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  1. Hello. I'm working with animated content and am trying to do some prefiltering with McTemporalDenoise. I am trying to avoid all lines and edges, which my current script seems to be doing quite well. I am using mt_edge("prewitt). My problem is that, as you can see in my sample images, although it seems like I have the right idea with my current script, the filter does not seem to cover 100% of the image (which, as I stated, I wish to filter minus the lines). Please see my image samples---I used white as a color test for a visual of what I'm trying to do here. Is there any way I can tweak this to cover the entire area but still avoiding the lines?

    [Attachment 49472 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 49473 - Click to enlarge]

    I am using the following script:

    MPEG2Source("blah.d2v", cpu=0)
    #Include a sharpener FIRST so that your lines can be very dark, thus the mask protecting them.
    Santiag(). TurnRight(). Santiag().TurnLeft()
    g=blankclip(a, color=color_white)
    mask = mt_edge("prewitt"). mt_invert()
    # Overlay of clip, filter, and mask 
    Attached also is a sample video.

    Image Attached Files
    Quote Quote  
  2. Use mt_expand() to thicken the edges, mt_inpand() to thin them. Something like:

    mask = mt_edge("prewitt").mt_inpand().mt_expand().mt_expa nd().mt_inpand().mt_invert()

    The first mt_inpand() eliminates a lot of the noise areas (or use a noise reduction filter before building the mask). mt_expand() expands the edges to fill in the "holes". The final mt_inpand() thins the edges. You'll probably want to soften the edges of the mask with a blur.

    Or use a noise reduction filter that's better at retaining edges, like TemporalDegrain2().
    Last edited by jagabo; 27th Jun 2019 at 08:54.
    Quote Quote  
  3. I'll give this a try. Thanks, jagabo.
    Quote Quote  
  4. Or use a noise reduction filter that's better at retaining edges, like TemporalDegrain2()
    I just tried it. I notice that yes, it does retain the edges but it blurs the image like crazy. My eyes hurt just looking at it. Take a look. I've dealt with this filter before and have tried to tweak it with no success. Is there something I'm missing?

    [Attachment 49475 - Click to enlarge]
    Quote Quote  
  5. Never seen it do anything like that. That shot isn't in your video sample.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Is there something in my script order that shouldn't be there that's probably making it do that?

    I use crop(), addborders(), then I IVTC and then do some color tweaking. Then I add temporaldegrain2().
    Quote Quote  
  7. It's not, but it's still part of the clip. Nevertheless, temporaldegrain2() is still causing that type of result in the whole clip. Maybe I have an old version? Do you have an updated script that perhaps I can use? I'd appreciate it.
    Quote Quote  
  8. You must be using 32 bit AviSynth? I didn't see a 64 bit version of ToonLite. Here's the TemporalDegrain2.avsi I have for 32 bit AviSynth:

