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  1. Hi videohelper's , i am struggling to get start with 16bit (High_bit_depth) encoding but it is not working correctly in 10bit . i am getting all green picture with the double width/1440 but height/480 remain same after encoding (it is my first time i am trying learn but cant figure it out ), please can someone point me to the right direction, how this should be done ?

    I am using MeGUI with Avisynth Plus

    this was script for starting test

    FFVideoSource("C:\Users\jo\Video\Jasmine Sandlas Ft. DJ Flow - White Hill .mp4", fpsnum=25, fpsden=1, track=-1, cache=true ,seekmode=1, enable10bithack=true,  resizer="spline", threads=1)
    smdegrain(tr=3, slices=true, lsb_in=true, lsb=true, lsb_out=true, mode=0, Always_MdegrainN=true )
    GradFun3(thr=0.35, radius=12, elast=3.00, mask=3, mode=0, smode=0, debug=0, lsb=true, lsb_in=true, staticnoise=False, thrc=0.35, radiusc=12, elastc=3.00, y=3, u=3, v=3)
    LinearResize(720,480,kernel="spline36",mode=0, Lsb_in=true, Lsb_out=true)
    I was excepting normal picture just with more bits pixel , my result is in 10bit but looks terrible . which tool i use to do this High bit-depth encoding ?
    Any help would be much appreciated ,TIA.
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	16bit-error.png
Views:	388
Size:	1.32 MB
ID:	41786  

    Click image for larger version

Name:	MeGUI x264 10-bit.png
Views:	723
Size:	119.9 KB
ID:	41787  

    Quote Quote  
  2. I haven't done it using MeGUI but I see two possible problems:
    1.) You use ffvideosource with 10 bit hack. So this will output 10/16 bit. In the line below you use Dither_Convert_8_to_16() but that function only makes sense with 8 bit input.
    In general, that doesn't make sense with AviSynth+. If you use latest vanilla ffms2 it should use its native high bitdepth formats without a hack. Then for incompatible filters you can convert back to using some special AviSynth+ filters.

    2.) Look into MeGUI log. How is it opening/piping the AviSynth script with/to x264? It is likely it doesn't detect that it's dealing with high bitdepth. Maybe it's easier to just do it from the command-line.

    And remove all smdegrain, GradFun3 and LinearResize for testing until you have figured high bitdepth out. Walk before you run.
    Last edited by sneaker; 1st Jun 2017 at 17:21.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Dither_out outputs 16bit. I don't think x264 knows how to decode 16bit video, only 10bit.

    AVS+ has the ConvertBits function (its wiki page is currently empty - my fault - see this post) which can output 10bit for you.

