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  1. Member
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    Mar 2020
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Search Comp PM

    I am relatively new on this forum, but has found great help so far.

    I dont own a blu-ray / DVD player so I rip DVDs and blu-rays and play them via USB-HDD (more convenient anyway).

    I used to have an older Samsung LED TV which could play all mkv's with both subtitles and DTS sound, but my "new" from the NU series (UE50NU7475) can neither play DTS sound nor show subtitles. I fixed the sound thing - annoying but now fixed. My problem is now the subtitles.

    I dont mind making new mkv's since I still have all my DVDs / blu-rays, but I dont wanna rip more before I find a good and easy solution.

    I do it like this: 1) rip using makemkv 2) convert DTS to AC3 using mkv2ac3 (this particular one is PGS)

    Now, everything looks and sounds stunning (also 4K works), but no subtitles (I can see and play them in VLC-player but I cannot play them on my TV).

    I found an old mkv file which still plays - however I cannot remember how I did that. I analysed using uniconverter which says: video encode: H264 and subtitles1: English-eng text.

    So my questions are:
    1) How do I see in-which format the subs are put into the mkv which works - so that I can try to do it the same way?
    2) How do I put in the subs during the ripping or after so that they work on my Samsung TV? I could try to extract them and have them separately - but I hear people have trouble with that too and since I know it can work with the subs in the mkv - why not go after that?

    I greatly appreciate any help I can get. Thank you.

    Best regards Søren
    Last edited by WannabeZobbe; 15th Mar 2020 at 09:58. Reason: detailed that the sub is PGS
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  2. Member
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    Jul 2009
    United States
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    Use mediainfo to get the details of the subtitles. Best guess is that the subs need to be in a text format like .ass or .srt.
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  3. I don't know about the NU serie but for an elderly 8000 these subtitle formats were supported:

    [Attachment 52353 - Click to enlarge]

    ie for PGS and idx/vobsub you'll have to make an OCR with eg. Subtitle Edit.
    Last edited by videobruger; 15th Mar 2020 at 14:03.
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  4. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Search Comp PM

    Yeah, thanks. Its not easy to find the actual models requirements - they are not in the manual.

    @ zing269

    .srt and ass. are pretty widespread, so thats a good guess and using SE one can convert PGS to srt as videobruger says. However as PGS is a image and srt are text, they dont convert 1:1 - there are many mistakes / typoes in the resulting sub.

    HOWEVER - both replys gets me closer to a general solution - other than buying a new TV from a maker who cares about their users. Samsung is just so damn cheap for the quality.

    Thank you guys.
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  5. they are not in the manual
    I search for a manual for Samsung NU 8505. On page 152 I found this:

    [Attachment 52360 - Click to enlarge]

    Looks like idx/vobsub is supported as internal subtitles in a MKV file.

    there are many mistakes
    Even though I have good experience with OCR you can convert PGS to idx/vobsub with BDSup2Sub (or Subtile Edit) and mux it into a MKV file with MKVToolnix.
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