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  1. hello guys,
    does anyone know a good conversion method (scripts, batches etc would also be ok) if I want to convert a 23,970fps BD50 to a 25fps BD25 ?
    The mainmovie on the BD50 has 25,09gb (37,0 mbps bitrate) so it should be 23,90gb (34,78 mbps bitrate) to fit on a BD25.
    I tried to shrink it with CloneBD and after that speed the fps up with tsmuxer but that didn't work out so maybe you guys know a way for good real conversion.
    Thanks in advance
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    I know how to do it using a combination of software, i'e. AviSynth, VirtualDub, Vegas Pro, MeGUI, etc.
    However, to do it right would take many hours of work. If I'm working on a source that will be viewed in different parts of the world that use different TV standards, I'll go that route. If it's a retail Bluray, I don't see the point in all that work when the correct formats are widely available.
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