    EDIT I forgot to mention ConvertFromStacked. It converts from Stack16 to true 16-bit.
    # <Stack16 here...>
    #Dither_out(bigendian=False) ## disable this line
    ConvertBits(10, dither=0) ## 0=dither ON, -1=dither OFF
    EDIT ok, x264 does know how to decode 16bit, but you probably need to specify the colorspace. I haven't tested it. Assume you are sending 4:2:0.
    --demuxer <string> - auto, raw, y4m, avs, lavf
    --input-csp <string>    Specify input colorspace format for raw input
    	- valid csps for `raw' demuxer:
    	  i420, yv12, nv12, nv21, i422, yv16, nv16, i444, yv24, bgr, bgra, rgb
    	- valid csps for `lavf' demuxer:
    	  yuv420p, yuyv422, rgb24, bgr24, yuv422p, 
    	  yuv444p, yuv410p, yuv411p, gray, monow, monob, 
    	  pal8, yuvj420p, yuvj422p, yuvj444p, xvmcmc, 
    	  xvmcidct, uyvy422, uyyvyy411, bgr8, bgr4, 
    	  bgr4_byte, rgb8, rgb4, rgb4_byte, nv12, nv21, 
    	  argb, rgba, abgr, bgra, gray16be, gray16le, 
    	  yuv440p, yuvj440p, yuva420p, vdpau_h264, 
    	  vdpau_mpeg1, vdpau_mpeg2, vdpau_wmv3, 
    	  vdpau_vc1, rgb48be, rgb48le, rgb565be, 
    	  rgb565le, rgb555be, rgb555le, bgr565be, 
    	  bgr565le, bgr555be, bgr555le, vaapi_moco, 
    	  vaapi_idct, vaapi_vld, yuv420p16le,  /* 16bit */
    	  yuv420p16be, yuv422p16le, yuv422p16be, 
    	  yuv444p16le, yuv444p16be, vdpau_mpeg4, 
    	  dxva2_vld, rgb444le, rgb444be, bgr444le, 
    	  bgr444be, ya8, bgr48be, bgr48le, yuv420p9be, 
    	  yuv420p9le, yuv420p10be, yuv420p10le, /* 10bit */
    	  yuv422p10be, yuv422p10le, yuv444p9be, 
    	  yuv444p9le, yuv444p10be, yuv444p10le, 
    	  yuv422p9be, yuv422p9le, vda_vld, gbrp, gbrp9be, 
    	  gbrp9le, gbrp10be, gbrp10le, gbrp16be, 
    	  gbrp16le, yuva422p, yuva444p, yuva420p9be, 
    	  yuva420p9le, yuva422p9be, yuva422p9le, 
    	  yuva444p9be, yuva444p9le, yuva420p10be, 
    	  yuva420p10le, yuva422p10be, yuva422p10le, 
    	  yuva444p10be, yuva444p10le, yuva420p16be, 
    	  yuva420p16le, yuva422p16be, yuva422p16le, 
    	  yuva444p16be, yuva444p16le, vdpau, xyz12le, 
    	  xyz12be, nv16, nv20le, nv20be, rgba64be, 
    	  rgba64le, bgra64be, bgra64le, yvyu422, vda, 
    	  ya16be, ya16le, gbrap, gbrap16be, gbrap16le, 
    	  qsv, mmal, d3d11va_vld
    Last edited by raffriff42; 2nd Jun 2017 at 08:53. Reason: forgot ConvertFromStacked
    Quote Quote  
  4. Originally Posted by raffriff42 View Post
    but you probably need to specify the colorspace.
    Yes, for raw input. If MeGUI uses y4m piping but with a piping software that cannot detect high bitdepth AviSynth+ formats it won't work. And then you need to have the script output in AviSynth+'s native high bitdepth format, of course, not the hacked kind. If MeGUI lets x264 open the script directly it should also work with native output (but then needs same 32 bit / 64 bit for avs+ and x264). Need to see the log to understand what MeGUI is doing exactly.

    Also, don't expect preview to look normal.
    Quote Quote  
  5. Quote neaker
    Hi sneaker thanks for repling, alright might be something else then if not MeGUI. As i'm beginerer on this HBD track i m trying to give it spark btw script is a dummy for test will improve it hopefuly. MeGUI\tools\x264\x264-10bit this is part of process if i m not wrong i read it on doom9 somewhere cant refrence to any post(i'm sure there's many available) but thanks you for time you took appreciate it.

    Hello raffriff42, thank you mate for much detail (myabe it's megui megui can't output native-10bit) .
    But i'm sorry i can't get Convert-Bits(16) to work i get this error but without ConvertBits() it is working fine that's reason i had to use Dither_Out() (on my win7-x64 i Installed Avisynth+1576 installer and override it with the letest Avs+ r2489" AvisynthPlus-r2489-MT\x64\system\devil.dll + Avisynth.dll > system32 and from AvisynthPlus-r2489-MT\x86\AvisynthPlus-r2489-MT\system\Devil.dll + Avisynth.Dll >syswow64) avisynth+ working fine but no idea why it is not ConvertBits Function.
    Anyway i was searching for 4:2:0 to 4:2:2 upconversion and found this from doom9 and i this could be part of my script to start it up, but still there is more to understand and learn

