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  1. Given a frame of 8-bit 4:2:2 YUV pixels, does anyone have some code that would read the Y, U and V components of the individual pixels?

    Thank you.
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  2. Perhaps this one?
    Last edited by pandy; 6th Nov 2018 at 12:41.
    Quote Quote  
  3. I can't get this to work:

    indx = 0
    For ycoord = 0 To #HEIGHT - 1
    For x = 0 To #WIDTH - 1
    y = frame(indx) ;// y is an unsigned 8-bit byte
    Plot (x, ycoord, RGB(y,y,y)); DRAW BLACK & WHITE MONITOR
    indx + 2
    I'm trying to extract the y samples from a YUY2 file by reading every other array element.

    I see an image but it is misframed. The video was encoded at 4:2:2 using ffmpeg's pix_fmt yuv422p. The frame is read in using ffmpeg.

    I got similar code to work in 4:2:0.

    What am I doing wrong?
    Quote Quote  
  4. yuv422p is a planar format. That is, all the Y samples in one array, all the U samples in another array, and all the V samples in a third array.

    That code is for displaying the greyscale portion of interleaved YUV 4:2:2 formats like yuyv422, YUY2.
    Quote Quote  
  5. I recoded it as follows to read consecutive planar pixels and no joy:

    indx = 0
    For ycoord = 0 To #HEIGHT - 1
    For x = 0 To #WIDTH - 1
    y = frame(indx) ;// y is an unsigned 8-bit byte
    Plot (x, ycoord, RGB(y,y,y)); DRAW BLACK & WHITE MONITOR
    indx + 1
    I am converting from 4:2:0 to 4:2:2. Am I better off with planar or interleaved, and what is the appropriate ffmpeg argument?

    According to the Microsoft page I linked to, YUY2 is the preferred format.

    There is no YUY2 in ffmpeg's list of pixel formats:

