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  1. The video template I bought is in after effect format but I don't have after effects and it is so darn expensive.
    Any suggestion if there are other softwares that I can work with that can open after effects files?
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  2. Nothing else can open AE project files

    You can download a 30 day free trial and render out assets / several versions to use in other programs
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  3. Thanks. Ok now I have to figure out how to render it out to use in other programs. Yikes.
    1 month of paying is fine but paying every month for a couple of hours work a month isn't funny. Thanks.
    Haha they should get people to pay by hour of use instead.
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  4. I mentioned rendering out several versions, because once the trial period is over, you won't be able to access the parameters of various filters and settings - the version you encode is essentially a "hardcoded" version

    You can probably use it for free for personal use projects at public institutions such as libraries, universities. They usually have Adobe suite installed and available for public use
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  5. Originally Posted by JayManOurMusicBox View Post
    Ok now I have to figure out how to render it out to use in other programs.

    Basically you want to do your edits and then export a lossless or near lossless version to import into your editor. That version is essentially a video now with all your changes and customizations

    Templates usually have replaceable items such as text (e.g. insert your name or title), various graphics (e.g. your logo instead of some other company logo). The flexibility is lost when you render it out, because it's no longer a project file - it's a video now that you import into your other software . You won't be able to change very much such as the timing or anything else. It will be "stuck" as that version. You will be limited in what you can do afterwards - you can only edit it as a "normal" video in your editor. In contrast, if you have access the project file, it's very flexible - you can change basically anything

    Templates are usually easy to use and meant to be used as time savers. If you get stuck, the author/site that you bought it from usually provides support included with the price. Or you can ask for help here or at various forums such as Adobe. AE is fairly popular software, with many users.
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  6. Member budwzr's Avatar
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    The only alternative for AE is HitFilm, AFAIK. Unless you want to learn Blender.

    HitFilm doesn't use AE plugins or support AE templates or projects though. You would have to be capable of doing your own fX.

    Yes, I'm a HitFilm user.
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  7. Ok Thanks a bunch guys.
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