    got it from here :
    #Convert to Stack16 for processing
    #Convert to 4:2:2 (if interlaced, SeperateFields and Weave must be used)
    w = Width()/2
    h = Height()/2
    u = UToY8().Dither_resize16(w, h, kernel="spline36", src_left=0, u=1, v=1)
    v = VToY8().Dither_resize16(w, h, kernel="spline36", src_left=0, u=1, v=1)
    YToUV(u, v, last)
    #Convert to 10-bit and output
    completed it with .bat the output file size is way to big over 3GB for 2m 46s i want improve this and
    avs2yuv -raw -csp I422 output.avs - | ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -s 720x480 -r 23.976 -i - -c:v v210 output.mkv
    still improvements are needed on how to order cmd in .bat file and how set the limit for output file size and little bit about creating a 16bit filter chain like ex:

    i am trying to extend the above script
    global MeGUI_darx = 4
    global MeGUI_dary = 3
    LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\MeGUI-2715-32\tools\dgindex\DGDecode.dll")
    DGDecode_mpeg2source("C:\Users\Mod\Videos\VTS_01_2be.d2v", cpu=4, info=3)
    LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\MeGUI-2715-32\tools\avisynth_plugin\ColorMatrix.dll")
    ColorMatrix(hints=true, threads=0)
    w = Width()/2
    h = Height()/2
    u = UToY8().Dither_resize16(w, h, kernel="spline36", src_left=0, u=1, v=1)
    v = VToY8().Dither_resize16(w, h, kernel="spline36", src_left=0, u=1, v=1)
    YToUV(u, v, last)
    smdegrain(tr=2, thsad=300, Lsb_in=true, Lsb=true, Lsb_out=true,mode=0,slices=true)
    LinearResize(720,480, kernel="spline36",mode=0, lsb_in=true, lsb_out=true)
    raffriff42 and sneaker is the color space and other filter need replacement (16bit filter chain should i start above of csp 4:2:2 or below as it is in script) , the above script works fine just its output size so big any idea what is wrong in my .bat
    avs2yuv -raw -csp I422 output.avs - | ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -s 720x480 -r 23.976 -i - -c:v v210 output.mkv
    Quote Quote  
  6. Stop. I don't even know where to start. You want way too much and your ideas are all over the place. Start with a very simple script. Just source and high bitdepth output and encode that. Once you have that working you can extend.

    With latest AviSynth+, latest ffms2 and latest avs2pipemod it should look very simple:
    AviSynth+ script:
    Encode command:
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    or 64bit AviSynth+:
    avs2pipemod64 -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    Come back once you got that working.

    avs2pipemod -info "script.avs"
    you can check the script's native output format.

    About big file size: v210 "codec" is just uncompressed. You probably want -c:v libx264 or something like that but I can also warn you that zeranoe's ffmpeg builds only have 8 bit x264.
    Last edited by sneaker; 2nd Jun 2017 at 07:29.
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  7. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Stop. I don't even know where to start. You want way too much and your ideas are all over the place. Start with a very simple script. Just source and high bitdepth output and encode that. Once you have that working you can extend.

    With latest AviSynth+, latest ffms2 and latest avs2pipemod it should look very simple:
    AviSynth+ script:
    Encode command:
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    or 64bit AviSynth+:
    avs2pipemod64 -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    Come back once you got that working.

    avs2pipemod -info "script.avs"
    you can check the script's native output format.

    About big file size: v210 "codec" is just uncompressed. You probably want -c:v libx264 or something like that but I can also warn you that zeranoe's ffmpeg builds only have 8 bit x264.
    Alright thanks again sneaker , will get on to it and will get back in here once i got it working.TOA
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  8. Just a note,
    Originally Posted by raffriff42 View Post
    EDIT I forgot to mention ConvertFromStacked. It converts from Stack16 to true 16-bit.
    This may explain your error, but it's also possible AvisynthPlus was not installed correctly...
    Quote Quote  
  9. Hi raffriff42 thank you for the info will look into it .

