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  1. Member
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    Dec 2016
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    I've being asked by TNT to send them a video under this specs: XDCAM HD422 50Mbps 59,94i which I know is easily achievable with AE, Premiere or AME as a MXF container, but they are asking the file as a MOV container and I can't find any plugin, app or codec pack to do it.

    Can anyone please point in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance.
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  2. You need a mac to export it directly from a NLE. Also quicktime and the "MOV" container from Apple is no longer officially supported on Windows

    But you can export it normally from a PC, and then rewrap it into a MOV with open source software like ffmpeg or ffmbc

    Convergent design used to have a free application to rewrap MOV <=> MXF , not sure if it's still available
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  3. Member
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    Poisondeathray I'm currently working on a mac and I can't find any way to export directly from Premier or AE since the Quicktime codec options doesn't include XDCAM, only MXF Op1a does.

    I'll try the rewrap approach since there is a ffmpeg mac version available.

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  4. It should show up under MOV export options on a mac if you have the pro video formats installed , or something like FCP/FCPX installed concurrently
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  5. Member
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    Ok this is what it was happening, since we abandoned any kind of Apple video editing/modifying workflow I didn't have Pro video formats installed anymore and I couldn't install them either so I've installed an old version of FCPX, then installed Pro video formats from the link that you posted and voila, all Pro formats are showing for export under Quicktime codecs.
    I'm not sure if they are going to remain installed when I get rid of FCPX but I'll let you know here for future reference.

    Thanks poisondeathray for the help.
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