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  1. when i use ffprobe it doesnt tell me if a video is interlaced or not ?? is there any command i can use that will me show me ??

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  2. It' s not possible with ffprobe or ffmpeg to accurately determine if the actual content is interlaced, it's something that has to be done with your eyes

    There is difference between content and type of encoding. For example, you can have progressive content that is encoded interlaced. Or interlaced content encoded progressive. There are many different variations of pulldown
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  3. you can have such info but video can be progressive and marked as interlace or opposite way, to detect if video is interlace or not probably you need use not only probe but also filters - quality of detection can be vary.


    @ffprobe -select_streams v -i %1 -show_entries "frame=pkt_pts_time,pkt_duration_time,interlaced_frame" -pretty -print_format json -of json > %1.json
    @ffmpeg -report -i %1 -vf idet -f null -
    Last edited by pandy; 30th Jun 2015 at 04:36.
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