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  1. I need a little help/advice with an AVISynth script.
    I've attached a sample of the source file that I believe has been converted from NTSC to PAL incorrectly. It is part of a TV series and every other episode plays smoothly after encoding but this one does not.
    I have used QTGMC to deinterlace and SRestore() to return it to 23.976fps but it's not right. I am not very knowledgeable about frame blending etc and I know SRestore has a few different options to remove different frames but I can't figure it out.

    Please can someone offer me some advice?
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  2. It works here, using both Yadif(Mode=1) and QTGMC to bob. If you're moving around in the timeline it takes some number of frames for QTGMC to latch on to the cadence. If it works on the sample but not the whole episode you might fool around with the field order.
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  3. Originally Posted by manono View Post
    It works here, using both Yadif(Mode=1) and QTGMC to bob. If you're moving around in the timeline it takes some number of frames for QTGMC to latch on to the cadence. If it works on the sample but not the whole episode you might fool around with the field order.
    Thanks for your help manono.
    Not sure what I'm doing wrong but this doesn't work for me - the motion is not smooth and there is a small stutter. I tried mode=1, mode=0 and I tried selecteven and selectodd after QTGMC but none of these are correct. Don't get me wrong, it's much better but still not good.

    Why is deinterlacing twice the right thing to do?
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  4. Originally Posted by duffbeer View Post
    Why is deinterlacing twice the right thing to do?
    I only bobbed once, but tested with both bobbers separately. The bobbing is necessary because the video is field blended. That is, the blending is in the fields. So you have to bob it (turn each field into a full frame and double the framerate) so SRestore can choose the 'clean' bobbed frames to reconstruct the video at the correct framerate. Using this script:


    I produced the video linked below. I didn't bother with the aspect ratio and except for the first few frames (because, as I mentioned before, it takes awhile for SRestore to latch onto the cadence), it looks pretty smooth. I think I noticed only one glitch where a frame may have been skipped.
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