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  1. Hello everybody,

    I have one problem-when i burn movie and play them on DVD i get twitch once in every second.
    That happens when i burn NTSC movie only,when i burn PAL movie,everything is good(no twitching).
    I used these programs to burn movies:
    I also tried to convert movie from NTSC to PAL,but when i burn it,it still twitches.
    I did convertion with iDealShare VideoGo.

    I would really be grateful for any help.
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    What is your video source details? Use mediainfo, open video, view->text. Especially the fps/framerate.
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  3. Are you sure you need to convert? 99% of PAL DVD players can play NTSC discs

    Your software is probably inserting duplicate or blended frames to make up 23.976 => 25 , causing the jerkiness
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  4. Thanks for answers guys.
    [Attachment 31691 - Click to enlarge]

    I capture picture,so you can see all info(i hope).
    I tried on 2 Blu Ray players,3 DVD Players,and 2 PS3.
    If it's NTSC it always twitch.
    You guys have any advice?
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  5. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Maybe the OP's player is passing through hard-telecined NTSCfilm, and the OP, being a PAL native, is not accustomed to so it seems more aggravating.


    <edit >hmm, nope that looks to be 24p...
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  6. Your 23.976 fps to 25 fps conversion is duplicating every 24'th frame. Hence the once a second twitch -- probably better described as a little jerk. If you want to avoid that you speed the video up rather than duplicating frames. Of course, you'll also have to speed up the audio. This is why PAL movies run 4 percent shorter than NTSC movies.
    Last edited by jagabo; 15th May 2015 at 10:20.
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  7. @Cornucopia weird thing is that won't work on 3 DVD Player 2 Blu Ray and 2 Playstation 3.
    As for 24p,that's original video that won't work.
    Here is new,converted video 25p and itImage
    [Attachment 31692 - Click to enlarge]
    's still don't work

    @jagabo i begging you,please tell me how to speed up video(not duplicating frames)I'm really desperet with this :/
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  8. Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    @jagabo i begging you,please tell me how to speed up video(not duplicating frames)I'm really desperet with this :/
    It depends on the software you use. I don't know any of the programs you listed in your first post. I use AviSynth to speed up the video, AssumeFPS(25). Then I use Audacity to change the running time of the audio.
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  9. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    @jagabo i begging you,please tell me how to speed up video(not duplicating frames)I'm really desperet with this :/
    It depends on the software you use. I don't know any of the programs you listed in your first post. I use AviSynth to speed up the video, AssumeFPS(25). Then I use Audacity to change the running time of the audio.
    Thank you very much,I'll try to do that now.
    I'll get back with results.
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  10. You might find it simpler to remux your mp4 and flag it as 25 fps (that's easier than learning how to use AviSynth). You still have to reduce the running time of the audio by a factor of 24000 / 1001 * 25.
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  11. I downloaded and ''install'' AviSynth but i can't get it work,since it has no application that can run it?
    I only get this in folder i installed it(picture):

    [Attachment 31693 - Click to enlarge]

    any advice?
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  12. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    You might find it simpler to remux your mp4 and flag it as 25 fps (that's easier than learning how to use AviSynth). You still have to reduce the running time of the audio by a factor of 24000 / 1001 * 25.
    I just saw your reply...
    I downloaded MP4BOX and i put 25FPS,but I'm not sure what to do next?
    Here is how it looks:
    [Attachment 31694 - Click to enlarge]

    I really apologize for being boring,but this means much to me.
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  13. I think you have to demux the video and audio tracks, then mux them back together with the 25 fps flag. Go to the Demux tab, select your source file, demux. Go back to the Mux tab, select the audio and video tracks, set the frame rate, press Mux.
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    Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    Thanks for answers guys.

    I capture picture,so you can see all info(i hope).
    Thanks, but you sure went through some unnecessary trouble to make that image. Did you notice that the text in that MediaInfo screen could have been copied to the clipboard and pasted as plain text in your post?

    Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    I tried on 2 Blu Ray players,3 DVD Players,and 2 PS3.
    If it's NTSC it always twitch.
    You guys have any advice?
    I'm surprised your DVD player could play MPEG4 at all.

