I need help to get a code for capture video and audio from my Avermedia video card. I've read the documentation here. But I don't get the idea very clear. If possible I need to tell ffmpeg to get data from the card (audio and video) and record it as mpg and to specify a reasonable file size. Let's say using the library libx264 and crf 18 or 24. Can somebody help me?.
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I believe there is a way to do this in VLC player. But default it is setup to capture whole multiplex. To change it go to Preference - on the bottom show all then look for input/codecs and disable Prefer native stream recording. Save. Restart Vlc, open your station (you should prepare playlist with tv's multiplexes frequencies).
Press record and video should be in user\videos\something.mpg
Isn't better to compress the video afterwards, when editing? Remove start, commercials, end?
Not answered ffmpeg OP quesiton
Bernix -
I use something like:
Code:@SETLOCAL @IF EXIST "folder where ffmpeg is located eg C:\FFMPEG" SET PATH=%PATH%;"folder where ffmpeg is located eg C:\FFMPEG" @set OUTDIR=camera @if not exist ..\%cd%\%OUTDIR% (mkdir ..\%cd%\%OUTDIR%) @set SAVESTAMP=%DATE:/=-%_%TIME::=-% @set SAVESTAMP=%SAVESTAMP:.=-% @rem echo Possible presets: ultrafast superfast veryfast faster fast medium slow slower veryslow placebo @rem echo Possible tunes: film animation grain stillimage psnr ssim fastdecode zerolatency @echo Time start is: %SAVESTAMP% @rem set devce="HP Webcam [2 MP]" @rem set vidsiz=1600x1200 @set devce="Philips PCVC750K Camera; Video" @set vidsiz=640x480 @SET x264opts="level=4.0:qp=18:qpmin=4:cabac=1:threads=auto:nr=500:no-psnr:no-ssim" @echo If everything is OK then starting in 2 seconds... @CHOICE /T:Y,2 @ffmpeg -rtbufsize 512M -video_size %vidsiz% -f dshow -i video=%devce% -c:v libx264 -preset faster -tune fastdecode -x264opts %x264opts% -x264-params %x264opts% -vf "hqdn3d=8:8:8:8,decimate=cycle=2,drawtext='fontfile=Envy_Code_R_Bold.ttf:fontsize=24:fontcolor=black@0.9:box=1:boxcolor=white:boxborderw=8:x=(w-tw)/2:y=8+th:text=%%{localtime\: %%d\\\/%%m\\\/%%y %%H\\\:%%M\\\:%%S }',format='pix_fmts=yuv420p'" -shortest -movflags faststart -y -f mp4 "%cd%\%OUTDIR%\camera_%SAVESTAMP%.mp4" @ENDLOCAL @Pause
Code:ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
Code:ffmpeg -list_options true -f dshow -i video="Your Video Device"
Good luck.
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