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  1. Freelance scientist Chemist116's Avatar
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    Hello. I have a video file to which I already tried to re-encode with ffmpeg to do so I typed the following command:

    ffmpeg -i "record_27032018_02240.mp4" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "record_27032018_02241.mp4"
    However ffmpeg does not continue the process and instead tells me a message which is like this:

    moov atom not found
    I'd like to know if there is anything that I can use in ffmpeg to "fix" this problem and to en-code the file and skip any errors or discard them as it re encodes the video.

    Please I'd like if someone could suggest me an open source software win 7 x86 compatible or something which is free. Thanks in advance.
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  2. Originally Posted by Chemist116 View Post
    Hello. I have a video file to which I already tried to re-encode with ffmpeg to do so I typed the following command:

    ffmpeg -i "record_27032018_02240.mp4" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "record_27032018_02241.mp4"
    However ffmpeg does not continue the process and instead tells me a message which is like this:

    moov atom not found
    I'd like to know if there is anything that I can use in ffmpeg to "fix" this problem and to en-code the file and skip any errors or discard them as it re encodes the video.

    Please I'd like if someone could suggest me an open source software win 7 x86 compatible or something which is free. Thanks in advance.

    "Moov atom not found" means the mp4 was not finalized properly. FFmpeg won't fix that.

    Do you have the device that this video was recorded on? If you have a good video that was recorded on the same device with the same settings, you may be able to fix the problem video with recover_mp4:
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  3. Freelance scientist Chemist116's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by sfu10 View Post
    Originally Posted by Chemist116 View Post
    Hello. I have a video file to which I already tried to re-encode with ffmpeg to do so I typed the following command:

    ffmpeg -i "record_27032018_02240.mp4" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "record_27032018_02241.mp4"
    However ffmpeg does not continue the process and instead tells me a message which is like this:

    moov atom not found
    I'd like to know if there is anything that I can use in ffmpeg to "fix" this problem and to en-code the file and skip any errors or discard them as it re encodes the video.

    Please I'd like if someone could suggest me an open source software win 7 x86 compatible or something which is free. Thanks in advance.

    "Moov atom not found" means the mp4 was not finalized properly. FFmpeg won't fix that.

    Do you have the device that this video was recorded on? If you have a good video that was recorded on the same device with the same settings, you may be able to fix the problem video with recover_mp4:
    Sorry. I do not have the device, the file was obtained from recording it from an online stream. The mp4 which results in the error already mentioned is the only file I have. What can I do from here?.
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