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  1. Member
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    I use PGC edit to set that when you press the "Previous" and "Next" buttons on the remote, the player jumps to the next or previous Title when playing. (This is not allowed by default when I author my DVD's with my software, the Next/Previous buttons are only reserved for chapter switching.) The problem however: in case of the Next button it works fine, but when you use the Previous button to jump back to the previous Title, the length of the Title is not adjusted on the timer. So for example you are on Title 2 that is 18:20 minutes long, and you press the Previous button and jump back to Title1, no matter how long Title 1 is, on the timer 18:20 will be displayed. Why is this and can you sort it out somehow in PGCedit? I tried to solve this problem in DVD lab pro that allows extensive setting of Next and Previous buttons, but the same happens. The command is there, it allows jumping Titles back and forth, but the timer is wrong when going back to previous Titles.

    Any idea?
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  2. Honestly, I have no idea why this happens. It is well known that the Prev/Next PGCN links work badly with many players, but if your player plays correctly the Prev PGC, it should also display the correct duration.

    There are other ways to do what you want. You can, for example, add a dummy chapter at the beginning of the movie, and a pre-command that jumps to chapter 2 to skip the dummy chapter when the title is called, and set a cell command to the dummy chapter that will jump to the previous title. That way, when the user will press the Prev button when the first real chapter is playing, the player will jump to the dummy chapter, play it and then execute the cell command and jump to the desired target. It's somewhat complicated, but possible.

    Perhaps simpler, try this:
    Create a new Title with a dummy cell (for example with New Dummy PGC). Its content doesn't matter much, as it will never be played. In the movie, instead of setting the PrevPGCN link to the desired previous title, set it to the new dummy title. In that title, add a pre-command that will jump to the real target. That way, the jump will be made in two steps, and the target title will not be directly called by a problematic PrevPGCN link.

    Good luck!
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
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  3. Member
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    Meanwhile I managed to find a solution myself, too. I added some pre VM commands to the DVD forcing checking whether the recent title started to play after navigating back from the next one with the PREV button, and in case yes, it forces the recent tile to reload. After reloading the correct time will be shown.

    I tested this new solution both on my not very old Sony standalone player and an old, basic 2002 Grundig player that reads DVD+-R and RW only, both could jump titles with the PREV button and time was correct. On computer it was Windows Media player that couldn't interpret the time well originally, but with the VM commands added, it also displayed the correct time.

    So now it seems to me that though it is not a Standard way to author a DVD by far, allowing the PREV/NEXT button to jump titles correctly can be done.
    Last edited by Bencuri; 28th Oct 2019 at 16:43.
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  4. Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post
    Meanwhile I managed to find a solution myself, too. I added some pre VM commands to the DVD forcing checking whether the recent title started to play after navigating back from the next one with the PREV button, and in case yes, it forces the recent tile to reload. After reloading the correct time will be shown.
    Strange. It's a solution similar to the second one I have suggested, but you use the same title instead of creating a new one. Good job !
    r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
    - BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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