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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    United Kingdom
    Search Comp PM
    I'm seeing if anyone knows of a bat file that I can just drag a video file onto and increment the filename every time I drag a video file to the bat file.

    It would have to check for previous filename, then ffmpeg will render it with an incremented filename.

    Eg: and already exists in the folder. When I drag the video file to the bat file , it should render it as

    Hope that makes sense.

    Help appreciated.
    Quote Quote  
  2. this should work, fill in/correct underlined parts :
    @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    SET "ffmpeg=your_path_to\ffmpeg.exe"
    SET "output_folder=D:\rendered_files"
    SET "extension=mov"
    SET "prefix=Scene_"
    rem do not set this, just define it empty:
    SET "output_path="
    call :get_output_path "%output_folder%" %prefix% %extension%
    rem here goes your ffmpeg command line where %1 is input file and "%output_path%" is your destination
    "%ffmpeg%" -i %1 ..... your filters end such ..... "%output_path%"
    echo Done
    endlocal & echo press any key to exit ... & pause>nul & goto :eof
    :get_output_path <output folder> <prefix> <extension>
    SET "i=0"
    SET "formated_value=000"
    SET "output_path=%~1\%~2%formated_value%.%3"
    if exist "%output_path%" call :increase& goto :loop 
    goto :eof
    SET /a "i=%i%+1"
    SET "value=000000%i%"
    SET "formated_value=%value:~-3%"
    goto :eof
    Last edited by _Al_; 22nd Nov 2019 at 17:55.
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    United Kingdom
    Search Comp PM
    Very cool! All working thanks!
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