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  1. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    Thread moved to off topic forum where it belongs.
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.

  2. Member DB83's Avatar
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    When I saw johns0 here, I expected a different outcome

  3. Originally Posted by DB83 View Post
    When I saw johns0 here, I expected a different outcome
    Maybe and hopefully for me to be banned.

  4. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Snoopy329 View Post
    Originally Posted by DB83 View Post
    When I saw johns0 here, I expected a different outcome
    Maybe and hopefully for me to be banned.

    Nope. IMHO you have not done anything to get banned.

    Moderators normally post in threads to close them.

  5. Originally Posted by DB83 View Post
    Originally Posted by Snoopy329 View Post
    Originally Posted by DB83 View Post
    When I saw johns0 here, I expected a different outcome
    Maybe and hopefully for me to be banned.

    Nope. IMHO you have not done anything to get banned.

    Moderators normally post in threads to close them.
    I appreciate that.

  6. Member
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    Originally Posted by Snoopy329 View Post
    Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    I'm telling you that everybody here recognizes that kind of cheap manipulation for what it is, nobody likes it, and that few will put up with it for very long. For the most part, you get back what you give here. Start dealing honestly with the other members. Grow a thicker skin, stop thinking the worst, and treat them like you want to be treated. Otherwise you may find yourself being ignored for real.
    Ahh. I guess your part of the bandwagon and the blue code. A bit of drama maybe? So "Boy this forum is not very helpful. Did I break some rule or something or do I need to ask expert questions to be considered"? is cheap manipulation? Interesting psychology you have there.

    Give me evidence when I haven't been honest with other members here... I'm sure you'll have a hard time with that one. I have spoken my mind and have defended myself without name calling or attacking anyone personally (which is more than I can say for some here) so no, I don't need to grow a thicker skin.

    Yeah I do treat others like I want to be treated and If you would have read every single other post I have made you would have seen how I treat others not judge me by that one sentence you filter. You don't like the posts I have made defending myself? Well too bad for you but that won't stop me and if anyone chooses to ignore me "for real" for simply defending myself, so be it. It'll simply prove I was right all along.

    Stop thinking the worst? Funny since it doesn't stop comin.
    Yes, "Boy this forum is not very helpful. Did I break some rule or something or do I need to ask expert questions to be considered"? qualifies as cheap manipulation. You even admitted in this very thread that your second post at VideoHelp was intended to manipulate by saying it was "Psychology 101":
    Originally Posted by Snoopy329 View Post
    Funny how a negative "tone" gets people's attention. Psychology 101.
    There are so many other more honest ways to bump a thread. Such as "Anyone?" or "Still hoping for some help" but you chose none of them

    As far as jumping to conclusions, the worst trolls who joined here in the past 15 years kept speculating early in their history that they were going to be banned and frequently claimed they were being victimized and were merely defending themselves against unfair criticism. If you weren't following what is to me a familiar and worrisome path, I'd feel way more positive about your future prospects as a member here.
    Last edited by usually_quiet; 25th May 2020 at 18:24.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329

  7. Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    Yes, "Boy this forum is not very helpful. Did I break some rule or something or do I need to ask expert questions to be considered"? qualifies as cheap manipulation. You even admitted in this very thread that your second post at VideoHelp was intended to manipulate by saying it was "Psychology 101":
    There are so many other more honest ways to bump a thread. Such as "Anyone?" or "Still hoping for some help" but you chose none of them.
    As far as jumping to conclusions, the worst trolls who joined here in the past 15 years kept speculating early in their history that they were going to be banned and frequently claimed they were being victimized and were merely defending themselves against unfair criticism. If you weren't following what is to me a familiar and worrisome path, I'd feel way more positive about your future prospects as a member here.
    Just can't give it a rest like the other members have can you? Your user name "usually_quiet" doesn't really fit.

    I admitted nothing. I never used the phrase "intended to manipulate" but I can see how you are manipulating it suit your case. It was suggested by another member that I "set the tone"with my original sentence (trying to bump the thread as it was put). Obviously it was meant that I set a negative tone so that stuck a chord with me because I didn't see it that way. Hence my sarcastic reply of "Funny how a negative "tone" gets people's attention. Psychology 101" which you are cleverly trying misconstrue and use against me. That psychology doesn't work on me.

    Honest ways? You have an interesting choice of words. I guess someone on this forum was cheated by me. That sentence from my post was offensive to NOONE expect to those who choose to be petty, nitpick and are just waiting to pounce on someone for something they deem "negative, offensive, sour or whatever other label you'd like to give. Funny how you conveniently choose to ignore everything else I said afterwards explaining myself and I quote: "And I wasn't complaining I was simply wondering if I had broken any rules or had to ask the questions a certain way since some forums are not noob friendly. When someone else makes a post the same day I did and they receive over 90 replies whilst I receive none, it made me wonder. " Let me guess, that sentence was offensive too?