    Your original movie is 1280x536, which is a 2.4:1 aspect ratio. If you want a "DVD", much depends on what kind of "DVD" you want, NTSC or PAL. Neither PAL DVD nor NTSC DVD can play a movie at 23.976 fps.

    If you want a PAL DVD, the frame should be anamorphic 720x576 at 25fps and 16:9 display aspect ratio (DAR), encoded as MPEG2. PAL DVD can't be anything else. So for PAL you have to resize the video (and create top and bottom black borders), and speed up the video and audio to 25fps. You can also use software that will add telecine to 23.976 to get 25fps playback, then re-sync the audio.

    If you want NTSC, you have to have a 720x480 frame encoded as MPEG2 (with some letterbox borders added to the resized image), and then encode the 23.976 video with 3:2 pulldown to get 29.97fps playback.

    Apparently the software you're using can't manage some of those modifications properly.
    DVD specs, PAL and NTSC:

    Avisynth doesn't have an interface. It's a script-driven app driven by a text file that can be run in a frame-serving app that can read Avisynth output. Most people use VirtualDub to run Avisynth scripts and save its output, but you can use other apps such as MEGUI, which uses Avisynth for input and encodes with several encoders including HCenc for MPEG2 output.

    For smoother playback, DVD is almost always interlaced or telecined. It can be progressive, but only at 25 or 29.976 fps.
    Last edited by LMotlow; 15th May 2015 at 12:24.
    - My sister Ann's brother
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  15. Hey guys,i tried everything in my power to make what you told me,but i still can't do it right.
    @LMotlow,i downloaded all programs you told me,and all i get was even more blurry picture with 23.976 fps.
    I have one huge favour that i would ask for somebody who is willing to help...i'm really embarrassed for asking this,but i would like to know,could somebody make
    video using etc. hipercam,and make video that shows how to make this what LMotlow said and then send it to my e-mail adress:

    ''If you want a PAL DVD, the frame should be anamorphic 720x576 at 25fps and 16:9 display aspect ratio (DAR), encoded as MPEG2. PAL DVD can't be anything else. So for PAL you have to resize the video (and create top and bottom black borders), and speed up the video and audio to 25fps. You can also use software that will add telecine to 23.976 to get 25fps playback, then re-sync the audio''

    If some really have time and will i would beg him to help me,because it means much more then you can imagine,but if you won't,i'll understand.
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  16. Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    I have one huge favour that i would ask for somebody who is willing to help...i'm really embarrassed for asking this,but i would like to know,could somebody make
    video using etc. hipercam,and make video that shows how to make this what LMotlow said and then send it to my e-mail adress:
    Nobody will do that. Use AvsToDVD to make the conversion, if you absolutely have to convert it for PAL. It makes the conversion in a better way. Or, if your DVD player supports it (and it should) make an NTSC DVD from your warez sources.
    I did convertion with iDealShare VideoGo.
    When you use garbage programs you'll get garbage results.
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    AVStoDVD should do the trick, and it uses the excellent HCenc encoder for MPEG. I would suggest encoding for NTSC, since adding 3:2 pulldown to a 23.976 should be well within the program's capability and would avoid speeding up the audiothe audio, which AVStoDVd would handle internally.

    For an NTSC video, a 2.4:1 movie would be resized to 720x356, with 62 pixels of black border added to the top and 62 pixels to the bottom. Encode the video in AVStoDVD for 16:9 display. Even if you didn't add the borders, a 16:9 display playing a 2.4:1 video would put letterbox borders there anyway. For PAL, the image size would be 720x424, with 76 pixels added to top and bottom each -- but you'll probably have to speed up video and audio to make it 25fps for PAL.

    The final quality of that video depends very much on the quality of the original. If that mp4 is garbage to begin with, it will take a lot more than resizing and re-encoding to improve the results.
    Last edited by LMotlow; 15th May 2015 at 15:15.
    - My sister Ann's brother
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  18. Originally Posted by LMotlow View Post
    AVStoDVD should do the trick, and it uses the excellent HCenc encoder for MPEG. I would suggest encoding for NTSC, since adding 3:2 pulldown to a 23.976 should be well within the program's capability and would avoid speeding up the audiothe audio, which AVStoDVd would handle internally.