    # Temporal Degrain v2.1.2 Updated by ErazorTT                               #
    #                                                                           #
    # Function v1.23 by Sagekilla, idea + original script created by Didee      #
    #                                                                           #
    # Works as a simple temporal degraining function that'll remove             #
    # MOST or even ALL grain and noise from video sources,                      #
    # including dancing grain, like the grain found on 300.                     #
    # Also note, the parameters don't need to be tweaked much.                  #
    #                                                                           #
    # Required plugins:                                                         #
    # FFT3DFilter:              #
    # MaskTools2:                 #
    # MVtools2 (mt_*):              #
    # rgTools (RemoveGrain,Repair): #
    #                                                                           #
    # Optional plugins:                                                         #
    # dfttest:                       #
    # FFT3DGPU:            #
    # KNLMeansCL:             #
    # Dither tools:                   #
    # Changelog: 
    # May 15, 2018: v2.0
    # - use the exeptional motion estimation from QTGMC
    # - use MDegrainN for unbound temporal radius
    # - automatic tuning of default parameters based on input size
    # - add optional motion compensated post processing FFT filtering
    # Oct 19, 2018: v2.0.1
    # - rename function to TemporalDegrain2
    # - expose TrueMotion parameter through meTM, and let it default to false
    # Oct 22, 2018: v2.0.2
    # - use power of 2 blocksizes for MAnalyse which have much better performance
    # - check that Undot exists before calling it
    # Oct 23, 2018: v2.0.3
    # - use RemoveGrain(1) instead of Undot
    # Oct 26, 2018: v2.1
    # - tune motion estimation
    # Oct 27, 2018: v2.1.1
    # - allow for a controlled over-sharpen through extraSharp
    # - correct parameter types
    # Oct 30, 2018: v2.1.2
    # - correct usage of KNLMeansCL
    # - update comments
    # recommendation: 
    # 1. start with default settings
    # 2a.if there is too much denoising for your taste use degrainTR=1
    # 2b.if more denoising is needed try postFFT=1 with postSigma=1, then tune postSigma (obvious blocking and banding of the sky are indications of a value which is at least a factor 2 too high)
    # 3. do not increase degrainTR above 1/8th of the fps (at 24fps up to 3)
    # 4. if there are any issues with banding switch to postFFT=3
    # 5. if there are still issues with banding also use postDither=-1
    # use only the following knobs (all other settings should already be were they need to be):
    # - degrainTR, temporal radius of degrain, usefull range: min=1, default=2, max=fps/8. Higher values do clean the video more, but also increase probability of wrongly identified motion search which leads to washed out regions
    # - postFFT, if you want to remove absolutely all remaining noise suggestion is to use 3 (dfttest) for its quality or 1 (ff3dfilter) is much faster but can introduce banding. 2 and 4 are GPU based versions.
    # - postSigma, increase it to remove all the remaining noise you want removed, but do not increase too much since unnecessary high values have severe negative impact on either banding and/or sharpness
    # - postDither, positive values are used as parameter for dfttest (values above 2 can remove preexinsting banding), negative values indicate 16 bits FFT processing followd by diterhing (to be used only in case of strong paranoia against introducing banding)
    # - degrainPlane, if you just want to denoise the chroma use 3 (helps with compressability with the clip being almost identical to the original)
    function TemporalDegrain2 ( clip input, int "degrainTR", int "degrainPlane", int "meAlg", int "meAlgPar", int "meSubpel", int "meBlksz", bool "meTM", \