    You: "As far as jumping to conclusions, the worst trolls who joined here in the past 15 years kept speculating early in their history that they were going to be banned and frequently claimed they were being victimized and were merely defending themselves against unfair criticism".

    A veiled way to call me a troll but thats just another name I've been called in this thread. Amazingly, I still haven't called anybody anything, yet, me bad you good, you right me wrong.

    As far as the rest of your sentence, that psychology may work on someone else but not me. The words "victimize" and "unfair criticism" have not been typed by me so try again. Defending myself? Speaking my mind? Giving my opinion? Expressing how I feel about something? Sure I've done that. And? If you don't like it well thats tough luck. I have as much right as anybody to do so and I have done it in a way that is offensive to noone as I have not been vulgar or called anybody anything. Of course, thats overlooked. What matters is that I agree you or whoever else has an opinion. Thats why you keep trying to one-up me with every post you make and that is why I need to keep "defending myself."

    You: "Start dealing honestly with the other members. Grow a thicker skin, stop thinking the worst, and treat them like you want to be treated." Again, interesting choice of words. Maybe someone else can enlighten me as to who I have not been honest with and I have cheated. As for everything else in that sentence, maybe you should take your own medicine. Shall we keep going? If so? to what end?

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    I mean "honest" in the sense of truthful, sincere, or straightforward.

    This forum like most has little tolerance for either professional victims or trolls, and you are one or the other of those, maybe both. Now ignored.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329

  9. Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    I mean "honest" in the sense of truthful, sincere, or straightforward.

    This forum like most has little tolerance for either professional victims or trolls, and you are one or the other of those, maybe both. Now ignored.
    So... you just repeated what you said in your previous post and added me to your "ignore list". Nice cop out. Maybe now this thread can be closed.

  10. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Snoopy329 View Post
    I really don't want to keep this contest to see who has the biggest penis
    Those who feel a need to measure suffer from "little man syndrome". I already see enough of that on the news, from a certain DC resident.

    There are always two sides to every story, always. Thats simply a fact
    Again, no. There are never "sides" to a story. There is fact/truth, and there is BS. Only those who say "always two sides" are unable to discern which is which. Additionally, "two sides" is simply ignoring what you don't want to acknowledge. The phrase "must take the bad with the good" is astute, but the "two sides" mentality warps that into "good or bad" (or worse "good vs. bad"), and not the reality of "good AND bad".

    In which one of my replies in this post have I attacked or called someone names as you just did me?
    Many of them, with passive-aggressive wordy victimhood. Here's an early dick-ish reply. You wanted a video editor that ignored the reality of NLEs. You insisted on software that didn't exist, and had a tantrum when told it didn't exist. Notice that nobody else cared to help after your outbursts, only the banned baby was replying (and with his usual mix of wrong facts and nonsense, which you seemingly believe).

    You fail again. And what emotional support am I seeking?
    No idea. You're the one who posted the love letter thread to a banned member.
    Last edited by lordsmurf; 31st May 2020 at 21:12.
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  11. Originally Posted by lordsmurf View Post
    Originally Posted by Snoopy329 View Post
    I really don't want to keep this contest to see who has the biggest penis
    Those who feel a need to measure suffer from "little man syndrome". I already see enough of that on the news, from a certain DC resident.

    There are always two sides to every story, always. Thats simply a fact
    Again, no. There are never "sides" to a story. There is fact/truth, and there is BS. Only those who say "always two sides" are unable to discern which is which. Additionally, "two sides" is simply ignoring what you don't want to acknowledge. The phrase "must take the bad with the good" is astute, but the "two sides" mentality warps that into "good or bad" (or worse "good vs. bad"), and not the reality of "good AND bad".

    In which one of my replies in this post have I attacked or called someone names as you just did me?
    Many of them, with passive-aggressive wordy victimhood. Here's an early dick-ish reply. You wanted a video editor that ignored the reality of NLEs. You insisted on software that didn't exist, and had a tantrum when told it didn't exist. Notice that nobody else cared to help after your outbursts, only the banned baby was replying (and with his usual mix of wrong facts and nonsense, which you seemingly believe).

    You fail again. And what emotional support am I seeking?
    No idea. You're the one who posted the love letter thread to a banned member.
    Are you still replying? You must be so bored, have no life and probably both. What a waste.

  12. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    I guess it's time to lock this.

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