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  1. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I've tried Deinterlacing some captures using Yadif filter in VDub and I was satisfied with the results at least when played back in the computer, haven't tried TV yet. Besides the increased file size due to interpolation I haven't seen any weird artifacts that usually seen when using crappy deinterlacing filters. I usually never deinterlace but if this method turns out to be satisfactory I will start using it, What do you guys think?

    Sample original

    Sample de-interlaced
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  2. Yadif is mediocre. The goto deinterlacing filter is usually QTGMC in AviSynth. The difference shows up much more with videos with moving, near horizontal edges. With Yadif they will be buzzing and bouncing. With QTGMC they will be much smoother.
    Image Attached Files
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  3. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I'm aware of QTGMC but always tried to avoid script type programs I guess I'll have to give it shot now, I noticed in your sample the video is little blurrier was that due to de-interlacing or due to encoding to mp4? Any chance posting a lossless segment?

    How do you use QTGMC in AviSynth? and what script did you use for de-interlacing?
    Last edited by dellsam34; 22nd Jul 2019 at 14:01.
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  4. You included only credits. So the main video is different? You aren't treating it the same way, are you? Do you have a small sample of that available? 10 seconds would be plenty.

    You can use QTGMC in Avisynth as simply as:


    If using it as a single-rate deinterlacer, then:


    It can be difficult to get running as it needs other filters to make it work. There's a page on it at the Avisynth site with the information you'll need.
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  5. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I chose credits because of the motion, If it can do good on scrolling text it should do fine on slower moving objects. Any way, I downloaded all the core pluggins and put them all in the QTGMC folder, Is the process automatic just run QTGMC in Avisynth and it will look for the required plugins? Do they have to be in a specific folder?

    I downloaded AvsPmod, will it make it easier to use Avisynth? Otherwise where should I type the scripts in CMD?
    Last edited by dellsam34; 22nd Jul 2019 at 16:20.
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  6. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    I'm aware of QTGMC but always tried to avoid script type programs I guess I'll have to give it shot now,
    Unfortunately, QTGMC is one of the hardest filters to get working since it requires you download several other filters that it requires.

    Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    I noticed in your sample the video is little blurrier was that due to de-interlacing or due to encoding to mp4?
    A little of both. I used the default settings except for "sharpness=0.7" which is a little less sharp than default. QTGMC has tons of settings you can use to fine tune its output.

    Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    How do you use QTGMC in AviSynth? and what script did you use for de-interlacing?
    The script I used was:

    AviSource("The Trials Of Life sample huff.avi") 
    Crop(0,0,-0,-2) # remove two scan lines from the bottom of the frame to make it mod4
    ConvertToYV12(interlaced=true) # the version I have doesn't work with YUY2
    Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    I chose credits because of the motion, If it can do good on scrolling text it should do fine on slower moving objects.
    But deinterlacing may not be the proper way to handle the rest of that video. Concentrate on the birds in the background. They don't have a unique position in every frame (after deinterlacing) and there is field blending. This may be a field blended PAL to NTSC conversion -- with the titles added after the conversion. I would prefer to have the main show handled properly and let the titles be a little jerky, rather than the other way around.

    I create scripts with Notepad. Just save them as .AVS rather than .TXT. Yes, avspmod is a little easier for beginners.
    Last edited by jagabo; 22nd Jul 2019 at 16:36.
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  7. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    In the QTGMC home page I see a lot of functions such as motion analysis, denoising, Interpolation, sharpness and each one has several choices and values how do I know what's best? If I have to try several combinations of those options for each video it would take me ages since I can't preview the changes until the rendering is done, not to mention that I haven't figured out how to start using the thing.
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  8. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    I create scripts with Notepad. Just save them as .AVS rather than .TXT. Yes, avspmod is a little easier for beginners.
    And then where do you execute the script?
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  9. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    In the QTGMC home page I see a lot of functions such as motion analysis, denoising, Interpolation, sharpness and each one has several choices and values how do I know what's best?
    Just get it running first. Then you can tweak. The included doc is very good at explaining things and showing examples.
    And then where do you execute the script?
    You open it in VDub (or any encoder that accepts AviSynth scripts) using File->Open video file.
    ... it would take me ages since I can't preview the changes until the rendering is done,
    Not true at all. When you open it those changes are in the script and the video you see in VDub. Within the script you can rig up a 'Before and After' easily enough. Test out your scripts in VDub before encoding, to make sure the script is good and that it does what you want it to.