    Hi sneaker, now i tried as u told me to but still not working when i open .bat file it says avs2pipemod is not recognise as a internal or external command, operable program or batch file

    I downloaded those two program avs2pipemod and latest ffms2

    but i can't make .bat command line as i am beginner have no clue please help me specify avs2pipemod command. I have created a folder on Desktop where i got ffms2 and avspipemod + x264-10bit and i saved a script in the same folder ( files in folder ) now i want to clear do i have to install anything else? or this is it. now next step is to right an correct command for test encoding( i couldn't get this work for myself tried already ) hopefully sneaker or raffriff42 and others will help me on it.

    i get an error 'avs2pipemod is not recognise any clue this is a command avs2pipemod - y4mp=10:11 Tashan_src.avs | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o output.h264 maybe not correct
    Quote Quote  
  10. It looks like your problem is a path issue

    The command prompt (directory level) is open at c:\users\mod , but avs2pipemod is in a different directory

    You can specify full directory paths in your scripts and command lines, or setup environment variables (so you can call exe's from anywhere)

    Or to begin with , it might be easier at first - if everything is in the same folder, then open a command prompt in that directory level (in windows explorer, if the directory is open, hold right mouse click => open command window here ) . For you , that would be the "10-bit starting test" folder
    Quote Quote  
  11. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    It looks like your problem is a path issue

    The command prompt (directory level) is open at c:\users\mod , but avs2pipemod is in a different directory

    You can specify full directory paths in your scripts and command lines, or setup environment variables (so you can call exe's from anywhere)
    sweet poisondeathray , that's what it was i had to keep in my user folder
    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Or to begin with , it might be easier at first - if everything is in the same folder, then open a command prompt in that directory level (in windows explorer, if the directory is open, hold right mouse click => open command window here ) . For you , that would be the "10-bit starting test" folder
    i am beginner just started walking in this, will learn surely big thanks poisondeathray u point at the main issue which have solved the error now it is working
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Stop. I don't even know where to start. You want way too much and your ideas are all over the place. Start with a very simple script. Just source and high bitdepth output and encode that. Once you have that working you can extend.

    With latest AviSynth+, latest ffms2 and latest avs2pipemod it should look very simple:
    AviSynth+ script:
    Encode command:
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    or 64bit AviSynth+:
    avs2pipemod64 -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    Come back once you got that working.

    avs2pipemod -info "script.avs"
    you can check the script's native output format.

    About big file size: v210 "codec" is just uncompressed. You probably want -c:v libx264 or something like that but I can also warn you that zeranoe's ffmpeg builds only have 8 bit x264.
    yea sneaker got it working now (thank you poisondeathray for pointing at directory) ,
    here is an working command .
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "title00.mkv.avs"| x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.h264"
    simple script
    # Set DAR in encoder to 4 : 3. The following line is for automatic signalling
    global MeGUI_darx = 4
    global MeGUI_dary = 3
    LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\MeGUI-2715-32\tools\ffms\ffms2.dll")
    FFVideoSource("C:\Video\DVDVolume\title00.mkv", fpsnum=24000, fpsden=1001, threads=1)
    now i have one clip in 10bit .h264 what is next
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  13. That script should not be working with with command line. Latest AviSynth+/ffms2 work with native AviSynth+ high bitdepth formats (which aren't used for DVDs as they are 8 bit) but dither tools only knows the native AviSynth 8 bit formats. avs2pipemod cannot detect the hacked high bitdepth format that dither tools uses and thus tells x264 it is sending 8 bit data.

    Or is AviSynth+ able to deal with dither tools somehow? Maybe I need to test it...
    Quote Quote  
  14. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    That script should not be working with with command line. Latest AviSynth+/ffms2 work with native AviSynth+ high bitdepth formats (which aren't used for DVDs as they are 8 bit) but dither tools only knows the native AviSynth 8 bit formats. avs2pipemod cannot detect the hacked high bitdepth format that dither tools uses and thus tells x264 it is sending 8 bit data.

    Or is AviSynth+ able to deal with dither tools somehow? Maybe I need to test it...
    it is working mate check here but result are all green (i wasn't clear about dvd shouldn't be processed) so only Blu_ray or HD material should be used , and please can u post a script to start test for avs2pipemod to read the 10bit hack.
    thanks sneaker for getting back
    Quote Quote  
  15. Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    it is working mate check here but result are all green
    Yes, that's what I meant and expected by "not working".