        int "limitFFT", float "limitSigma", int "limitBlksz", int "fftThreads", int "postFFT", int "postTR", float "postSigma", int "postDither", \
        float "ppSAD1", float "ppSAD2", float "ppSCD1", int "thSCD2", int "DCT", float "gausParam", bool "extraSharp")
      longlat = (input.Width() > input.Height()) ?  input.Width() : input.Height()
      autoTune = (longlat<1000) ? 0 : \
                 (longlat<1300) ? 1 : \
                 (longlat<2100) ? 2 : 3
      degrainTR = default( degrainTR,2 )        # MDegrain with 1-6 temporal radius. 
      degrainPlane = default( degrainPlane, 4 ) # which planes to degrain: 0=luma, 3=chroma, 4=luma+chroma.
      meAlg   = default( meAlg,    4 )          # Motion estimation algorithm (5 might be a little better but is significantly slower, 2 will be a little faster while missing some vectors),
      meAlgPar= default( meAlgPar, Select( meAlg,2,2,2,2,16,24,2,2 ) ) # radius/range parameter for the motion estimation algorithms
      meSubpel= default( meSubpel, Select( autoTune, 4, 2, 2, 1 ) )    # higher values increase motion vector quality at the cost of speed
      meBlksz = default( meBlksz,  Select( autoTune, 8, 8,16,32 ) )    # higher values for more speed, but higher probability of smearing of fine details, do also not go too small so that blocks still have enough content to be distinguishable
      meTM    = default( meTM,     false )      # this is the default of QTGMC and prefered by Didee (
      limitFFT= default( limitFFT,  1 )         # wether to use the limit clip. Do never ever disable this, thats part of the very core of the functionality
      limitSigma= default( limitSigma, Select( autoTune, 8,12,16,32 ) )    # strength of filtering for limit clip
      limitBlksz= default( limitBlksz, Select( autoTune,16,24,32,64 ) )    # FFT3D blocksize
      postFFT = default( postFFT,   0 )         # Whether the FFT post processing takes place, deminishes remaining noise, 1 is fast but produces some banding, 3 is of high quality but slow
      postTR  = default( postTR,    1 )         # Temporal radius of FFT processing, increasing to 2 does not help much, but is much slower
      postSigma=default( postSigma,1.0)         # Strength of the filtering
      postDither=default(postDither,1 )         # Dithering strength for dfttest, negative enables 16bit post FFT with a final call to ditherpost
      fftThreads = default( fftThreads, 1 )     # Number of threads to be used for FFTs
      extraSharp = default( extraSharp, false)  # enable for a moderate over-sharpen, do not use this if you want the output to be as close to the original as possible, only to be used by sharpness junkies
      postTR  = (postFFT > 0) ? postTR : 0
      postTD  = postTR * 2 + 1
      maxTR = (degrainTR > postTR) ? degrainTR : postTR
      LumaNoise = (degrainPlane == 0) || (degrainPlane == 4)
      ChromaNoise = (degrainPlane > 0) ? true : false
      ChromaMotion = true #fix!
      GlobalNames = "TD2"
      ReuseGlobals = false
      ReplaceGlobals = false
      SubPelInterp = 2 #fix?
      SubPel = meSubpel
      Blocksize = meBlksz
      Overlap = Blocksize/2
      Search = meAlg
      SearchParam = meAlgPar
      PelSearch = SubPel
      TrueMotion = meTM
      GlobalMotion = true #fix!
      SrchClipPP = 3
      Lambda = ((TrueMotion) ? 1000 : 100 ) * (BlockSize*BlockSize)/(8*8)
      LSAD   = (TrueMotion) ? 1200 : 400
      PNew   = (TrueMotion) ? 50   : 25
      PLevel = (TrueMotion) ? 1    : 0
      DCT    = default(DCT, 0)
      thSAD1 = int(default(ppSAD1, 10) *8*8)   #here the per-pixel measure is converted to the per-8x8-Block measure MVTools is using
      thSAD2 = int(default(ppSAD2,  5) *8*8)   #here the per-pixel measure is converted to the per-8x8-Block measure MVTools is using
      thSCD1 = int(default(ppSCD1,  4) *8*8)   #here the per-pixel measure is converted to the per-8x8-Block measure MVTools is using
