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  1. ½ way to Rigel 7 cornemuse's Avatar
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    I am looking fore a new stereo/media player. After reading the following rant, do you have any suggestions?

    My POS Sony stereo/media player is dieing on me. All I want is 5 ± hdmi inputs & 1 or 2 hdmi outputs.
    Hopefully a volume & bass/treble knobs, speaker select sw, on the stereo unit itself.
    A simple remote with actual buttons for selecting input, volume, mute, bass/treble.
    No wifi, no ability to use smart phones.

    On the pos sony, I had to write down how to change bass/treble settings (major PITA!) was easier to get up & press a button (on unit) to access B/T & then adjust.I just bought a Yamaha tsr 7850, (about 2 hours ago) but will not try connecting it yet, I might return it. With sooo many buttons you still have to navigate an out of hand menu system. (menu button r - down12345 r at EQ down1234 to base/treble r- up/down to adjust) Ridiculous to say the least. the remote has 54 buttons and a switch. yet uses two to cycle through all inputs. At least the sony has 5 buttons for 5 hdmi inputs. Yamaha F.A.Q's have nothing about this model.

    The quick start guide refers back to owners manual, which does not come with the unit. Theres a pdf online, but I would have to constantly be going back 'n' forth (dont have a comp in my living room).

    Do people want this? I allus seek simple methods. Do you prefer this complicating your lives?

    -corne- (FWIW, I will be 73 next month)

    Last edited by cornemuse; 14th Dec 2019 at 17:28. Reason: frustration (x2)
    Yes, no, maybe, I don't know, Can you repeat the question?
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  2. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    i find yamaha a step above pioneer, sony, denon. there are better but for the price you usually get excellent audio out of them. i've had 2 in the last 20 years. both workhorses that are/were used everyday. the current rx-v679 is faultless. 4k video and 7.2 audio. once you set it, i haven't adjusted a thing in years.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  3. ½ way to Rigel 7 cornemuse's Avatar
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    Yes, I understand Yamaha sound is supposed to be better. M issue(s) are with the remote control. They take something relativley simple & complicate it. again & again. & you dont realize this till you read the owners manual. Which you have to d/l 'cause its not included for $499.00

    edit: & not just yamaha, , , ,
    Last edited by cornemuse; 15th Dec 2019 at 11:40. Reason: feng shui
    Yes, no, maybe, I don't know, Can you repeat the question?
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  4. ½ way to Rigel 7 cornemuse's Avatar
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    I bought a Yamaha 7850 and a DENON AVRS750H, either/both returnable.

    Denon =Front:
    75 W + 75 W (8 Ω/ohms, 20 Hz – 20 kHz with 0.08 % T.H.D.)
    110 W + 110 W (6 Ω/ohms, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)
    75 W (8 Ω/ohms, 20 Hz – 20 kHz with 0.08 % T.H.D.)
    110 W (6 Ω/ohms, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)
    75 W + 75 W (8 Ω/ohms, 20 Hz – 20 kHz with 0.08 % T.H.D.)
    110 W + 110 W (6 Ω/ohms, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)
    Surround back:
    75 W + 75 W (8 Ω/ohms, 20 Hz – 20 kHz with 0.08 % T.H.D.)
    110W + 110W (6 Ω/ohms, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)

    yet relatively low sound volume coming outta the speakers

    Yamaha Lotta sound!! But voice (anybody talking) sounds like they have laryngitis, barely a whisper.

    And I cant figure out which setting to fix this.

    Figure this out & I would run with the Yamaha

    Denon has a phone # to call, not so Yamaha, must go online where I cant find out about this issue.

    Anyone here have this Yamaha 7850??
    Yes, no, maybe, I don't know, Can you repeat the question?
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