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  1. Member
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    Is there a maximum number of files that this software can handle . I have 35 mp4 files to convert to mkv is this too many? John
    Image Attached Files
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    MKVBatch can handle many more than 35 video files in a single group. The problem is showing up when mkvmerge is asking the operating system for the file.

    Excerpt from your process log: "could not be opened for reading: open file error." This error has commonly occurred for me when Unicode characters are present in the file name. MKVBatch does not handle unicode characters very well, if at all. Note the original file name contains "183 False". There are 2 spaces between these words (although the software on this site presents the 2 spaces above as a single space). The name passed to mkvmerge contains "183 False", with a single space. I suspect the original name contains a non-displayable unicode character, which is shown as a space. You will need to rename these files to fix this problem.

    Meanwhile, I will work on MKVBatch to try and correct this problem.


    P.S. Thanks for posting the Process Log. It made discovery of the cause of the problem straight forward.
    Last edited by librarien; 21st Sep 2016 at 12:35.
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    As the menu selection implies, VL2 would only additionally add the names of the files.

    As to deducing the cause of a crash, VL2 will not help. VL2 is intended to show the user that the files he wanted to add were, in fact, added to the video file.

    VL1 will show faults or fails that occur within MKVBatch itself. But MKVBatch is only a front end for mkvmerge. Once mkvmerge receives it's command, whatever mkvmerge does is completely hidden from MKVBatch. All MKVBatch can do is collect all the responses from mkvmerge. Setting VL5 tells MKVBatch to get all of mkvmerge's responses and save them in the process log. (If you ran mkvmerge from a command window, these are the responses you would see.) To have the best chance of figuring out the cause of a malfunction (or crash) you need all the information you can get. Hence VL5.

    As stable as MKVBatch ver1.3.0 is, it needs to present commands and data to mkvmerge in a proper and acceptable format. My next task is trying to handle unicode in file names. (See my latest reply to RBCC concerning unicode in file names.) This is a no-brainer for C++ coders, but Visual Basic 6 stumbles here.

    Last edited by librarien; 27th Sep 2016 at 14:53.
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  4. Thanks librarien.

    Reading the above problem of non-displayable unicode characters or non-supported unicode characters, could there be a workabout to have MKVBatch automatically remove or replace such characters ? Just a thought. (not that I posess the knowledge to provide the required coding myself, regretfully)
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  5. Hello, I've read through the help file installed with the program and looked through the forum for a possible solution to the "Run Time 7 error Out of Memory" problem. I have successfully installed and used this program on my laptop (no tweaks needed installed clean and worked) but cannot get it to run on my desktop computer. I've tried the MSDN suggested fixes by increasing the size of the desktop heap entry to 1024 and also attempting to add and register the Comctl32.ocx file. Neither of these worked. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Windows 10 Pro 64bit, i5-4670k, 16GB (15.9 usable) RAM

    Run-time error '7':

    Out of memory
    Last edited by p90rippin; 19th Oct 2016 at 00:28.
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    Hi p90rippin.

    Windows sometimes throws this error code when a VB(6) program has a dependency on a missing or incorrect file, like an old, or new .dll, or maybe an .ocx. My installation supplies all the necessary extra files that should be required.

    There may be some dependency that windows 10, 64bit does not satisfy for VB6. VB6 is strictly 32bit, and runs in the "WOW" system of Windows, which tries to handle 32bit programs on a 64bit system.

    I can only suggest that you search the 'net for info regarding running 32bit programs on 64bit Windows. It may lead you to a solution.

    As I can't reproduce this problem, I can't offer any more accurate advice.

    Good luck, and please post back here if you do discover the cause and a solution.

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  7. Member
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    where is the ffmpeg for windows precompiled ?
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  8. Thanks for this handy tool, it muxed video and audio files with similar filenames. I used v1.3.0. It worked fine when muxing filenames with regular characters but it crashed when muxing those with unicode filenames (eg. CJK).
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    Thanks Wakaku.

    MkvBatch was written in Visual Basic 6. VB6 doesn't handle unicode well. At this time I have no viable way to handle unicode file names or folder names. Sorry.

    I am working on it though.

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  10. Please add support for m2v files.
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  11. Hello there. Is it possible to set MKVBatch to create chapters at intervals of 10 min?
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    The short answer is yes!