    For an NTSC video, a 2.4:1 movie would be resized to 720x364, with 56 pixels of black border added to the top and 56 pixels to the bottom. Encode the video in AVStoDVD for 16:9 display. Even if you didn't add the borders, a 16:9 display playing a 2.4:1 video would put letterbox borders there anyway.

    The final quality of that video depends very much on the quality of the original. If that mp4 is garbage to begin with, it will take a lot more than resizing and re-encoding to improve the results.

    I downloaded AVStoDVD,so i'll try it out.
    Last edited by JurassicPark; 15th May 2015 at 15:17.
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  19. Can you tell me how to speed up video and audio to make it 25fps?
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  20. Member
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    Someone who uses AVStoDVD will have to help on that. I don't use it. If you go to NTSC, you won't have to speed it up; processing for pulldown will do it for you.
    - My sister Ann's brother
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  21. Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    Can you tell me how to speed up video and audio to make it 25fps?
    Let AvsToDVD do the work. Just set it up to make a PAL DVD for you.
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  22. With AVStoDVD you have 2 options to do the 23.976 to 25 fps conversion:

    1. (default) add your title to AVStoDVD and run the project: a soft pulldown from 23.976 to 25 fps will be performed, changing the frames number but not changing the time.

    2. (alternative) go to 'Preferences'/'AviSynth' and activate 'Use PAL SpeedUp for progressive NTSC-film to PAL' option, then add your title: 4% video (AssumeFPS) and 4% audio (AssumeFPS+ResampleAudio) speed-up will be performed. Frames number will not change, but time will be reduced by 4%.

    First option has the advantage to keep the original time, but high motion can be a little jerky. Second option will produce a smoother playback, with the (negligible for many users) drawback to alter the output time.

    You can try both options and then choose the best one in your opinion.


    P.S. A 3rd good option is to buy the original Guardians of the Galaxy DVD/BluRay... that's a valid way to spend your money and your time.
    Last edited by _MrC_; 16th May 2015 at 02:56. Reason: 3rd option

    AVStoDVD Homepage
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  23. I made it 25FPS and it doens't twitch,but subtitles are displayed few minutes before/after actors/actress say some line.
    Can you please tell me how can i fix it?
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  24. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post

    Thanks for great software
    I have one last thing i would like to ask...
    When i coverted movie from NTSC to PAL,i got audio_ts and video_ts-audio_ts is empty,while in video_ts i have 5 parts of movie.
    I joined those 5 parts,but i get 30FPS when i do that.
    I need to adjust subtitles wiht Subtitles workshop,but i can't get avi/mp4 fromat to do that.
    I'll puting image of what i have in Video_TS.Image
    [Attachment 31719 - Click to enlarge]

    Can you please tell me what should i do next?
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  25. If you have questions about AvsToDVD, unless the developer _MrC_ replies here again, you might post the question in the dedicated thread:

    My guess is, if the subs were in synch before the conversion, the reason they're not in synch now is because of something you did or didn't do for the conversion.

    Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    I joined those 5 parts,but i get 30FPS when i do that.
    First, how did you convert the VOBs to a single file? Ordinarily, to join VOBs so you can open them in something like Subtitle Workshop one uses VOB2MPEG. Alternatively, you could do a quick 1-pass conversion to XviD AVI using something like AutoGK. And I doubt the framerate changed. It's probably a case of whatever you're using to check the framerate getting it wrong.
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  26. Originally Posted by JurassicPark View Post
    I have one last thing i would like to ask...
    When i coverted movie from NTSC to PAL,i got audio_ts and video_ts-audio_ts is empty,while in video_ts i have 5 parts of movie.
    I joined those 5 parts,but i get 30FPS when i do that.
    I need to adjust subtitles wiht Subtitles workshop,but i can't get avi/mp4 fromat to do that.
    I'll puting image of what i have in Video_TS.Image
    [Attachment 31719 - Click to enlarge]

    Can you please tell me what should i do next?
    A good start is to attach here the .log file of the AVStoDVD project you have run. AVStoDVD can adjust the timing of subs when PAL SpeedUp is involved, but only if the subs are in text format (SRT, ASS, SSA).


    AVStoDVD Homepage
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  27. I made it all right you told me and it WORKING!
    It's not twitches,subtitles are perfect,picture is smooth.
    I can't tell you how much you helped me.
    All i can say,THANK YOU ALL for helping me.
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