    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    (i wasn't clear about dvd shouldn't be processed) so only Blu_ray or HD material should be used
    No, it was just a note I wanted to make. And most HD (incl. Blu-ray except UltraHD Blu-Ray) is only 8 bit as well.

    Bottom line: the source bitdepth shouldn't matter, the output will always be wrong with your combination of avs+ and avs2pipemod and that command-line.

    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    and please can u post a script to start test for avs2pipemod to read the 10bit hack.
    Just remove all the dither tools stuff. It just messes things up and is not needed. It's mostly useful for vanilla AviSynth, not AviSynth+. Try the native tools of AviSynth+.

    I guess something like this should do (did not test it):
    ConvertBits(10) #only for non-10-bit-sources like DVD, Blu-Ray (except UltraHD), ...
    BicubicResize(720, 480)

    If you want to use filters that use the non-native, hacked high bitdepth format convert to hacked format before the filter and back to native AviSynth+ format afterwards:
    Last edited by sneaker; 2nd Jun 2017 at 15:15.
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  16. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    it is working mate check here but result are all green
    Yes, that's what I meant and expected by "not working".

    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    (i wasn't clear about dvd shouldn't be processed) so only Blu_ray or HD material should be used
    No, it was just a note I wanted to make. And most HD (incl. Blu-ray except UltraHD Blu-Ray) is only 8 bit as well.

    Bottom line: the source bitdepth shouldn't matter, the output will always be wrong with your combination of avs+ and avs2pipemod and that command-line.

    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    and please can u post a script to start test for avs2pipemod to read the 10bit hack.
    Just remove all the dither tools stuff. It just messes things up and is not needed. It's mostly useful for vanilla AviSynth, not AviSynth+. Try the native tools of AviSynth+.

    I guess something like this should do (did not test it):
    ConvertBits(10) #only for non-10-bit-sources like DVD, Blu-Ray (except UltraHD), ...
    BicubicResize(720, 480)

    If you want to use filters that use the non-native, hacked high bitdepth format convert to hacked format before the filter and back to native AviSynth+ format afterwards:
    please can you test your script it didn't worked

    but this does (now where should i place mdegrain with lsb )
    BicubicResize(720, 480)
    Last edited by BÌG•bµdd; 2nd Jun 2017 at 19:23. Reason: der was an extra line in script converttorgb24
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  17. Don't convert to 8 bit at the end if you want to output 10 bit. Not every software can read 10 bit but avs2pipemod->x264 can do it.

    From what I understand the latest SMDegrain script and components can now use native high bitdepth format of AviSynth+. So simply:
    BicubicResize(720, 480)
    So you don't set the "lsb*" parameters of SMDegrain. Those are only for the hacked format.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Don't convert to 8 bit at the end if you want to output 10 bit. Not every software can read 10 bit but avs2pipemod->x264 can do it.

    From what I understand the latest SMDegrain script and components can now use native high bitdepth format of AviSynth+. So simply:
    BicubicResize(720, 480)
    So you don't set the "lsb*" parameters of SMDegrain. Those are only for the hacked format.
    i get this error with a script here is an link to source can u give it shot (i think color planar change before mdegrain)
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  19. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    thanks sneaker for plugin DL, btw i got another error now any idea
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  20. Please try latest avs+ (I can't test right now). Either way this should just affect the preview?
    Quote Quote  
  21. Ok, I tested it and got the same error. It seems MeGUI isn't ready yet for AviSynth+ high bitdepth.