    Pixel formats:
    I.... = Supported Input  format for conversion
    .O... = Supported Output format for conversion
    ..H.. = Hardware accelerated format
    ...P. = Paletted format
    ....B = Bitstream format
    IO... yuv420p                3            12
    IO... yuyv422                3            16
    IO... rgb24                  3            24
    IO... bgr24                  3            24
    IO... yuv422p                3            16
    IO... yuv444p                3            24
    IO... yuv410p                3             9
    IO... yuv411p                3            12
    IO... gray                   1             8
    IO..B monow                  1             1
    IO..B monob                  1             1
    I..P. pal8                   1             8
    IO... yuvj420p               3            12
    IO... yuvj422p               3            16
    IO... yuvj444p               3            24
    IO... uyvy422                3            16
    ..... uyyvyy411              3            12
    IO... bgr8                   3             8
    .O..B bgr4                   3             4
    IO... bgr4_byte              3             4
    IO... rgb8                   3             8
    .O..B rgb4                   3             4
    IO... rgb4_byte              3             4
    IO... nv12                   3            12
    IO... nv21                   3            12
    IO... argb                   4            32
    IO... rgba                   4            32
    IO... abgr                   4            32
    IO... bgra                   4            32
    IO... gray16be               1            16
    IO... gray16le               1            16
    IO... yuv440p                3            16
    IO... yuvj440p               3            16
    IO... yuva420p               4            20
    IO... rgb48be                3            48
    IO... rgb48le                3            48
    IO... rgb565be               3            16
    IO... rgb565le               3            16
    IO... rgb555be               3            15
    IO... rgb555le               3            15
    IO... bgr565be               3            16
    IO... bgr565le               3            16
    IO... bgr555be               3            15
    IO... bgr555le               3            15
    ..H.. vaapi_moco             0             0
    ..H.. vaapi_idct             0             0
    ..H.. vaapi_vld              0             0
    IO... yuv420p16le            3            24
    IO... yuv420p16be            3            24
    IO... yuv422p16le            3            32
    IO... yuv422p16be            3            32
    IO... yuv444p16le            3            48
    IO... yuv444p16be            3            48
    ..H.. dxva2_vld              0             0
    IO... rgb444le               3            12
    IO... rgb444be               3            12
    IO... bgr444le               3            12
    IO... bgr444be               3            12
    IO... ya8                    2            16
    IO... bgr48be                3            48
    IO... bgr48le                3            48
    IO... yuv420p9be             3            13
    IO... yuv420p9le             3            13
    IO... yuv420p10be            3            15
    IO... yuv420p10le            3            15
    IO... yuv422p10be            3            20
    IO... yuv422p10le            3            20
    IO... yuv444p9be             3            27
    IO... yuv444p9le             3            27
    IO... yuv444p10be            3            30
    IO... yuv444p10le            3            30
    IO... yuv422p9be             3            18
    IO... yuv422p9le             3            18
    IO... gbrp                   3            24
    IO... gbrp9be                3            27
    IO... gbrp9le                3            27
    IO... gbrp10be               3            30
    IO... gbrp10le               3            30
    IO... gbrp16be               3            48
    IO... gbrp16le               3            48
    IO... yuva422p               4            24
    IO... yuva444p               4            32
    IO... yuva420p9be            4            22
    IO... yuva420p9le            4            22
    IO... yuva422p9be            4            27
    IO... yuva422p9le            4            27
    IO... yuva444p9be            4            36
    IO... yuva444p9le            4            36
    IO... yuva420p10be           4            25
    IO... yuva420p10le           4            25
    IO... yuva422p10be           4            30
    IO... yuva422p10le           4            30
    IO... yuva444p10be           4            40
    IO... yuva444p10le           4            40
    IO... yuva420p16be           4            40
    IO... yuva420p16le           4            40
    IO... yuva422p16be           4            48
    IO... yuva422p16le           4            48
    IO... yuva444p16be           4            64
    IO... yuva444p16le           4            64
    ..H.. vdpau                  0             0
    IO... xyz12le                3            36
    IO... xyz12be                3            36
    ..... nv16                   3            16
    ..... nv20le                 3            20
    ..... nv20be                 3            20
    IO... rgba64be               4            64
    IO... rgba64le               4            64
    IO... bgra64be               4            64
    IO... bgra64le               4            64
    IO... yvyu422                3            16
    I.... ya16be                 2            32
    I.... ya16le                 2            32
    IO... gbrap                  4            32
    IO... gbrap16be              4            64
    IO... gbrap16le              4            64
    ..H.. qsv                    0             0
    ..H.. mmal                   0             0
    ..H.. d3d11va_vld            0             0
    ..H.. cuda                   0             0
    IO... 0rgb                   3            24
    IO... rgb0                   3            24
    IO... 0bgr                   3            24
    IO... bgr0                   3            24
    IO... yuv420p12be            3            18
    IO... yuv420p12le            3            18
    IO... yuv420p14be            3            21
    IO... yuv420p14le            3            21
    IO... yuv422p12be            3            24
    IO... yuv422p12le            3            24
    IO... yuv422p14be            3            28
    IO... yuv422p14le            3            28
    IO... yuv444p12be            3            36
    IO... yuv444p12le            3            36
    IO... yuv444p14be            3            42
    IO... yuv444p14le            3            42
    IO... gbrp12be               3            36
    IO... gbrp12le               3            36
    IO... gbrp14be               3            42
    IO... gbrp14le               3            42
    IO... yuvj411p               3            12
    I.... bayer_bggr8            3             8
    I.... bayer_rggb8            3             8
    I.... bayer_gbrg8            3             8
    I.... bayer_grbg8            3             8
    I.... bayer_bggr16le         3            16
    I.... bayer_bggr16be         3            16
    I.... bayer_rggb16le         3            16
    I.... bayer_rggb16be         3            16
    I.... bayer_gbrg16le         3            16
    I.... bayer_gbrg16be         3            16
    I.... bayer_grbg16le         3            16
    I.... bayer_grbg16be         3            16
    ..H.. xvmc                   0             0
    IO... yuv440p10le            3            20
    IO... yuv440p10be            3            20
    IO... yuv440p12le            3            24
    IO... yuv440p12be            3            24
    IO... ayuv64le               4            64
    ..... ayuv64be               4            64
    ..H.. videotoolbox_vld       0             0
    IO... p010le                 3            15
    IO... p010be                 3            15
    IO... gbrap12be              4            48
    IO... gbrap12le              4            48
    IO... gbrap10be              4            40
    IO... gbrap10le              4            40
    ..H.. mediacodec             0             0
    IO... gray12be               1            12
    IO... gray12le               1            12
    IO... gray10be               1            10
    IO... gray10le               1            10
    IO... p016le                 3            24
    IO... p016be                 3            24
    ..H.. d3d11                  0             0
    IO... gray9be                1             9
    IO... gray9le                1             9
    ..... gbrpf32be              3            96
    ..... gbrpf32le              3            96
    ..... gbrapf32be             4            128
    ..... gbrapf32le             4            128
    ..H.. drm_prime              0             0
    ..H.. opencl                 0             0
    Quote Quote  
  6. I believe ffmpeg's yuyv422 is the equivalent to the YUY2 fourcc that Microsoft refers to.
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  7. Member
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    FFmpeg pixel format constants with exhaustive explanations.
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  8. Thanks fellas, but no improvement with YUYV422.

    The image should fill the window in the upper left corner of the screen as it does in my 4:2:0 version.

