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  1. Member loa909's Avatar
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    I have this script for enhancing the audio on movies or clips. so when I dropped a .mp4 clip on the script all i get is this below in the cmd window. anyone know why

     Audio processing, video is copied losslesly
    C:\ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static\bin\ShapeMaker: No such file or directory
    Press any key to continue . . .

    this is the script I use


    @echo Audio processing, video is copied losslesly

    @rem folder where ffmpeg.exe is located
    @set FF=C:\ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static\bin
    @set PATH=%FF%;%PATH%

    @set filename=%1

    @rem audio bitrate
    @set ab=192

    @set aproc="pan=stereo|FL < FL+1.414FC+0.5BL+0.5SL+0.25LFE|FR < FR+1.414FC+0.5BR+0.5SR+0.25LFE,dynaudnorm=p=1/sqrt(2):m=100=20"

    @ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -v 32 -stats -y -i "%filename%" -c:v copy -af %aproc% -c:a aac -b:a %ab%k -f matroska "%~n1_dynaudio.mkv"

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  2. Member Budman1's Avatar
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    Be careful in batch files with percent signs. Sometimes need 2 (%%) and sometimes not depending if its batch usage or program usage as part of ffmpeg line. %%A usage is also different than %1.

    Also removing the @ signs and allowing lines to show complete output may help with errors.
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  3. Check if your C:\ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static\bin exist and if there is ffmpeg.exe in this folder.
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  4. Member
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    Change this line in your script
    @set filename=%1
    @set filename=%~1
    and see if that helps.
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  5. Member loa909's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Budman1 View Post
    Be careful in batch files with percent signs. Sometimes need 2 (%%) and sometimes not depending if its batch usage or program usage as part of ffmpeg line. %%A usage is also different than %1.

    Also removing the @ signs and allowing lines to show complete output may help with errors.
    I am a bit confused with this above I did remove all @ signs. but got a load of junk stuff

    Re: ffmpeg help not working

    Check if your C:\ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static\bin exist and if there is ffmpeg.exe in this folder.

    yes ffmpeg.exe is in that bin folder

    Re: ffmpeg help not working

    Change this line in your script
    @set filename=%1
    @set filename=%~1
    and see if that helps.

    I cant see how to make that symbol @set filename=%~1 after the % sign I think its called tidle not sure now

    EDIT: Silly me its LSHIFT and the # key like this ~ I just added that ~ symbol like you said between the % and the 1 so its like this @set filename=%~1

    now it works seem weird to me as it worked before that ~ was there, but its working now

    thanks so much
    Last edited by loa909; 9th Jul 2018 at 09:49.
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  6. Originally Posted by loa909 View Post

    Re: ffmpeg help not working

    Check if your C:\ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static\bin exist and if there is ffmpeg.exe in this folder.

    yes ffmpeg.exe is in that bin folder
    My bad - seem this is issue with name - seem there is forbidden character in name

    Originally Posted by loa909 View Post

    I cant see how to make that symbol @set filename=%~1 after the % sign I think its called tidle not sure now

    EDIT: Silly me its LSHIFT and the # key like this ~ I just added that ~ symbol like you said between the % and the 1 so its like this @set filename=%~1

    now it works seem weird to me as it worked before that ~ was there, but its working now

    thanks so much
    Next time just copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V)
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by loa909 View Post
    EDIT: Silly me its LSHIFT and the # key like this ~ I just added that ~ symbol like you said between the % and the 1 so its like this @set filename=%~1

    now it works seem weird to me as it worked before that ~ was there, but its working now

    thanks so much
    You're welcome. Here's why it works: If you drag-and-drop a file on this script and there are any spaces in the pathname, then Windows will surround the value with quote marks. Since you are also putting quotes around %filename% in the call to ffmpeg, you will end up with doubled quotes on each side, like this
    ""C:\Users\Bozo\Desktop\My Lovely Video.mp4""
    The doubled quotes are treated as empty strings, so the pathname is unquoted and ffmpeg breaks it up on the spaces. Thus, it sees only "C:\Users\Bozo\Desktop\My" as the input file.

    Using the tilda in %~1 tells the command processor to remove any surrounding quotes from the parameter. Then, it becomes properly quoted in your call to ffmpeg.
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  8. Member loa909's Avatar
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    well many thanks to all of your replies but now I have added that symbol ~ its working fine.
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