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  1. This means one more click, but I'll add it.
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  2. Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    This means one more click, but I'll add it.
    if you want to avoid additional clicks maybe this should be the default option - source folder becomes target folder.
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  3. Originally Posted by mannequin80 View Post
    Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    This means one more click, but I'll add it.
    if you want to avoid additional clicks maybe this should be the default option - source folder becomes target folder.
    That isn't a good idea, because if you work with many files from various locations you have to search the outputs in many locations.
    Last edited by ProWo; 13th Aug 2024 at 07:43.
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  4. Newest beta (v3.2.8.04), online now.

    Change destination folder option (request by mannequin80 and oniiz86).

    Bug in remember settings handing in audio/video encoding grids.

    The change destination folder option can be activated with the checkbox on the start screen.
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    Newest beta (v3.2.8.04), online now.
    The change destination folder option can be activated with the checkbox on the start screen.
    trying to figure out how it works. with both checked and unchecked, it still uses the old destination folder that was selected in the previous session and never prompts me or switches to use the source folder.
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  6. Check it, go to main, encode a video or audiostream.
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  7. Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    Check it, go to main, encode a video or audiostream.
    checking it doesn't seem to make any difference - it still uses the old, once selected, destination folder.
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  8. Originally Posted by mannequin80 View Post
    Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    Check it, go to main, encode a video or audiostream.
    checking it doesn't seem to make any difference - it still uses the old, once selected, destination folder.
    And you didn't use a video from the target folder as source?
    Because in this case the target and source folder are the same.

    It certainly works for me here.
    With the checkbox checked, a query appears after you have clicked encode (or To batch), asking whether you want to use the source folder or the target folder as the destination.
    Select, click OK and the stream will be saved in the selected folder.
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  9. on latest beta version i can see one new file PortableSettingsProvider.dll

    this file for ? clever is already portable

    edit: nevermind. i've now understand on next run of clever. nice update. cheers
    Last edited by lomero; 21st Aug 2024 at 03:17.
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  10. Originally Posted by neptune84, from review
    I'm wondering how can i attach font file (for ass subs) in multiplexing in a mkv file thank you.
    You cannot add anything there.
    The font must be specified in the subtitle ass file itself.
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  11. Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    It certainly works for me here.
    With the checkbox checked, a query appears after you have clicked encode (or To batch), asking whether you want to use the source folder or the target folder as the destination.
    i think the difference is, i'm trying it with Multiplex and not the Encode and it doesn't work with the box checked or unchecked.
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  12. Originally Posted by mannequin80 View Post
    i think the difference is, i'm trying it with Multiplex and not the Encode and it doesn't work with the box checked or unchecked.
    Ah, ok.
    An option to select the destination (source folder or target folder) in the multiplex section makes no sense, as files from different folders can be used here.
    For example, the video stream from the target folder, the audio stream from folder B, the subtitle stream from folder C. How should the program know what the source folder is here?
    For me, I think that this option is of no real benefit and brings more confusion than help.
    This is another reason why I have built it in so that you have to activate it and it is not always active.
    Quote Quote  
  13. Newest beta (v3.2.8.05), online now.

    Attached font and image extraction.
    Add image and font (request by neptune84) as attachment (atm for mkv only).
    Select scale algorythms (if resizing).

    Bug in destination folder reset.
    Bug in target file naming.

    Rewrote the whole chapters code. You can now use embedded chapters, create and edit new chapters or use /edit an external chapters file.
    Last edited by ProWo; 28th Aug 2024 at 10:05.
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  14. Originally Posted by GordonH, from review
    Version 3.2.8 has a fundamental problem. It doesn't find the ffmpeg directory even though it is sitting there. It asks EVERY time where ffmpeg is and also what temporary directory to use. This is a serious dropoff.
    clever FFmpeg GUI is completely portable since version 3.2.8, i.e. the user configuration data is no longer stored in C:\users\... but in the folder in which clever FFmpeg-GUI.exe is located.
    For this purpose, the file


    is required, which is included in the download zip.
    Copy it to the folder in which clever FFmpeg-GUI.exe is located.