    No sample from the main video? The reason I suggested it and the reason jagabo echoed that suggestion was for the reason he gave - the main body may be very different from the end credits (and probably is, since it's from the BBC).
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  10. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    So I opened vdub and loaded a video and went to file/run script however I couldn't find the file I saved as *.avs vdub doesn't see it, What am I doing wrong?
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  11. None of that made any sense. To me anyway. You opened the script in VDub as I explained and saw video and could scroll around? If so and your intent is to encode that script, then you go to Video->Compression and choose and configure a codec. If lossless you choose Lagarith or whatever you usually use. Then File->Save AVI. At no time do you run script.
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  12. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    So I opened vdub and loaded a video and went to file/run script however I couldn't find the file I saved as *.avs vdub doesn't see it, What am I doing wrong?
    Use File -> Open Video File to open AviSynth scripts. File -> Run Script is for VirtualDub's own scripting language.
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  13. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I can't open scripts as videos, I get an error saying " AVI import error 80040154" I'm using Vdub2 though.

    Edit: Same error on both vdub and vdub2
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  14. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by manono View Post
    None of that made any sense. To me anyway. You opened the script in VDub as I explained and saw video and could scroll around? If so and your intent is to encode that script, then you go to Video->Compression and choose and configure a codec. If lossless you choose Lagarith or whatever you usually use. Then File->Save AVI. At no time do you run script.
    Obviously I'm trying to use Avisynth in Vdub.
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  15. That's actually an improvement. Did you install AviSynth? Note that you need 32 bit AviSynth (and 32 bit AviSynth filters) to work with 32 bit VirtualDub (or any other 32 bit program), or 64 bit AviSynth (and 64 bit AviSynth filters) to work with 64 bit VirtualDub (or any other 32 bit program).
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  16. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Yes I always install 64bit whenever I have a choice between 64 and 32bit, I have Win7 64bit. What filters do I need for Avisynth? I only downloaded filters for QTGMC.
    This is really turning into a deep rabbit hole for me but I want to follow along at least for now.
    I went to the tutorial page and saved Version() script as .avs and vdub still gives me an error when opening it, Something is wrong.
    Last edited by dellsam34; 22nd Jul 2019 at 19:33.
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  17. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Sorry I figured out the problem, I re-installed avisynth and chose to replace existing installation and now I could load the scripts into Vdub, ooof!
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  18. Something like QTGMC(SourceMatch=3, Lossless=2, Sharpness=0.1, TR2=3) will keep more detail but more noise too.
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  19. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I'm still confused on how do I use QTGMC in Avisynth ? The QTGMC I downloaded is just a text file, did I get the wrong file? Any way I downloaded it from here: under Abstract/Download.
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  20. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I think I will have to do some extensive reading and video watching to figure all this out, I know it's hard to teach someone through forum posts.
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  21. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Ok I can load Avisynth scripts but I'm still unable to load QTGMC scripts, I always get an error, Let's assume my video is named MyClip and located at C:\Users\Dellsam\Desktop\myclip.avi how do I go by writing a very basic de-interlacing script?
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  22. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    The QTGMC I downloaded is just a text file, did I get the wrong file?
    Unless a DLL has been created for a filter, they're all text files with either the AVS or AVSI extension. You stick it in your AviSynth Plugins directory. QTGMC is an AVSI and with it in the plugins directory, it should load automatically when you open the script (but not functions with an AVS extension which need to be loaded with an Import line in the script) . If you also installed all the other filters it needs, you should open the script in VDub and there's your video, already filtered by whatever filters you're using. If something's wrong, VDub should provide an error message that might help to pinpoint the problem. Because of problems sometimes with the plugins directory, I and others use Import statements in the scripts, something like:


    If using DLLS and not counting on them to be autoloaded, you use LoadPlugin lines in the scripts:


    But with luck you'll be able to stick everything into the Plugins folder and count on them to be autoloaded (meaning DLLs and AVSI extensions, not AVS extyensions).
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  23. Most types of AVIs are opened using AviSource.


