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  1. My Sister's Nintendo Wii stopped working over a year ago, so she has been doing without. It was a refurbished unit to begin with and she could have perhaps made it last longer if she didn't have it constantly on even when not playing it. Well anyway she has the Super Mario World that came with it, a disc with Nintendo Sports on it such as Bowling. We bought her Super Mario All Stars for the Wii; and she has Wheel Of Fortune and Jeopardy. What I am wondering is should she get a Nintendo Wii U or should she go with a Nintendo Switch as it seems discs are a thing of the past. Now if Nintendo Switch could play the Wii Discs that would be the way to go. But from what I am seeing they take little SD Cards. Would a Nintendo Switch have the games I mentioned in their streaming platform?

    Thanks in advance for any advice concerning this matter. We are going to stay away from Roms, because that seems to be illegal or something close to it. She may have some funding to get a new Consul of some sort, we don't know for sure about that yet. My Sister is developmentally delayed and she used to get quite a lot of enjoyment out of playing the games.

    Something I wonder about is these little SD Cards, how long do they last?
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  2. Using Nintendo Switch, those micro SD cards just extend memory, right? They are not that expensive though.
    Games could be also bought thru deposit on your account, like PS4 etc. , that card with a deposit could be bought anywhere, so that is another way to get a game if you are on-line. Using that USB to LAN adapter for Switch to hardwire to LAN, because of weak wifi signal, it works better if playing on-line. Nintendo switch does not have LAN port just wifi antenna so this could be workaround. Not buying Game cards/ Nintendo cartridges. If that microSD card fails not sure what the procedure is, if it can be downloaded again to a new card if it was paid once before, I'd guess.
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  3. --Al--: Thank you for your response. Yes there are certainly a lot of things to think about. I would probably be using a ethernet adapter as I have wifi disabled.
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  4. Dinosaur Supervisor KarMa's Avatar
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    how long do they last?
    They should last way longer than you would ever use them
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  5. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    I think Wii U has some fun games.

    I got a new limited-edition version Wii U some years ago, with games and accessories, as collateral for a loan. He flaked on the loan repayment. So it became mine. I'm not much of a gamer, no time for it, but I did find Mario Kart and Super Mario fun.
    Last edited by lordsmurf; 5th Sep 2020 at 01:18. Reason: typo
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  6. Dinosaur Supervisor KarMa's Avatar
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    Oh wow, I didn't check prices. Due to the virus people have been buying up video game consoles to keep themselves entertained and so Switch prices are through the roof. It retails for $300 but no one is selling for that, with used Switches going for $350 to $450. The Lite version is at some Best Buys for $200 if you can find it but those can't play on a TV.

    Wii U prices are better on ebay, usually coming with a handful of games too.
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  7. You can play WII games on WII U...
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  8. I will send an email to my Sister's worker who manages that money and suggest the Wii U. I was kind of scared to suggest it as I know Switch is the newest and latest, but perhaps if we take care of the Nintendo Wii U better than we did the Nintendo Wii it will last for many years to come. Thank you all for your posts.
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  9. I'd go with switch
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  10. Member
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    Hey, I just bought my Nintendo Switch and I don't regret it! It's so much fun to play together.
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  11. Nintendo switch I would choose if I were you. But as mentioned above, the prices for game consoles have risen due to the fact that people began to buy game consoles because of the coronavirus.
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