I broadcast a live .m3u8 stream from my server, it works fine in ms edge and in vlc but not in chrome. I know about chrome's native problems with m3u8 however I think there is something wrong with my stream but I don't know what. The stream url is I've tried this url in the demo page at:
http://videojs.github.io/videojs-contrib-hls/ but the player gives an error message: The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. There's no problem with the network so it must be a format problem.
I also tried it at http://video-dev.github.io/hls.js/demo/ but nothing plays.
I generate my stream using this ffmpeg command:
ffmpeg -y -f mpegts -i <tv tuner> -f flv -codec:v libx264 -preset slow -s 320x180 -qscale:v 20 -maxrate 600k -bufsize 1000k -vf scale=-1:240 -threads 0 -vsync cfr -framerate 15 -c:a aac -b:a 64k -af aformat=s16:44100 rtmp://<my-streaming-server>
I figured there's something wrong with this command which makes it fail in google chrome. Thanks for any help.
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Hi ,
Why : -f mpegts and -f flv ?
Try one and after the other .
Cheers .JE SUIS CHARLIE !!! -
thanks for your response. I tried the command with just -f mpegts only and ffmpeg did run but in ms edge and vlc there was no video image. I then tried just -f flv on its own and there was video however when testing the stream using the demo urls in my first post it still doesn't work in google chrome.
Last edited by neuronetv; 26th May 2018 at 17:38.
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