      thSCD2 = default(thSCD2, 98) 
      gausParam = default(gausParam, 3.0)
      # Pre-Processing
      yuy2 = input.IsYUY2()
      input = yuy2 ? input.ConvertToYV16() : input
      w = input.Width()
      h = input.Height()
      epsilon = 0.0001
      # Reverse "field" dominance for progressive repair mode 3 (only difference from mode 2)
      compl = Input
      # Pad vertically during processing (to prevent artefacts at top & bottom edges)
      clip = compl
      # Calculate padding needed for MVTools super clips to avoid crashes [fixed in latest MVTools, but keeping this code for a while]
      hpad = w - (Int((w - Overlap) / (Blocksize - Overlap)) * (Blocksize - Overlap) + Overlap)
      vpad = h - (Int((h - Overlap) / (Blocksize - Overlap)) * (Blocksize - Overlap) + Overlap)
      hpad = (hpad > 8) ? hpad : 8 # But match default padding if possible
      vpad = (vpad > 8) ? vpad : 8
      # Motion Analysis
      # >>> Planar YUY2 for motion analysis, interleaved whilst blurring search clip
      planarClip = clip
      # Bob the input as a starting point for motion search clip
      bobbed = planarClip 
      # If required, get any existing global clips with a matching "GlobalNames" setting. Unmatched values get NOP (= 0)
      srchClip  = DT_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchClip",  ReuseGlobals )
      srchSuper = DT_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchSuper", ReuseGlobals )
      vmulti    = DT_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "vmulti",    ReuseGlobals )
      CMmt = ChromaMotion ? 3   :  1
      CMts = ChromaMotion ? 255 :  0
      CMrg = ChromaMotion ? 12  : -1
      # Remove areas of difference between temporal blurred motion search clip and bob that are not due to bob-shimmer - removes general motion blur
      repair0 = bobbed
      # Blur image and soften edges to assist in motion matching of edge blocks. Blocks are matched by SAD (sum of absolute differences between blocks), but even
      # a slight change in an edge from frame to frame will give a high SAD due to the higher contrast of edges
      spatialBlur = (IsClip(srchClip) || SrchClipPP == 0) ? NOP() :		\
        (SrchClipPP == 1) ? repair0.BilinearResize( w/2, h/2 ).RemoveGrain( 12,CMrg ).BilinearResize( w, h ) : \
        repair0.RemoveGrain( 12,CMrg ).GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=gausParam )
      spatialBlur = (IsClip(spatialBlur) && SrchClipPP > 1) ? (ChromaMotion ? spatialBlur.Merge( repair0, 0.1 ) : spatialBlur.MergeLuma( repair0, 0.1 )) : spatialBlur
      tweaked     = repair0
      srchClip    = IsClip(srchClip)  ? srchClip :	 \
        (SrchClipPP == 0) ? repair0 :			     \
        (SrchClipPP < 3)  ? spatialBlur :			 \
        spatialBlur.mt_lutxy( tweaked, "x 7 scalef + y < x 2 scalef + x 7 scalef - y > x 2 scalef - x 51 * y 49 * + 100 / ? ?", U=CMmt,V=CMmt )
      # Calculate forward and backward motion vectors from motion search clip
      srchSuper = IsClip(srchSuper) ? srchSuper :				\
        (maxTR > 0) ? srchClip.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
      vmulti = IsClip(vmulti) ? vmulti : \
        (maxTR > 0) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=true, multi=true, delta=maxTR, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
                                   pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
                                   global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
      # Expose search clip, motion search super clip and motion vectors to calling script through globals
      DT_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchClip",  srchClip,  ReplaceGlobals )
      DT_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchSuper", srchSuper, ReplaceGlobals )
      DT_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "vmulti",    vmulti,    ReplaceGlobals )
      # Degrain
      o  = planarClip
      s2 = floor( limitSigma * 0.625 ) # See sigma