    There is a workaround, though. Add
    to the end of the script. And in MeGUI's x264 profile on the "Misc" tab add "--input-depth 16". Then it is using the hacked format, not the native one. But this will only work on MeGUI 32bit with x264 64 bit.
    Last edited by sneaker; 3rd Jun 2017 at 12:46.
    Quote Quote  
  22. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Ok, I tested it and got the same error. It seems MeGUI isn't ready yet for AviSynth+ high bitdepth.

    alright sneaker thanks for testing but that's no good na then how should i encode Dither out to correct x264-10bit (mean no green screen).

    so what about avs2yuv Codec [color=red]-c:v v210[.color] which other codec version can be used which use bitrate limit ?

    avs2yuv -raw -csp I422 "C:\new\output.avs" - | ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -s 720x480 -r 23.976 -i - -c:v v210 output.mkv
    below script works as i wanted with above avs2yuv command but just big file size issue everything else is just as i wanted

    #Convert to 4:2:2 (if interlaced, SeperateFields and Weave must be used)
    w = Width()/2
    h = Height()/2
    u = UToY8().Dither_resize16(w, h, kernel="spline36", src_left=0, u=1, v=1)
    v = VToY8().Dither_resize16(w, h, kernel="spline36", src_left=0, u=1, v=1)
    YToUV(u, v, last)
    #Convert to 10-bit and output
    Quote Quote  
  23. Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    alright sneaker thanks for testing but that's no good na then how should i encode Dither out to correct x264-10bit (mean no green screen).
    I thought you were already successful with the command-line?
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    below script works as i wanted with above avs2yuv command but just big file size issue everything else is just as i wanted
    That script uses the hacked format. To encode:
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "script.avs" | x264 - --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 -o "output.264"
    Quote Quote  
  24. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    alright sneaker thanks for testing but that's no good na then how should i encode Dither out to correct x264-10bit (mean no green screen).
    I thought you were already successful with the command-line?
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "script.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    Originally Posted by BÌG•bµdd View Post
    below script works as i wanted with above avs2yuv command but just big file size issue everything else is just as i wanted
    That script uses the hacked format. To encode:
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "script.avs" | x264 - --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 -o "output.264"
    yes i was success in running this one but the result was green. with my above script
    avs2pipemod -y4mp "C:\new\output.avs" | x264-10bit - --demuxer y4m -o "output.264"
    this one works fine but outcome 4:2:0, can't i keep the 4:2:2?
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "C:\new\output.avs" | x264-10bit - --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 -o "output.264"
    thank you very much for helping me finally i got it working, just can you explain command param i don't know all option.
    Quote Quote  
  25. Code:
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "script.avs" | x264 - --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 --output-csp i422 -o "output.264"
    Quote Quote  
  26. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "script.avs" | x264 - --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 --output-csp i422 -o "output.264"
    great this one works perfect, thanks again sneaker
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "C:\new\output.avs" | x264-10bit - --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 --output-csp i422 -o "output.264"
    now only two things left how to set Aspect-Ratio(sar ) and bitrate can u explain this please .
    Quote Quote  
  27. --sar for aspect ratio, e.g. "--sar 40:33" for NTSC DVD with 16:9 display aspect ratio.
    [Attachment 41804 - Click to enlarge]

    --crf to control quality/bitrate, --bitrate if you need a specific bitrate (ideally with 2 passes). I recommend --crf, e.g. "--crf 18".
    Quote Quote  
  28. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    --sar for aspect ratio, e.g. "--sar 40:33" for NTSC DVD with 16:9 display aspect ratio.
    [Attachment 41804 - Click to enlarge]

    --crf to control quality/bitrate, --bitrate if you need a specific bitrate (ideally with 2 passes). I recommend --crf, e.g. "--crf 18".
    great , sneaker u r very good on it , thanks lot mate now all good to start with Dither_out . happy dayz
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "C:\new\output.avs" | x264-10bit - --sar 10:11 --crf 18 --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 --fps 23.976 --output-csp i422 -o "output.264"
    Quote Quote  
  29. and sorry could u please write me this command with 2pass with bitrate around 3000s to 4000kbps just to see test output of 2 pass. thank you
    avs2pipemod -rawvideo "C:\new\output.avs" | x264-10bit - --sar 10:11 --crf 18 --input-csp i422 --input-depth 10 --input-res 720x480 --fps 23.976 --output-csp i422 -o "output.264"
    Last edited by BÌG•bµdd; 3rd Jun 2017 at 16:08. Reason: mistyped some words
    Quote Quote  

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