Hi, I have a lot of .ts video files with their respective .aac audio files, I joined one with avidemux but since they are many, I wanted to know if there's a tool to automate in batchs
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Try ..
Code:for %%a in ("*.ts") do ffmpeg -i "%%~na.aac" -i "%%~na.ts" -acodec copy -vcodec copy "%%~na.muxer.ts" pause
責任者-MDX -
I'm not very skilled on the command line, but I made sure I had ffmpeg in the window's 10 enviroment path, I tested it running ffmpeg command, it works fine, when I run your command on the folder where I have the .ts and .aac files it gave me this back
Code:%%a was unexpected at this time.
Last edited by Danilux; 11th Apr 2020 at 21:16.
are you executing this directly in the command prompt or it's in a batch file?.. you have to create a batch file (eg. remux.bat)
if you run your code in command prompt you should use only one: % .. in all the names.責任者-MDX -
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