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  1. Member
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    Feb 2006
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    I'm about to edit a video file that includes DTS audio and my editor tells me that I need "AC3 Filter 2.6b".

    I've read many references to this program on this forum and it is described in the following thread: Therefore, I've downloaded the codec and started but stopped the installation because I'm a little worried.

    My virus scanner warns me that the file includes "WIN32.OpenCandy_D[PUP]". I've seen Open Candy before and I believe that all it does is recommend the installation of additional programs but allows you to decline. However, the install process didn't ask about additional software and got to the point of asking the location of the installation and I aborted. Normally, the installation proceeds at that point without further intervention. (I've just spent about 5 days doing a fresh install of Windows and all of my programs due to a serious problem that I couldn't fix. I don't want to extricate myself from another problem)

    As a further check, I installed it on an old backup computer that I only use for testing this kind of stuff. "AC3 Filter 2.6b" installed without offering any additional software and I didn't see any other software installed. However, the User Licence Agreement did mention Open Candy.

    Maybe I'm being a little paranoid but after my Windows fresh install experience, I'm being extra cautious.

    Therefore, can anyone confirm that this program/codec is safe any doesn't surreptitiously install other software?
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  2. Member
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    See this info for some methods to protect yourself:
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  3. Member
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    davexnet - Thank you for the link.

    In case anyone else is a paranoid as I, here is my experience:
    • My A/V program identified the Opencandy malware "Win32.OpenCandy_D[PUP]
    • Open Candy is intended to offer additional software at installation time. You are allowed to decline and supposedly nothing is left on the computer and no further offers are made. The user agreement also states this.
    • I decided to proceed with the installation. No additional software was offered.
    • The program installed correctly and operates as expected.
    • After installation, the file OCSetupHlp.dll was left on on my computer in a temporary file. I deleted it with no apparent ill effects.
    • No other files, processes or registry entries were left

    In other words, the whole process seemed safe.

    Yes. That means that I am just paranoid!
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