    After that, the FFmpeg.exe location and the target folder will only be queried at the first start.
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  15. I did a side by side comparison between Yadif and QTGMC and Yadif didn't look good at all, I was hoping someone would come up with a GUI for different filters as buttons and sliders with real time view instead of a bunch of scripts that you have no idea how they look like until you execute them on the sample and review the resulting file.
    Last edited by georgejohn21; 1st Sep 2024 at 14:35.
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  16. For real time view you could try virtualdub2.
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  17. Member
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    I was hoping someone would come up with a GUI for different filters as buttons and sliders with real time view
    I'm no expert on it but I'm pretty sure AVSPMOD does this. You open script on separate tabs and click between each to compare, with easy adjustment to the scripts.
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  18. Hey there.

    Using current beta I wanted to test the auto-crop function and i have found the preview is not working well, the bottom black border is always visible testing the crop values, with TOP field with the crop value. I have tested a preview with same values using FFplay directly via cmd and worked fine with no bottom black border.

    For the test i have used FFmpeg 7.02.
    By the way i wanted to request to show a crop detect on media info streams list showed at the beginning in 'Source file info'.

    Also I have seen how the media streams list is showing if video stream has HDR, but testing that... always showed HDR-PQ but never what kind of HDR: HLG 10 10+ DV. I would be interesting to show HDR kind...
    Last edited by ingsoc; 4th Sep 2024 at 07:47.
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  19. Originally Posted by ingsoc View Post
    Using current beta I wanted to test the auto-crop function and i have found the preview is not working well, the bottom black border is always visible testing the crop values, with TOP field with the crop value. I have tested a preview with same values using FFplay directly via cmd and worked fine with no bottom black border.
    f you specify top manually, you must also specify height manually.
    If the automatic detection (you should press next crop several times until the values remain the same) does not work correctly, you should delete left and top so that the cropping is automatically centered. If you then enter e.g. 1280x720 ("16:9), 1280x536 (=2.39) or 1280x544 (=2.35) (for a 720p video) and then press preview, you can check whether the values are correct.

    Originally Posted by ingsoc View Post
    By the way i wanted to request to show a crop detect on media info streams list showed at the beginning in 'Source file info'.
    That makes no sense.

    Originally Posted by ingsoc View Post
    Also I have seen how the media streams list is showing if video stream has HDR, but testing that... always showed HDR-PQ but never what kind of HDR: HLG 10 10+ DV. I would be interesting to show HDR kind...
    HDR-PQ or HDR-HLG is recognized.
    Both are always at least 10 bit.
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  20. about crop detect, makes sense in the way that showed aspect ratio in streams list, is a lie. Example: aspect ratio is 16:9 but the video have black borders and real aspect ratio is 2.40:1. So conforming i understand this, FFmpeg is capable to detect if the video have black borders. What i am requesting is to show in the stream list the information about that FFmpeg is detecting crop is possible. Thanx to that we will know that showed aspect ratio in the streams list is not the real one. Even more, using that feature in FFmpeg, you should be able to show: Crop detected, real aspect ratio is xxxx.

    Without Top specified in crop section, the preview isn't working well. I am testing this using directly FFplay and results differs.

    About HDR, HDR10 and 10+ is not the same. What i meant is that more precision on the stream list would be good about all HDR kinds.
    Last edited by ingsoc; 4th Sep 2024 at 10:21.
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  21. Originally Posted by ingsoc View Post
    about crop detect, makes sense in the way that showed aspect ratio in streams list, is a lie. Example: aspect ratio is 16:9 but the video have black borders and real aspect ratio is 2.40:1. So conforming i understand this, FFmpeg is capable to detect if the video have black borders. What i am requesting is to show in the stream list the information about that FFmpeg is detecting crop is possible. Thanx to that we will know that showed aspect ratio in the streams list is not the real one. Even more, using that feature in FFmpeg, you should be able to show: Crop detected, real aspect ratio is xxxx.
    The video stream and the container do not contain this information, only the aspect ratio. You can also check this with mediainfo. FFmpeg can only determine this with cropdetect.

    Originally Posted by ingsoc View Post
    About HDR, HDR10 and 10+ is not the same. What i meant is that more precision on the stream list would be good about all HDR kinds.
    I don't have any HDR films myself and the samples I have found are either HDR-PQ or HDR-HLG.
    If you have other types, then post the media info report of the video stream for each type here. Then I will adjust the detection routines.
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  22. ProWo, with a simple FFmpeg command in a single frame we can determine if crop is detected.

