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  1. Member
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    Hello all!

    Long Story Short:
    I am having major issues trying to get some Blu-Ray footage imported into Sony Vegas Pro 12. I recently ripped a number of Blu-Rays (all 7 Rocky movies) to my computer as MKV files using MakeMKV. Then, I tried importing these into Sony Vegas by doing a number of things, all of which have been total failures, haha (see below for "more details" on what I've already tried!).

    Does anyone know how I can simply get the video and audio from these Blu-Rays into Sony Vegas in a format that will allow me to edit them and successfully export them? I'd like the quality to be as close to the original Blu-Ray quality as possible (lossless would be great, but I'm willing to compromise a bit if necessary). I'm assuming some video conversion is required, but nothing I do seems to be working. I don't care what I need to do - I'm fine with starting from the beginning and ripping the Blu-Rays differently or whatever. Also, once I do get the footage to work in Vegas, does anyone have a recommended Codec that I should export to?

    "The Details" (I've what I've already tried)
    The closest I got was with tsMuxer - I used tsMuxer to convert them to M2TS files, and that actually worked very nicely for the last 2 Rocky movies (Rocky Balboa and Creed), but it didn't work at all for Rocky 1 through 5 (possibly because they are older movies?). I am able to import the MT2S files for Rocky 1 to 5 into Vegas, but Vegas hangs up immediately when I try to move the file to the timeline. Not sure why.

    I also tried using Handbrake to convert them to MPEG-2s, but it didn't work (no audio for seemingly no reason). I tried Brorsoft Video Converter to convert the M2TSs into MPEG-2s, and that worked ok until I imported the MPEG-2s into Vegas and then exported the final product (no audio once again). I tried using Avidemux to convert to MPEG-2s, but once again no luck (no sound at all!). I also tried using XMedia Recode, but the video quality is horrible.

    I can't believe it's taking this long to do something that should be so simple!! Haha. In any case, I would be eternally grateful to anyone who might be able to help!!!!

    Thanks so much, hope everyone is well!!!
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  2. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    SixersFan76, please do not double post. I've deleted the other duplicate topic. If you want to move a topic to another forum, PM a Mod.

    Moderator redwudz
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  3. i dont use sony vegas but MP4 is a more used container maybe swap containers and try loading as MP4? to quickly swap containers use this
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  4. Why do yo start new thread? Did you try what I suggested in the old thread about changing audio?

    Also as suggested BzERK IE videoeditors do not like MKV's, mux your videotrcks into transport stream, TS, M2TS.
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  5. Member
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    Originally Posted by redwudz View Post
    SixersFan76, please do not double post. I've deleted the other duplicate topic. If you want to move a topic to another forum, PM a Mod.

    Moderator redwudz
    Whoops, sorry about that!! Wasn't sure which board would be better so I posted on both, but my apologies, I didn't realize it was against the rules, won't do it again! Thanks!
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  6. Member
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    Originally Posted by BzERK IE View Post
    i dont use sony vegas but MP4 is a more used container maybe swap containers and try loading as MP4? to quickly swap containers use this
    Hi BzERK! This actually seems like the best solution anyone has suggested yet!! I downloaded this last night and tried to change it to an MP4. The only thing is, I'm a bit confused. After it said, "Completed," I couldn't find the final product (it didn't tell me where it was going to save my new file, and I couldn't see any option for specifying the destination - or does it just change the original MKV file?). Thank you very much again for your help!!
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by _Al_ View Post
    Why do yo start new thread? Did you try what I suggested in the old thread about changing audio?

    Also as suggested BzERK IE videoeditors do not like MKV's, mux your videotrcks into transport stream, TS, M2TS.
    Hi AL! So sorry, I didn't see your post on the other thread! I will take a look, thanks so much! I did try muxing the file to TS and M2TS, but unfortunately all the software I used to do that didn't produce good results (in my original post here, I specified the exact programs I used, and unfortunately none of them worked!!). Thanks again!!!
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  8. But did you change the audio? That is most likely the cause of your problem, not video. Video coming from Blu-Ray is quite easy to decode, it is by all means regular H.264 video that Vegas should not have a problem.

    Check what audio was present when it worked and what audio was present when it did not. Use mediainfo. And use only one audio track when importing into Vegas.
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