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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Alicante (Spain)
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    Excuse my English, I'm Spanish and I use the Google translator, you will see, on April 14 attended a TV show called "The Ant" in Spain, and recorded in a TV Samsumg UE32F5300 and a Thomson 26hs4246c, everything is well recorded, my surprise comes when I connect the usb to the pc Samsumg, I managed to extract the content as it was formatted to FAT32, and I've taken the following files in a folder:

    - .PVRPfmChkLog
    - 20150413193002.cip
    - 20150413193002.inf
    - 20150413193002.mdb
    - 20150413193002.mta
    - 20150413193002.srf

    Sure, what I want is to get the video to the PC, as I have read DRM.

    As I mentioned, so I recorded in a Thomson 26hs4246c, when I connect the USB does not make me computer problems and let me open the folder, I find the following:

    - 0413_213004.pvr
    - CH3_20150413_213004_0000.bin
    - CH3_20150413_213004_0001.bin
    - CH3_20150413_213004_0002.bin

    DRM also ...

    How I can get these videos ?, I have understood that a single TV code is needed but no TV in those who have managed to get the video.

    Thank you very much for the help. I appreciate it
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States
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    Probably not. HDTVs do not often have out-going video connections.

    In the EU and some other places, many TVs can record to a USB stick. The recordings are DRMed to prevent sharing. Only the individual TV that made the recordings will play them.
    Last edited by usually_quiet; 3rd Jul 2015 at 20:08. Reason: clarity, shorter sentences
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