    FFmpeg -vf "cropdetect=24:16:0"

    [Parsed_cropdetect_0 @ 000000000268d400] x1:0 x2:719 y1:74 y2:501 w:720 h:416 x:0 y:80 pts:1814400 t:20.160000 crop=720:416:0:80

    And surely is the same command your tool is using when entering the crop section, am I right?. So just with that, you can inform in the streams list section about all this. If you need captures i can post them to clarify this. But the main question is because informed aspect ratio is wrong when crop is detected, for obvious reasons, black borders.

    Or... am I understanding wrong this FFmpeg feature ?

    And about the preview I am using:

    ffplay -i video.mp4 -vf "crop=720:416:0:80"
    Where that crop parameters come from the previous 'cropdetect' gave by FFmpeg. Result is a perfect preview video crop without black borders. And now, its aspect ratio is 2.40:1, and not 16:9. But I can't obtain the same preview result from your tool, for that reason I said that something is not working well there...

    As you requested, here you have a mediainfo result over a video with HDR10+ and DolBy Vision: I hope it helps.
    Last edited by ingsoc; 5th Sep 2024 at 10:08. Reason: a new attachment
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  23. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    September 06 2024 release version 3.2.9.
    Change destination folder option (target/source folder, request by mannequin80 and oniiz86).
    (This option has to be activated with the checkbox on the start screen.)
    Attachments extraction (font and image).
    Add image and font (request by neptune84) as attachment (atm for mkv only).
    Select scale algorythms (if resizing).

    Bug in remember settings handing in audio/video encoding grids.
    Bug in destination folder reset.
    Bug in target file naming.
    Bug in change framerate.
    Bug in mux truehd to mp4.

    Rewrote the whole chapters code.
    You can now use embedded chapters, create and edit new chapters or use /edit an external chapters file.
    HDR recognition (request by ingsoc).
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  24. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    September 08 2024 release version 3.3.0.
    Important bug with High DPI in many screens.
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  25. on latest 3.3.0 i get error on Cut video

    [Attachment 82055 - Click to enlarge]

    here ffmpeg version on bin folder

    [Attachment 82057 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by lomero; 9th Sep 2024 at 02:15.
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  26. @ Iomero
    Unfortunately, I cannot read the error messages.
    Cannot reproduce the error here.
    Everything works as it should.
    Delete this file and then try again:
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  27. please, my nick is lomero, with L lowercase, not I uppercase

    however, delete file portable.config and same error (but now error about Net Framework)

    and this error only with Cut function...

    [Attachment 82079 - Click to enlarge]
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  28. @lomero
    is your system32 path = C:\Windows\System32?
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  29. Hi there,

    Awesome software, great for conversions, but I'm having problems with the following. I have a dts or eac3 file that are just audio. I'd like to convert these to a MKV file with a JPG as the video. I can add the jpg to the multiplex screen and it creates an mkv that shows the jpg, but the duration is just a few seconds long - it doesn't use the audio as the duration. Is it possible to set this somewhere?

    Also, is it possible to see the command line that the GUI is creating to perfom the multiplex or audio stream process? It would be a great way to start automating tasks with a pre-created command line.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

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  30. Originally Posted by ShaggyDragon View Post
    I have a dts or eac3 file that are just audio. I'd like to convert these to a MKV file with a JPG as the video. I can add the jpg to the multiplex screen and it creates an mkv that shows the jpg, but the duration is just a few seconds long - it doesn't use the audio as the duration. Is it possible to set this somewhere?
    No, for showing the picture the full duration of the audiostream, you must create a videostream from your picture with the same length as the audiostream and then mux both. Google for creating video from single picture with ffmpeg.

    Originally Posted by ShaggyDragon View Post
    Also, is it possible to see the command line that the GUI is creating to perfom the multiplex process?

    Originally Posted by ShaggyDragon View Post
    ...or audio stream process?
    Yes, for audiostream, videostream, subtitlestream process you can use the batch function instead of direct encode.
    After the batch is created, quit clever FFmpeg-GUI. In your target folder you'll find a new file BE_open.txt.
    In this file all open batches are listed with her respective commandlines.
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