Why not try some of the free ones first before you invest, Kdenlive, Openshot, Shotcut, there are others, then upgrade when you feel ready.
    The "free ones" by and large give a second rate user experience. Better to try the "real" NLEs during their free trial period and then see if the free ones are suitable.

    There are too many posts which have headings like "best FREE ..." You should find out what works, and then work on figuring out which ones can fit into your budget. There are lots of paid options which are in the $50 and under category that blow the free programs out of the water.
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  7. If you want to pursue a career as a professional editor, you should grab the free Avid First(full working version except limits on ex. number of tracks, export options). If you master this, you're ready to take on professional editing jobs(at least technically).

    If you need to expand a project beyond the limits of First, the Avid project file can be converted to aaf with this: (project needs to be installed first), however if you're not aiming at a career, but just want to edit some stuff you could, as mentioned try open source softwares out like Blender, or Olive Video Editor(next version of it will be sparkling).
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