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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Search PM
    Hi guys,

    I would need small help and / or advice.
    I have Blu Ray external writer, it's LG BE06LU10 model.

    I have it for a while now and never had problems. It is and older model, 10 years for sure but so far it burned everything. Different disc types and companies. Today i bought a pack of 50 blu ray blank disc (Verbatim) and none of the disc couldn't be burned. I got the message disc not readable or not recognized and similar like that. I tried with another one from different company and it works fine. I also tried different burning programmes and same thing.

    Would you think it could be that writer simply does not support these discs or? Advice - buy new burner or return the discs?

    Thank you all in advance. Maybe it is a stupid question but never had this in 10 years.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States
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    Which Verbatim BD media failed to burn? The media description and MID code (ImgBurn in Discovery Mode can display the MID) would be useful information.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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