    The longer answer is how. This was why I created the option "Use User Defined Options" popup in the Other Options panel.

    Right click the "Use User Defined Options" option and click the popup menu that appears. A new form appears where you can enter the settings you want. When done click the Done button. Note that the option must be selected ON (checked on) to be effective.

    For your desired operation, you would set the "Use User Defined Options" to the following string - "--generate-chapters interval:00:10:00" (do not include the double quotes), and click Done.

    For details on the parameters mkvbatch will accept please read the mkvtoolnix help file.

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  13. thank you. I was along the right lines then. However, when I attempted this first time it didn't work. It now does. How strange.
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  14. Member
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    Again doesn't work. Downloaded YouTube VP9 Video. I guess it's because of the Opus Audio bit depth--> 32bit.
    Also manually updated to the latest version: mkvmerge 9.8.0 & ffmpeg static 2017.02.14 & MediaInfo
    mkv to mkv via step described in#61 (FFQueue --> output folder --> mkv --> input folder for mkvbatch).

    EDIT: OK, forget it. This "/" was the problem. JDownloader 2 --> YouTube plugin
    --> Video File Name: *DATE[yyyy.MM.dd]* - *CHANNELNAME* ⁄ *USERNAME* - *VIDEO_NAME* (*H*p_*FPS*fps_*VIDEO_CODEC*-*AUDIO_BITRATE*kbit_*AUDIO_CODEC*) (YT-Video_ID - *VIDEOID*).*EXT*

    EDIT 2: PS: Sadly no WebM File support.
    Last edited by xxAno...xx; 19th Feb 2017 at 17:30.
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    Version 1.3.1 of MKVBatch now supports ".m2v" and VP9 (".webm") videos.

    Also note in the Changes log that MKVBatch will totally fail if any track's title contains a double quote (i.e. an " ). This is due to VB6 insisting on using double quotes as delimiters. As yet I have not found a way around this shortcoming.

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  16. Member
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    Yeah, thanks. I've already seen it. Thanks a lot. =)
    The sign that troubled me, is from the Character Map (charmap.exe) as an alternative to the normal slash sign. I only wanted a sign that looks like the normal slash sign, because the normal one can't be used in Windows for file names.
    ⁄ not the quote sign ".
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  17. Member
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    Does anyone know a way how to transform the video files from an entire folder with subfolders with videos, back into the original/source subfolders path?!? (Source folder = also output folder....and maybe also deleting the input files after successful transformation)???

    Just like something like AntRenamer, but just (MKVBatch) for Videos.

    Edit: PS: mp4, webm etc. works fine in mkvBatch, but not MP4, WEBM, FLV etc. Not that important, but just for notice.

    Edit 2: Got it. Using FFQueue (together with Everything) and simply leaving the output folder blank in the Batch process.. ^^

    Edit 3: Damn it!! Doesn't work like I expected. Some files got no Audio and I already have deleted the original files.
    Last edited by xxAno...xx; 24th Aug 2017 at 23:16.
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    Doh! (facepalm) I can't believe I missed that.

    Good catch xxAno...xx.

    This version corrects the problem of extensions being in mixed/upper case.

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  19. Member
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    Thanks a lot, but... should have waited some more days. Because I recently saw, there's also no vob file support. It only says "No Video Files Found!"
    Interestingly also FFQueue doesn't work with these vob files I got.
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  20. Wow. Took me a bit to get this to work but I got it working finally
    For some reason I kept getting that MKVMerge_batch has stopped running error. No log file was being produced.
    I uninstalled the program completely and reinstalled to a simpler path "C:\MKVBatch" Although it should matter since I am running Windows 10 Pro x64 English.
    Copied ffprobe.exe from ffmpeg and placed it in the same folder as MKVBatch also same with mkvmerge.exe version 8.9.0
    After I installed program to C:\MKVBatch\ everything worked. Didn't even have to set the location of the executables
    I did set options for all 3 executables to run as administrator automatically.

    Good job librarien
    If you have a donate paypal, let me know in a PM and i'll send you a little $$ for a beer or something

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  21. The name of the help file is incorrect in the program, the program searches for this name ---> "MKVBatch1.3.2 Help.chm", but in the program folder the file is named ---> "MKVBatch 1.3.2 Help.chm", I know that renaming the file solves the problem, but I thought I'd better tell you.
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  22. Originally Posted by librarien View Post
    Doh! (facepalm) I can't believe I missed that.

