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  1. Recently, I've been using an LGP Lite to capture my videos, and RECentral would always work fine.

    I've now switched over to a Live Gamer HD and things are going wrong. The card itself works fine, as does the RECentral software... UNTIL I stop recording. Once I do that, the software stops working. Either a strange black square appears on screen or the RECentral software is frozen and cannot be opened until forced closed. You also cannot do any recordings until it's closed.

    I've also noticed that if it doesn't crash, it instead CLOSES ITSELF DOWN and is no longer running. So I have to restart RECentral.

    This happens while capturing a full screen game using the PC, but recording from a console seems to work OK.

    I've tried stopping the recording BEFORE I exit back to the desktop and I've tried AFTER exiting to the desktop but nothing works. 95% of the test captures I did in a whole would result in a crash, leaving the captured video only 1Kb in size and clearly not watchable.

    Basic specs are:
    Dell Precision T3400
    Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3GHz
    4Gb DDR2 RAM
    EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2Gb
    500Gb 7200rpm HDD
    EVGA CX550M 550w PSU

    I've never had RECentral crash AFTER recording. Usually it crashes before recording, or after I open it. What could cause it to crash after recording stops?
    Last edited by PureChaosX; 19th Apr 2017 at 19:14.
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