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  1. Hello, I am having some problems with this garbage capture device.

    For the most part, the LGP Lite capture perfectly fine. However, occasionally (which is far too often) it'll have a little hiccup where it doesn't record ANY AUDIO.

    And it's not like the audio is muted either, the audio track is flatout MISSING from the video. When I import the video into PowerDirector I can see the audio section of the video is completely missing. If I open the Media Info of the video, it shows details for the Video Track but nothing for the audio track... because it doesn't even exist.

    This has happened far too many times now, and to be honest it should NEVER happen. It's even more unforgivable when I've recorded a solid 1-2 hours of gaming that I can't re-do only to find there is zero audio in the video.

    I've had a motherboard/CPU/RAM upgrade since the first time this had happened, and now it's happened again, so my hardware can't be the problem. It used to be hooked to a USB 2.0 port but now it's hooked to a USB 3.0 port. Shouldn't make a difference though, I think.

    I've come to the conclusion that this particular capture device is utter trash, given all the issues I've had with it. All AVerMedia software is updated and the firmware on the LGP is updated to the most current.

    So, my obvious question is... WHY IS IT DOING THIS?!

    Thanks for any help.
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  2. Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump... thanks all.
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  3. You know what, clearly no-one knows or even wants to respond to my request for help. Either way, I no longer have the LGP Lite so any answers to my question are no longer required.
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