
I found this website through a Google search. plase correct me if this is not the most appropriate location to post this question
We are a 3D audio startup company, and would like to register our codecs with MP4ra. We build 3D audio software that can enhance the audio listening experience for media content played back on Android platforms. I'm confused about the registration procedure.

MP4ra seems to offer two registration options, either with ISO or with QuickTime. Which is the most appropriate?
The MP4pa site lists code points already registered. This appears to be a list of individual boxes / atoms that can be carried within a MP4 container. Why should these need to be registered? Surely, the entire audio encoding protocol should be registered, for example AAC, MP3 etc?

The registration procedure seems to focus on the registration of these indivifual toms types. Does this mean that wee need to separately register each individual atom type that defines our codec?


Many thanks,