i'd like to know what you think about free online mastering ! like Landr , Bandlab and maybe others (list them please)

i tried Landr a few time ..they seam to update their procesing library from time to time
but the free version you'll only get 2 mp3 / month

if you link your Landr account with soundcloud you can get a good wave
but with no intensity options (something like low , medium and hot)

i did not try Bandlab.. but you can't upload a file over 120 mb or 10 minutes
bandlab offers a cakewalk version that's free ( from a previous Sonar platinum version)
that's when i discovered they had an online mastering service

if you know of any other online mastering service with their limitations , please do so

I know , Iknow that auto-mastering can't compete with real humain ears and know how..
but it can still be an option for testing mixes