    Here is the complete code:

    D:\Programs\ffmpeg\BroadcastVideo\ffmpeg -y -i "D:\Videos\Trains\December_6_2018_San_Jose\C0061.MP4"  -c:v utvideo   -colorspace 1  -pix_fmt  yuyv422  -r 59.94  -vf scale=1280x720:flags=lanczos,eq=gamma=0.76,lutyuv=y='clip((val*(255-%LIFT%)/255)+%LIFT%,0,235)'  -c:a  pcm_s16le  "processed.mkv"
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	368
Size:	167.9 KB
ID:	47859  

    Quote Quote  
  9. Those are obviously chroma channels, not the luma channel.
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  10. The upper half is chroma samples. The lower half is lum samples, but half the image is shifted over.
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  11. Originally Posted by chris319 View Post
    half the image is shifted over.
    What does that mean?
    Quote Quote  
  12. Look at the lower half of the image. Half of the image is duplicated to the right.
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  13. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Interlaced, maybe.

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  14. Originally Posted by Cornucopia View Post
    Interlaced, maybe.

    MediaInfo says Progressive.
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  15. Originally Posted by chris319 View Post
    Originally Posted by Cornucopia View Post
    Interlaced, maybe.

    MediaInfo says Progressive.
    Mediainfo frequently is incorrect...
    Quote Quote  
  16. Originally Posted by pandy View Post
    Originally Posted by chris319 View Post
    Originally Posted by Cornucopia View Post
    Interlaced, maybe.

    MediaInfo says Progressive.
    Mediainfo frequently is incorrect...
    The camera specs say it shoots progressive. You have to go to elaborate lengths in ffmpeg to add interlacing.

    It is being scaled using ffmpeg to 1280 x 720 progressive.

    What else besides MediaInfo can I check it on?
    Quote Quote  
  17. Originally Posted by chris319 View Post
    What else besides MediaInfo can I check it on?
    Eye bulbs? Check if there is difference in fields and if there is no any problem. Normally for 4:2:0 overall amount of bits should be 1.5 of Luminance resolution. if there is more then something is NOK (not 4:2:0 etc).

    btw camera sensors to read faster from sensor can provide interleaved samples... check this if there is no vertical/horizontal interleaving.
    Quote Quote  
  18. What are eye bulbs, Pandy?

    Here, you tell me if it's interlaced.

    ffprobe version 4.1 Copyright (c) 2007-2018 the FFmpeg developers
      built with gcc 8.2.1 (GCC) 20181017
      configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-amf --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth
      libavutil      56. 22.100 / 56. 22.100
      libavcodec     58. 35.100 / 58. 35.100
      libavformat    58. 20.100 / 58. 20.100
      libavdevice    58.  5.100 / 58.  5.100
      libavfilter     7. 40.101 /  7. 40.101
      libswscale      5.  3.100 /  5.  3.100
      libswresample   3.  3.100 /  3.  3.100
      libpostproc    55.  3.100 / 55.  3.100
    Input #0, avi, from '12M.avi':
        encoder         : Lavf58.12.100
      Duration: 00:00:59.06, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 335746 kb/s
        Stream #0:0: Video: utvideo (ULH2 / 0x32484C55), yuv422p(bt709/unknown/unknown), 1280x720, 333514 kb/s, SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 59.94 fps, 59.94 tbr, 59.94 tbn, 59.94 tbc
        Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_s24le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 48000 Hz, stereo, s32 (24 bit), 2304 kb/s
    Quote Quote  
  19. Originally Posted by chris319 View Post
    What are eye bulbs, Pandy?

    Here, you tell me if it's interlaced.
    How reliable is header information? Who is header creator? RAW information is headerless thus you can't say if video is progressive based on header information.
    You need to analyse motion (difference between fields over time) to say if this is interlace or progressive. It can be progressive but interleaved then you need to deinterleave RAW video. Sensor may read values as ODD/EVEN in Horizontal and ODD/EVEN in Vertical direction.
    you should have detailed information from camera sensor vendor - it is called datasheet - for example

    And eye bulbs are your own eyes - this is final judge so analyse few frames even manually for dependencies...
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by pandy View Post
    eye bulbs
    Just FYI, in American English they're called eyeballs.
    Quote Quote  
  21. The video is being resized by ffmpeg to 1280 x 720. Here is the ffmpeg command:

    ffmpeg -y -i C0061.MP4 -c:v utvideo -colorspace 1 -pix_fmt yuyv422 -r 59.94 -vf scale=1280x720:flags=lanczos,eq=gamma=0.76,lutyuv= y='clip((val*(255-%LIFT%)/255)+%LIFT%,0,235)' -c:a pcm_s16le "processed.mkv"

    Take note of the -r 59.94. Does that mean 59.94 fields (interlaced) or frames (progressive)?