      s3 = floor( limitSigma * 0.375 ) # See sigma
      s4 = floor( limitSigma * 0.250 ) # See sigma
      filter = (limitFFT==1) ? o.FFT3DFilter(plane=degrainPlane, sigma=limitSigma, sigma2=s2, sigma3=s3, sigma4=s4, bt=3, bw=limitBlksz, bh=limitBlksz, ncpu=fftThreads) : \
               o.FFT3DGPU(plane=degrainPlane, sigma=limitSigma, sigma2=s2 , sigma3=s3, sigma4=s4, bt=3, bw=limitBlksz, bh=limitBlksz)
      # "spat" is a prefiltered clip which is used to limit the effect of the 1st MV-denoise stage.
      # For simplicity, we just use the FFT3DFilter. There's lots of other possibilities.
      spat   = filter
      spatD  = mt_makediff(o,spat)
      # First MV-denoising stage. Usually here's some temporal-medianfiltering going on.
      # For simplicity, we just use MVDegrain.
      vmultiDegrain = (degrainTR>0) ? vmulti.SelectRangeEvery(maxTR*2,degrainTR*2) : NOP()
      o_super = o.MSuper(pel=SubPel, levels=1, chroma=ChromaNoise)
      NR1 = (degrainTR>0) ? o.MDegrainN(o_super, vmultiDegrain, degrainTR, plane=degrainPlane, thSAD=thSAD1, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : o
      # Limit NR1 to not do more than what "spat" would do.
      NR1D = mt_makediff(o,NR1)
      DD   = mt_lutxy(spatD,NR1D,"x range_half - abs y range_half - abs < x y ?")
      NR1x = mt_makediff(o,DD,U=2,V=2)
      # Second MV-denoising stage. We use MVDegrain2.
      NR1x_super = NR1x.MSuper(pel=SubPel, levels=1, chroma=ChromaNoise)
      NR2 = (degrainTR>0) ? NR1x.MDegrainN(NR1x_super, vmultiDegrain, degrainTR, plane=degrainPlane, thSAD=thSAD2, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : o
      NR2 = NR2.RemoveGrain(mode=1)  #aka Undot, Filter to remove last bits of dancing pixels, YMMV.
      # post FFT
      fullClip = NR2
      fullSuper = (postTR > 0) ? fullClip.MSuper( pel=subpel, levels=1, chroma=ChromaNoise ) : NOP() 
      noiseWindow = (postTR == 0) ? fullClip :				\
                    fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, vmulti.SelectRangeEvery(maxTR*2,postTR*2), tr=postTR, center=true, thSAD=thSAD2, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2 )
      dftDither = (postDither > 0) ? postDither : 0
      lsbd = (postDither < 0) ? true : false
      dnWindow = (postFFT == 0) ? noiseWindow :				\
        (postFFT == 1) ? FFT3DFilter( lsbd ? noiseWindow.ConvertTo16bit() : noiseWindow, plane=degrainPlane, sigma=postSigma, bt=postTD, ncpu=fftThreads ) : \
        (postFFT == 2) ? FFT3DGPU( noiseWindow, plane=degrainPlane, sigma=postSigma, bt=postTD ) : \
        (postFFT == 3) ? dfttest(noiseWindow, Y=LumaNoise, U=ChromaNoise, V=ChromaNoise, sigma=postSigma*4, tbsize=postTD, threads=fftThreads, lsb=lsbd, dither=dftDither ) : \
        DT_KNLMeansCL( lsbd ? noiseWindow.Dither_convert_8_to_16() : noiseWindow, a=2, d=postTR, h=postSigma*0.5, Luma = LumaNoise, Chroma = ChromaNoise, stacked=lsbd, device_type="GPU")
      dnWindow = dnWindow.SelectEvery( postTD, postTR )
      NR3 = lsbd && (postFFT == 1) ? dnWindow.ConvertTo8bit(dither=1) : \ 
      lsbd && (postFFT == 3 || postFFT == 4) ? dnWindow.ditherpost(mode=6, Y=LumaNoise?3:2, U=ChromaNoise?3:2, V=ChromaNoise?3:2, slice=false) : dnWindow
      sharpened = DT_ContraSharpening(NR3, o, extraSharp)
      # Crop off temporary vertical padding
      cropped = sharpened
      return(yuy2 ? cropped.ConvertToYUY2() : cropped)
    # contra-sharpening: sharpen the denoised clip, but don't add more to any pixel than what was removed previously.
    # script function from Didee from the VERY GRAINY thread
    function DT_ContraSharpening(clip denoised, clip original, bool "extraSharp")
      # Damp down remaining spots of the denoised clip.
      s = denoised.DT_MinBlur(1,1)
      # The difference achieved by the denoising.
      allD = mt_makediff(original,denoised)
      # The difference of a simple kernel blur.
      ssD = mt_makediff(s,extraSharp?s.removegrain(20,-1).removegrain(20,-1):s.removegrain(11,-1))
      # Limit the difference to the max of what the denoising removed locally.
