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  1. Hello,

    I use Avidemux to "glue together" snipets of *mts files from my PVR so that I have one file. I used to choose *ts, but would there be a difference or something better or an advantage in using *ps?

    I know that one is what it says "transport stream" for Broadcasting and "program stream" for playing in applications (or on media), well but VLC can oviously play both and my PVR, too. Since they are stored to a HDD, is *ps maybe preferred? (and I see that *ps results in a tiny bit smaller file size)

    I'll later perhaps convert them with x.264, but first I want to have them just "glued" together to one piece.

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  2. Member
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    Aug 2013
    Central Germany
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    There are indeed differences between ProgramStreams and TransportStreams, not only regarding the structure, but also regarding the commonly supported formats of content streams; so it is quite usual to have Dolby Digital (AC3) and other audio formats in (M2)TS, but in PS they would be only common in additional specifications like DVD Video (*.vob). It depends on the player software (specifically the splitter) whether they expect such streams and can handle them, or not.

    If all clips have the same attributes, and all GOPs are cut clean, concatenating them is possible as you see; just some software may be picky about timecode skips. I don't know if Avidemux rebuilds them continuously while concatenating; if there is an option, it should be enabled.
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  3. The PVR saves a long documentary in pieces of 10min. each (on the PVR you only see one file entry). On the computer you then see several small pieces with the same name and a number behind it. Avidemux has no problems glueing them together.
    The only exception is, if there is commercials that I cut out in the middle (it can cut at f-frames only anyway) and then glue them together the audio goes off-sync. However this only happens with some videos, not all (there are some, where I cut out several commercials and glue them together and the audio does not get out of sync. Then others where just omiting one commercial lets the audio go off-sync). I have come to just keep the commercials in those where sync audio is not possible, because I figured out that I am not capable enough to solve this problem.

    I have to look, if there is an option, but since it does the audio-off-sync thing only with some *mts files, but I assume, there is not such an option.

    Regarding my initial question: ok, I will then have to look, if
    a) I want to be sure that the files are prepared to be readable by several players (and not just VLC, where I know it can) = *ps
    b) I want to preserve everything as "original" as it can be, before I convert them with Handbrake = *ts

    I tried with one file. Interesting in Handbrake the only difference I see is in audio. *ts shows track1 mpeg, track2 mpegs, track3 AC3- *ps shows track1 AC3, track2 mpeg, track3 mpeg. As if it just changed the order.

    However, the only other thing I can see is that the file size differs. I read that there is less overhead in *ps.
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