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  1. Member
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    So, that's it, then?
    I know the thread is dated but wanted to get this off my chest in case 'I.WANT.IT.NOW' returns..

    Hey jughead. There's some things I find in ppl that I absolutely can't stand and one of them is the notion that they are entitled bitches especially to something that is entirely free. Program authors lead regular lives too and juggle jobs, family and other commitments while providing tools such as this for everyone. They're not here for your beck and call whenever YOU decide there's something YOU need. And that "extra step" might take what 4 minutes? Really? Lazy sh*t.

    Like video.baba said: "I suggest you find an equivalent tool, a paid tool, for which you can demand support."
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  2. Member
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    Was side tracked a little but actually came here to express my utmost appreciation to video.baba for the tireless work he's done on a fabulous program I only discovered and used for the first time today. I know it will make my work easier and is a wonderful addition to my toolbox. Thanks so much sir!
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  3. Could someone explain to me how to set the dynamic audio normalizer (D.A.N) option?
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  4. Click the audio filter button in the 'Tracks' window.
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  5. Originally Posted by video.baba View Post
    Click the audio filter button in the 'Tracks' window.
    What I wanted to know is about his options in the settings tab, where he has the letters F G P M R N C B S. Do I have to change something? What do they mean? And is the default setting the best quality?
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  6. Code:
    -f --frame-len <value>   Frame length, in milliseconds [default: 500]
    -g --gauss-size <value>  Gauss filter size, in frames [default: 31]
    -p --peak <value>        Target peak magnitude, 0.1-1 [default: 0.95]
    -m --max-gain <value>    Maximum gain factor [default: 10.00]
    -r --target-rms <value>  Target RMS value [default: 0.00]
    -n --no-coupling         Disable channel coupling [default: on]
    -c --correct-dc          Enable the DC bias correction [default: off]
    -b --alt-boundary        Use alternative boundary mode [default: off]
    -s --compress <value>    Compress the input data [default: 0.00]
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  7. Originally Posted by video.baba View Post
    -f --frame-len <value>   Frame length, in milliseconds [default: 500]
    -g --gauss-size <value>  Gauss filter size, in frames [default: 31]
    -p --peak <value>        Target peak magnitude, 0.1-1 [default: 0.95]
    -m --max-gain <value>    Maximum gain factor [default: 10.00]
    -r --target-rms <value>  Target RMS value [default: 0.00]
    -n --no-coupling         Disable channel coupling [default: on]
    -c --correct-dc          Enable the DC bias correction [default: off]
    -b --alt-boundary        Use alternative boundary mode [default: off]
    -s --compress <value>    Compress the input data [default: 0.00]
    I Understand now. Thanks!
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  8. Member
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    Any chance of adding support for MPEG conversion? Files on this format inside .mkv doesn't seem to be recognized by box4
    Would be greatly appreciated.
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  9. Hi guys! I am wanting to use BOX 4 3 on Linux Ubunto 18.04, I already installed it with Wine, but at the time of running gives no signal or error warning, does anyone have any solution?
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  10. Merry Xmas everyone ��
    I am glad I found this tool! One quick question...
    When I convert MKV to mp4 I loose chapter marks. Is there a way to preserve chapter settings in mp4?
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  11. Hi
    I have set these profiles
    and yet, my final audio becomes 1500K bitrate. Why?
    Eh, nevermind, apparently MediaInfo gets it wrong. When I checked within the player, audio is ~128K
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  12. I love this program, its simple, quick and does everything I want it to! However, I come from using Subler on the Mac which changes the output file from HEV1 to HVC1 for Apple compatibility. I know with ffmpeg you can can do this with -tag:v hvc1, just wondered if there was an option I was missing within BOX4 to allow me to set this as default as non of the files will work with my iPad.

    Thanks for the help!
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  13. Member TECSG's Avatar
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    Not sure if this *awesome* program is still being updated, but here's a couple of things to look in to if it is! Apologies if any of these points have already been addressed!

    1) As stated in an earlier post (but I didn't see a response), chapter markers are not copied (at least when converting from MKV to MP4). This is the main reason I'm still having to use other programs in addition to BOX4 (primarily VidCoder, but it's sooooo slow in comparison!)