    My own opinion of working with videos on the desktop is that it's a bad idea and all mine are in their own folders.
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  24. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by manono View Post
    Most types of AVIs are opened using AviSource.


    My own opinion of working with videos on the desktop is that it's a bad idea and all mine are in their own folders.
    I'm using desktop temporarily for easy file cleanup, I will use the folders once I have working files, Anyway I'm getting the following error for that script: "There is no function named 'QTGMC'
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  25. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by manono View Post
    Unless a DLL has been created for a filter, they're all text files with either the AVS or AVSI extension. You stick it in your AviSynth Plugins directory. QTGMC is an AVSI and with it in the plugins directory, it should load automatically when you open the script (but not functions with an AVS extension which need to be loaded with an Import line in the script) . If you also installed all the other filters it needs, you should open the script in VDub and there's your video, already filtered by whatever filters you're using.
    I have two folders in my Program Files (x86) folder, one named Avisynth, the other is named Avisynth+ which one should I use and why I ended up with two folders installed on the same date and time.

    I know I'm asking too many questions but this folder structure is confusing and neither Avisynth nor QTGMC staff made it clear. So where Avisynth and QTGMC and their plugins should be located and what is the folder/subfolder structure?
    For now I have Avisynth and Avisynth+ in Program Files (x86) folder, then I have QTGMC and its plugins in C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+, QTGMC filters are in the same folder as QTGMC and have their own folders.
    Last edited by dellsam34; 22nd Jul 2019 at 21:47.
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  26. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    ...I'm getting the following error for that script: "There is no function named 'QTGMC'
    It's not seeing the QTGMC.avsi. It will only autoload if it's in the Plugins folder. Otherwise, use the Import line I mentioned earlier.

    As for AviSynth and the + version, I don't know how you got both. Make and open a Version.avs to see which is being used.
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  27. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I put QTGMC in the plugin folder I'm still getting error messages, I tried one Huffyuv file and a non compressed file and got the following messages, The first message I think it's due to lacking Huffyuv which was working fine before and now it disappeared, I tried installing it it installs with no errors but never shows up on vdub, The second message I have no clue, I think I should just give up on this complicated processes.

    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	11.jpg
Views:	2558
Size:	23.3 KB
ID:	49617  

    Click image for larger version

Name:	22.jpg
Views:	2616
Size:	30.9 KB
ID:	49618  

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  28. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I managed to fix Huffyuv installation and now for the huffyuv compressed file I'm getting error message "there is no function named 'nonyuy2clipin'" very frustrating.
    By the way I run the version and it shows I'm running Avisynth+, I went to uninstall programs and I don't see avisynth only avisynth+ so I'm assuming by default it installs both versions.
    Last edited by dellsam34; 23rd Jul 2019 at 02:20.
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  29. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Ok I managed to remove both Avisynth and Avisynth+ from my computer and I installed the 64bit version only, It turns out the Avisynth+ is the 64bit version. Still the same above error: "there is no function named 'nonyuy2clipin'"
    Last edited by dellsam34; 23rd Jul 2019 at 03:04.
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  30. What colorspace are your AVIs? You don't want RGB. If you're stuck with that then add:

    ConvertToYV12(Interlaced=True) ###Interlaced=True if interlaced, otherwise ConvertToYV12()

    right below the AviSource line and before anything else. And you solved the HuffYUY problem, right? Or, maybe changing the colorspace will solve it.

    To find out the colorspace and lots of other things add:


    wherever in the script you like. When you don't want anything interfering, comment it out. Add a # before the lines you don't want included. An example:


    That'll open the script in VDub but ignore the QTGMC line.
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