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  1. I have placed this in virtual dub plug ins folder but when i go into filters in VD its not listed can anyone help
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  2. In plugins32?
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  3. there isnt a plugins32 only plugins64 I am on windows 10 64 bit
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  4. That's not how it works. Use 32 bit vdub with 32 bit filters.
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  5. Originally Posted by andkar View Post
    That's not how it works. Use 32 bit vdub with 32 bit filters.
    so where do i get VD 64 bit with 64 bit filters
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  6. You already have 64 bit vdub. It takes 64 bit filters. To use 32 bit filters, just download 32 bit vdub.

    I doubt a 64 bit MSU subtitle remover exists, but what do I know.
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  7. Originally Posted by andkar View Post
    You already have 64 bit vdub. It takes 64 bit filters. To use 32 bit filters, just download 32 bit vdub.

    I doubt a 64 bit MSU subtitle remover exists, but what do I know.
    ok I will download 32bit VD with 32bit filters I just assumed as I was on windows 10 64bit i need the 64 Filters
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