    Would a video player need to know if interlaced or not to play back correct images, unlike the ones I'm getting? A video player can't determine this by staring with its eye bulbs.
    Quote Quote  
  22. What does the image look like when viewed in a media player or other editor?

    I'm still not sure what that image is supposed to be showing. I originally thought it was two videos viewed side by side, like a before and after comparison (with chroma channels at the top, luma below). But now I think you're saying it's just one video. But why is the greyscale area 32:9, not 16:9 like source your video?

    I checked ffmpeg's yuyv422 output and it is indeed the same as YUY2. At least when I exported as AVI. Even if the video was interlaced it would not show up as two videos side by side. You would just see comb artifacts when viewing at full scale.

    Maybe you should upload a raw source clip and your ffmpeg conversion.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Originally Posted by pandy View Post
    eye bulbs
    Just FYI, in American English they're called eyeballs.
    Oh, yes, indeed, my fault... (can't explain why i substituted balls with bulbs even if shape is similar perhaps due some nice book illustrations).
    Click image for larger version

Name:	daniel-mroz-cyberiada-1965-potworyk.jpg
Views:	3227
Size:	290.7 KB
ID:	47862
    Quote Quote  
  24. Originally Posted by pandy View Post
    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Originally Posted by pandy View Post
    eye bulbs
    Just FYI, in American English they're called eyeballs.
    Oh, yes, indeed, my fault... (can't explain why i substituted balls with bulbs even if shape is similar perhaps due some nice book illustrations).
    [Attachment 47862 - Click to enlarge]
    Maybe you were thinking of light bulbs.
    Quote Quote  
  25. What does the image look like when viewed in a media player or other editor?
    It looks just beautiful.

    My program scans the bitmap from y = 0 to 719 and from x = 0 to 1279. It then draws to the screen at y/2 and x/2 to fit in the upper quadrant of the screen (360 x 640) and that's what you're seeing. This technique works wonderfully well if the pixels are 4:2:0, so it's not the way I'm drawing to screen.

    I posted my code previously.
    Quote Quote  
  26. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Maybe you were thinking of light bulbs.
    Robots eyes made from light bulbs...

    Your feedback made me laugh as i realised how hilarious this may look for English speaker.

    Apologies for being OT - sorry chris319
    Quote Quote  
  27. Originally Posted by chris319 View Post
    My program scans the bitmap from y = 0 to 719 and from x = 0 to 1279. It then draws to the screen at y/2 and x/2 to fit in the upper quadrant of the screen (360 x 640) and that's what you're seeing.
    The code in post #3 plots at x,y, not y/2,y/2.

    A possible issue is that your source is compressed with UT. What comes out of the decompressor may not be YUY2, even if that's what went in. Attached a raw 1280x720 YUY2 file (the first frame of processed.mkv) and an AviSynth that reads it with RawSource(). See if you can render that raw YUY2 data correctly.
    Quote Quote  
  28. The code in post #3 plots at x,y, not y/2,y/2.
    I took out the division by 2 so as not to confuse y'all and not to have to explain. Similar problems if I omit the division by 2.

    A possible issue is that your source is compressed with UT. What comes out of the decompressor may not be YUY2, even if that's what went in.
    Exact same problem when encoded as x.264 and mp4.

    Attached a raw 1280x720 YUY2 file (the first frame of processed.mkv) and an AviSynth that reads it with RawSource(). See if you can render that raw YUY2 data correctly.
    Where is this attachment?
    Quote Quote  
  29. Similar program with 4:2:0 pixels in full color, what it's supposed to look like when finished.

    Right now I can't even get the black-and-white pixels to render properly.
    Quote Quote  
  30. Oops, got distracted and forgot the attachment.

    Also verified with a quick and dirty C program:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define IMAGE_WIDTH 1280
    #define IMAGE_HEIGHT 720
    unsigned char YUY2[IMAGE_HEIGHT][IMAGE_WIDTH*2];
    unsigned char Y8[IMAGE_HEIGHT][IMAGE_WIDTH];
    int main(void)
    	FILE *infd, *outfd;
    	infd = fopen("1280x720yuy2.raw", "rb");
    	outfd = fopen("1280x720y8.raw", "wb");
    	fread(YUY2, 1, IMAGE_HEIGHT*IMAGE_WIDTH*2, infd);
    	for (int y=0; y<IMAGE_HEIGHT; y++)
    		for (int x=0; x<IMAGE_WIDTH; x++)
    			Y8[y][x] = YUY2[y][x*2];
    	fwrite(Y8, 1, IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT, outfd);
    That produces a raw Y8 file from the raw YUY2 file. Most image editors will let you import raw greyscale data.
    Image Attached Files
    Quote Quote  

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