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  1. Hello,
    I started working with adobe audition cs 5.5 (Instead of adobe soundbooth) for manual noise removal work and I found a serious problem with the auto heal in adobe audition.

    This tool is much more aggressive (It seems entirely different algorithm..).
    In many cases, this tool can easily damage the background sound after I selected small area with noise and run this "auto heal" algorithm on selected area. This forcing me to work more slowly..

    With the auto heal in adobe soundbooth it is much more difficult to damage the background sound.
    The auto heal in adobe soundbooth is much better.

    Is there any plugin for adobe audition that is alternative to the built-in "auto heal" tool and work like the good & old "auto heal" tool in adobe soundbooth?

    Thanks for helpers
    Last edited by gil900; 6th Jul 2015 at 14:35.
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  2. Thank you but it does not help me.
    My work is 100% manual and I work only with the "auto heal" tool at this time so I need alternative.

    And it seems that I did not explain myself well enough about the type of the noise that I clean.

    The noise that I clean is Speech Noise that come from the the person who speaks.
    Most of the time this is the noise that I clean.

    What you gave me is not for the noise type that I clean..
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  3. Have you tried honing in on smaller sections in terms of frequency and/or duration?
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  4. Banned
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    Originally Posted by gil900 View Post
    The noise that I clean is Speech Noise that come from the the person who speaks.
    Define in technical terms what you understand by 'speech noise'.
    If you cannot then obviously an algorithm cannot either.

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  5. If you like the old Soundbooth, why don't you use the old Soundbooth?
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  6. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    If you like the old Soundbooth, why don't you use the old Soundbooth?
    Because I can not edit 2 audio tracks (Stereo) at the same time.

    In adobe audition I can view 2 tracks in spectral frequency display and I have the option to select area in one track and do the corrections only in the selected track.

    I just found that in Soundbooth it is also possible in the "multi track" mode but in the multi track mode I can't see all the sound tracks in spectral frequency display at the same time and when I want to perform a correction for noise that appears in all the tracks then I always have to do it for each track - I need to enter to the edit mode in each track and perform the correction. in adobe audition I have the option to do the correction in all tracks in this case(when the specific noise appears in all tracks)

    This is not good..

    Maybe you can recommend me about software that is better for my need?

    Originally Posted by newpball View Post
    Originally Posted by gil900 View Post
    The noise that I clean is Speech Noise that come from the the person who speaks.
    Define in technical terms what you understand by 'speech noise'.
    If you cannot then obviously an algorithm cannot either.

    I cannot. and this is why I have that work (Because there is no algorithm that can do it .. the algorithm should also understand the language which is not English..)
    Last edited by gil900; 7th Jul 2015 at 19:50.
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  7. Banned
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    Originally Posted by gil900 View Post
    I cannot. and this is why I have that work (Because there is no algorithm that can do it .. the algorithm should also understand the language that is not English..)
    So....., then, how do you expect help?

    You do not even upload a few seconds to demonstrate what the heck you are talking about......

    I have no idea how those who give 'solutions' above here even have a clue what this 'speech noise' is all about.

    Makes sense?

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  8. Originally Posted by newpball View Post
    Originally Posted by gil900 View Post
    I cannot. and this is why I have that work (Because there is no algorithm that can do it .. the algorithm should also understand the language that is not English..)
    So....., then, how do you expect help?

    You do not even upload a few seconds to demonstrate what the heck you are talking about......

    I have no idea how those who give 'solutions' above here even have a clue what this 'speech noise' is all about.

    Makes sense?

    I understand. But I can not currently upload a sample.

    "So....., then, how do you expect help?"
    Simple - I just asked for alternative to "auto heal" that do exactly the same task but less aggressive and with settings option(so I can change the settings of the plugin)

    People who know about the "auto heal" tool in adobe soundbooth can know what I'm looking for.

    Anyway, I'll try to detail about the noises I remove -

    These are most common noises that I remove:
    1) Click noise:

    2) noise in breath (do not know how to put into words. look at the picture)
    Breathing should be smooth and should be changed to this:

    3) Noise coming from a shirt like this:
    or something else.

    for this noise the "auto heal" tool is too much aggressive and I get this result:
    It remove too much background sound.

    If I use the "auto heal" tool in soundbooth then the result is almost perfet..

    5) Screeching noise -
    I currently don't have an example ..
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