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  1. Several years ago I ran into one of these episodes. I thought it was made by Paramount (original producer of Star Trek). Since the episode had different actors, I didn't watch it and dismissed it as sequel garbage.
    A few days ago in the Wall Street Journal they had an article about these episodes made by an individual. I gotta give somebody a lot of credit for making these episodes look so much like the original series. The name is "Star Trek New Voyages", and there about 11 episodes. I used
    to download two of them, or you can just watch them on-line.
    Here is a URL that gives more info:
    Last edited by jimdagys; 12th Sep 2016 at 15:08.
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  2. Member
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    James Crawley and his friends have done an excellent job of re-creating the Bridge and have great production standards
    even getting some of the original actors to be in the feature length episodes
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  3. Member
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    Beautiful Blender (?) work. I wonder why Kirk is off-mic, though.
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  4. After sifting through two episodes, I find it bothersome that the main actors keep the original names. Like, Cawley should take another name than Kirk. This doesn't sit well with me. He doesn't look, talk or move like Kirk. It would be impossible for anybody else to be like William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy. That's why Paramount, when they made the sequels, like Next Generation, the main characters had different names than the original series.
    I also wonder how they can pay for such a production. If you look at the end credits, there are lot of people involved to make these episodes. And what about the music? Did they hire an orchestra?
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  5. All of the people involved in the production of the New Voyages episodes are volunteers. The set, props, costumes, etc. are made by volunteers trying to replicate the 60s series as closely as possible. The original concept was that these are episodes from the remaining years of Kirk's 5-year mission. While I agree that Cawley is not a good fit as James T. Kirk, it was his dream to play the role that got the whole thing started, so it's all good. The latest episodes have someone else playing the Kirk role, but I haven't seen them yet. (My internet connection makes watching video almost impossible.)
    "Shut up Wesley!" -- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
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  6. I just downloaded the episode called
    Embracing the Winds
    I looked at it for a minute and it indeed has a different actor playing Kirk. This looks much more promising than when Cawley plays Kirk.
    If you have bad internet connection, or want to watch it offline, use
    which will download it for you. I tried this and it works flawlessly. Gives you the mp4 file size of your choice.
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