    2) When adding a file to convert, it would be useful if the program could scan the source folder for external subtitles (perhaps only if there are no internal ones), looking for a subtitle file with the same name as the source file or, if there is only one video file and one subtitle file in the folder assume the subtitle file is for the source file. In both these cases, the subtitle file could be added but not selected (or have an option to choose if that subtitle file is/isn't selected by default).

    3) If the sole audio track or subtitle track is unknown language, assume (or option to assume) language/subtitle is correct but just not defined correctly in source file (and therefore select it)

    4) Add visual indicator for 'assumed to be correct' audio/subtitle or unknown language (see points 2/3 above). Where numbers are currently shown as Green for selected and Red for not selected, perhaps add Yellow for 'selected, but needs to be confirmed by user'.

    5) Default path for importing subtitles does not seem to be remembered (always reverts to \UserProfile\Videos). Would be better if path was set to the same as the source file if not implementing point 2 above.

    6) Include support for AVI convertion (from AVI to MP4) would be nice!

    7) When adding multiple video files (more than 5), return to the top of the list once all files have been added. Currently the program auto-scrolls with each added file and then stays at the bottom of the list.

    8) When converting a file with graphical subtitles, option to write subtitles to external file would be useful.

    Hope you find this information/suggestions useful!
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  14. Member
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    I noticed that .webm files are not supported unless you rename them to .mkv.
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  15. Member
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    A better AAC encoder would be nice, the native FFmpeg one is a lot worse than FDK-AAC.
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  16. I love Box 4 v3 and use it all the time. Yesterday I started receiving the following message for every file I tried to converter from mkv to mp4. I have no idea what this message is trying to tell me, or if there is something I can do to fix it.

    [Attachment 67048 - Click to enlarge]

    Not sure that worked, so here is another link to the message screenshot
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  17. Member
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    Hello, just wanted to add a file with an unprotected m4v-container, but BOX won't accept it unless i rename it to mp4.
    Would it be a huge mess to add m4v to be able to drop'em to BOX without renaming upfront?
    Last edited by mpek; 1st May 2023 at 01:53.
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  18. Member
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    Hello, just testing used again Box4 with and recognized that some tags are not taken over to the new files!

    The missing tags are LANGUAGE and MEDIATYPE that are gone with the new files generated by BOX4 .
    Would be nice to get it fixed, if possible.
    Last edited by mpek; 1st May 2023 at 03:31.
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  19. It's been a few years since I released one of these, I kind of lost the incentive. However, I have been using it a little more lately, playing around, changing a few things to suit my needs and to reflect some of the later suggestions posted here. Who knows, maybe I'll dust it off and release it again one day.
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  20. Member
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    Originally Posted by video.baba View Post
    It's been a few years since I released one of these, I kind of lost the incentive. However, I have been using it a little more lately, playing around, changing a few things to suit my needs and to reflect some of the later suggestions posted here. Who knows, maybe I'll dust it off and release it again one day.
    Yeah, I know what you mean. Nice thought! Usually you don't handle many video files at once, but a tool like yours comes in handy if you do!
    Like having a collection of movies you like.
    To bring all files to a common standard, can reduce stress with incompatibilities with other programs, (network) players.
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  21. Originally Posted by video.baba View Post
    It's been a few years since I released one of these, I kind of lost the incentive. However, I have been using it a little more lately, playing around, changing a few things to suit my needs and to reflect some of the later suggestions posted here. Who knows, maybe I'll dust it off and release it again one day.
    Do not tease us, bro! This program stick rocks here in 2023 and magic sprinkles you put on it will only make it awesome in to 2050! Either way, appreciate you for still dipping your toes into the water.
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  22. Member
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    Originally Posted by video.baba View Post
    It's been a few years since I released one of these, I kind of lost the incentive. However, I have been using it a little more lately, playing around, changing a few things to suit my needs and to reflect some of the later suggestions posted here. Who knows, maybe I'll dust it off and release it again one day.
    In case you are working on this again, HEVC.x265 codec files forcibly close the GUI.
    ffmpeg.exe continues to run in the background until the file is converted correctly.
    GUI can then be reopened and the next x265 file loaded for work.
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  23. Member
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    Hello, I came across this great program by chance. Is it possible to save in the same folder as the source file? Either rename the original file or give the converted file a different name.
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