      ssDD =,1):allD,extraSharp?12:1)
      # abs(diff) after limiting may not be bigger than before.
      ssDD = SSDD.mt_lutxy(ssD,"x range_half - abs y range_half - abs < x y ?")
      # Apply the limited difference. (Sharpening is just inverse blurring.)
    # MinBlur by Didee,
    # Nifty Gauss/Median combination
    function DT_MinBlur(clip clp, int r, int "uv")
      uv   = default(uv,3)
      uv2  = (uv==2) ? 1 : uv
      rg4  = (uv==3) ? 4 : -1
      rg11 = (uv==3) ? 11 : -1
      rg20 = (uv==3) ? 20 : -1
      medf = (uv==3) ? 1 : -200
      RG11D = (r==1) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11),U=uv2,V=uv2)
       \    : (r==2) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11).removegrain(20,rg20),U=uv2,V=uv2)
       \    :          mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11).removegrain(20,rg20).removegrain(20,rg20),U=uv2,V=uv2)
      RG4D  = (r==1) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(4,rg4),U=uv2,V=uv2)
       \    : (r==2) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.medianblur(2,2*medf,2*medf),U=uv2,V=uv2)
       \    :          mt_makediff(clp,clp.medianblur(3,3*medf,3*medf),U=uv2,V=uv2)
      DD    = mt_lutxy(RG11D,RG4D,"x range_half - y range_half - * 0 < range_half x range_half - abs y range_half - abs < x y ? ?",U=uv2,V=uv2)
    function DT_KNLMeansCL(clip input, String "device_type", int "device_id", bool "Luma", bool "Chroma", bool "stacked", float "h", int "d", int "a")
        uplane = input.ExtractU()
        vplane = input.ExtractV()
        cw = uplane.Width()
        ch = uplane.Height()
        yw = input.Width()
        yh = input.Height()
        channels = Select( (Luma ? 1 : 0) + (Chroma ? 2 : 0), 0, "Y", "UV", "YUV" )
        strength = (Luma && Chroma) ? h*9/16 : Luma ? h : h/4.7
        temp = (Luma && Chroma) ? YToUV(uplane.BilinearResize(yw,yh), vplane.BilinearResize(yw,yh), input.ExtractY()) : Luma ? input.ExtractY() : input
        output = KNLMeansCL(temp, a=a, d=d, h=strength, channels = channels, stacked=stacked, device_type="GPU")
        (Luma && Chroma) ? YToUV(output.ExtractU().BilinearResize(cw,ch), output.ExtractV().BilinearResize(cw,ch), output.ExtractY()) : Luma ? YToUV(uplane, vplane, output) : output
    # Set global variable called "Prefix_Name" to "Value". Throws exception if global already exists unless Replace=true, in which case the global is overwritten
    function DT_SetUserGlobal( string Prefix, string Name, val Value, bool "Replace" )
    	Replace = default( Replace, false )
    	globalName = Prefix + "_" + Name
    	# Tricky logic to check global: enter catch block if Replace=true *or* globalName doesn't exist (i.e. need to set the global), the exception is not rethrown
    	# Not entering catch block means that Replace=false and global exists - so it throws an exception back to AviSynth
    	try { Assert( !Replace && defined(Eval(globalName)) ) }
    	catch (e)
    		Eval( "global " + globalName + " = Value" )
    		Replace = true
    	Assert( Replace, """Multiple calls to QTGMC, set PrevGlobals="Replace" or read documentation on 'Multiple QTGMC Calls'""" )
    # Return value of global variable called "Prefix_Name". Returns NOP() if it doesn't exist or Reuse is false
    function DT_GetUserGlobal( string Prefix, string Name, bool "Reuse" )
    	Reuse = default( Reuse, false )
    	globalName = Prefix + "_" + Name
    	try       { ret = Reuse ? Eval( globalName ) : NOP() }
    	catch (e) { ret = NOP() }
    	return ret
    Quote Quote  
  9. Yeah, I'm getting the same results. I use smdegrain() anyway as my staple denoiser, which is fantastic. I use Mctemporaldenoise as a prefilter to clean bright pixels which smdegrain can't reach.
    Quote Quote  
  10. Again, thanks for your help jagabo. I'll continue to fiddle with the mask, as it's the only sure way to denoise without damaging edges.
    Quote Quote  

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