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  1. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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  2. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    VR headset there are 3 main branches. Just for watching videos probably Oculus Go can be good choice. If you mean it with creating something (animations with Tvori or Quill) i think you will go with more powerfull headset. So still be connected to your PC. Standalone is great, but limited by its specs.
    If you are more to art and creation of movie in VR space, I would suggest Oculus Rift or Rift HD with touch controlers. It comes with 4 software. 2 for creativity (Oculus medium and Quill) and with 2 games. There is also lot of free content. VR movies and so on. I have experience just with Rift, so can talk about others. Rift price fall down so it is relatively cheap. Min specs are usual i5-4590 and GTX970 or AMD 290 equivalent or greater. But of course can be higher.
    My personal opinion is that Oculus Go is just for watching movies and play some games. Oculus Rift is for watching movies and also for creative users. To animate in programs like Quill for free with touch controlers, or in Tvori <- not free. There is plenty of software. And animate, or modeling 3d in VR is really great.
    HTC Vive is related to Valve and its priority seems to me be gaming. It can utilize big space with roomscale (where one can move his body). The space is bigger than in rift, but my experience is that this is nice, but one can live without it. Also steam problem is that quality of SW vary very much.
    Last one is Windows mixed reality. What i know, it is cheapest. Several manufacturers. And at time when i decided what to buy, it had not ability to adjust lenses. Each one have different range between eyes.

    Conclusion Oculus store is try to have quality more than quantity (my personal view), also more for creating things. HTC vive has much bigger roomscaling, steam quality of SW vary very. WMR not sure what is advantage of it. Probably price. Also if something work for one headset, there is great chance it will work with other headset too. Just to make sure it is really for your headset. But there is software that doesnt support all HS. For example Quill was only for Rift but this probably changed, some games are only for Vive and so on.

    Here are some players that i know

    Oculus Video
    Skybox VR video player
    Deo VR video player
    Gizmo VR VR player
    Open VR video player Very poor rating/review
    Samsung VR videos
    MermaidVR video player
    All above should be free.
    Whirligig media player cost 4USD in early acess but look very promising.

    Also there are free apps for example Jaunt VR where you can watch 360 videos and some are really worth of watching it. For example standing on stage next to Paul McCartney piano, when performing Live and let die with dolby atmos sound. I belive there is only free content, but each one have to take care to not pay incidentaly. Also problem with such apps is very different qualitty they provide. Can be good to have reference from others.

    So conclusion is Oculus Rift is more for creative ppl, HTC vive for players (but also there are creative programs but not comes with HW i think) and Windows mixed reality not sure what is target group.

    After using Oculus Rift for some time, i have feeling that i made good decision.

    It is hard to explain creating 3d objects and animation in VR. Something like explain 4th dimension without experience with it.

    Here is example how to create animation in Quill. Bit long but great tutorial.

    Second animation is just short, but in general this is how animation in VR works in general. Quill has much more animation possibilities. This is how it works in Tvori.

    There is also program AnimVR, but its pricing policy is really nasty. For non commercional purpose, probably worth of once pay, but if you want earn money creating animation it is similar to use all adobe products per month.

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  3. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    There is also pimax 5k+ and pimax 8k, no much things known. It has wider FOV, but think twice before thinking about it. GPU 2080 is not always enough to provide 90fps. So yes, it seems very nice. But just warning before buying it without reading some reviews. To fully use this headset, iam not sure there is available HW now. Probably 2x2080 in sli mode could be enough. Not sure. Very few information. But afaik it was actually released, so there should be enough reviews now.
    All major 3 headsets implement thing that was originaly developed and aplied in rift. And this is when fps drop to 1/2 (45fps) (also it can be forced to run at 45fps) it will interpolated frames to 90fps, so noone will noticed it. It works well differently in different software. But software iam using it works surprisingly well. Glad Vive claimed their implementation is based on what oculus invented. MS, i dont believe they say same. But we knows MS.
    Also not sure how is this solved at pimax. But reviews there should be as mushrooms after rain. So everyone can decide.

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  4. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    What is wrong with oculus? Far best contollers. And yes, vive introduce their knuckless. But it is very similar to oculus touch. (were inspired???). And WMR. Only comparable product is Samsung Odyssey. All other are using LED display. Not mentioned tracking of controlers. Out of sight it doesnt exist...
    So what do you suggest and why?

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  5. Member Belike's Avatar
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    The best VR headsets you can buy today
    Oculus Quest 2. Best VR headset overall. And Oculus Rift S. Best VR headset for PC.

    Last edited by Belike; 17th Apr 2021 at 15:10.
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  6. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    Oculus = Facebook, it means now coupling so using oculus you must have it connected with your facebook account. Personaly no for me. Owning rift, and as old user i dont need connect it till end of year 2022. All new owners must connect it. So me personaly will stay with rift till end of 2022 and then regret all sw purchases on oculus store i made. Considering Valve index as next. No nonsense resolution, because than HW demanding very and tracking based on external sensors, which is more precise, and that tracking is lighter on PC HW. So Oculus Rift S best VR headset for PC, i dont know. Tracking isnt such because how it works, comparing with my cv1. Another headset to consider, with good PC is HP reverb that newer version, high res and ppl where are not controllers needed seems to be satisfied.
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  7. Hi guys,
    Modern VR headsets now fit under one of two categories:-
    1. Tethered
    2. Standalone.

    Tethered headsets like the HTC Vive Cosmos, PlayStation VR, and Valve Index are physically connected to PCs (or in the case of the PS VR, a PlayStation 4). The cable makes them a bit unwieldy, but putting all of the actual video processing in a box that you don't need to directly strap to your face means your VR experience can be a lot more complex.
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    Oculus Quest 2 is definitely the best advanced VR system today. At least for me.
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