    Good catch xxAno...xx.

    This version corrects the problem of extensions being in mixed/upper case.

    Please copy code to newer version Visual Basic
    you can download for free:
    other way the software full bugs and crashes
    I tried on 3 computers
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  23. Member
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    I get an error when I try to use use it:
    This version of mkvmerge.exe is too old! You need v8.9.0.0 or later!
    Even though the version of mkvmerge that I have is v29.0.0 I tried other versions of mkvmerge just to make sure that it wasn't that specific files fault, but I got the error everytime...

    Any ideas?
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    Hi nitzi.

    The real problem MKVBatch has is, the data that later versions of mkvmerge returns (if any) are formatted completely differently. The data format is not handled properly by MKVBatch, and therefore... nothing. Mkvmerge v29.0.0 will not even generate acceptable faults for MKVBatch's logging system. It's as if nothing has happened at all.

    On the bright side, you can use a portable copy of mkvmerge v19.0.0, and that works flawlessly.

    I am continuing to work on MKVBatch, as I use it almost daily.

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  25. Member
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    No .ts / .TS file support ??? I've got a bunch of .ts files here, but it doesn't work...
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    I got version 8.9.0 of mkvtools after having it claim a much newer version of mkvmerge.exe is "too old". What is the newest it's been tested to work with?
    What version of ffprobe.exe does it work with?

    I'm wanting to strip all non-English audio and subtitles from a batch of over 560 files, some with no subs or more than one audio, some with two to several subs and audio. Some have two English audio tracks plus English subs and one or more non-English audio tracks. I have the files on one drive and want to have the output onto a different physical drive.

    But all I get out of this tool is either it doesn't like the mkvmerge.exe version or it will process the first file then fill the log with this

    All of the files have all their tracks properly tagged with the three letter language identifiers.

    This entry generated on - Feb/22/2019 03:22:41 PM local time by MKVBatch ver.1.3.2 :: Log verbosity=0
    Error: Invalid identification format in '--identification-format verbose-text'.
    Error: Invalid identification format in '--identification-format verbose-text'.
    (500+ more lines)

    Second problem. The HALT button does nothing but change its text to HALTING. It just keeps on churning through all 560+ files, not doing anything, instead of doing what HALT means - stop right now, do not go any further.

    It does end the log with this

    *** Processing halted before finishing.
    No mkvmerge.exe log exists at this time.

    Both lines are not true because it *did not stop* and the log obviously exists because it's impossible to get rid of the log due to this batch GUI crashing when the user tries to delete the log, which is the...

    Third problem. It crashes when I try to clear its log, and it doesn't clear its log. So I unchecked append so the log doesn't end up super massive.

    MKVToolnix GUI has no problem with any of these files, but unfortunately its author has zero interest in making any changes to make big batch jobs like this easier.
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  27. Like librarian said 2 posts above yours: MKVToolNix 19.0.0 was the last version that still had the old (non-JSON) identification and option files.
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    Sorry for not responding to your messages sooner. I have not been receiving emails that any one is leaving messages.
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    xxAno...xx :

    MKVBatch is set up to handle "*.ts" files. I have processed a .ts file recently (April 4, 2019), and it processed and played fine.

    I don't know what to tell you.
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  30. Member
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    bizzybody :

    First problem:
    During mosu's development of MKVToolNix, he changed the reporting format to exclusively JSON. MKVBatch does not handle JSON format at all. (hopefully, in a future release, it will) This means there is a range of versions of MKVToolNix that MKVBatch can work with: MKVToolNix v08.09.00 up to, and including, MKVToolNix v19.00.00. Beyond this, MKVToolNix does not supply the information in a format that MKVBatch requires.

    For ffprobe, I have tried versions 3.2 and 4.1, 32-bit, and everything seems to work fine.

    Try setting the "Log verbosity=5". This will provide more individualized feedback for the video files.

    Second problem:
    This is a limitation of the integration of MKVBatch with MKVToolNix.

    MKVBatch examines each video file in the source directory individually, then builds it's command structure, and passes that off to MKVToolNix for processing. Pressing the "Halt" button while MKVToolNix is processing has no effect on MKVToolNix. Its more of a "Halt after the present process has completed" button, which is much to big for the allowed button size.

    Third problem:
    Sorry for the crashing while trying to clear the log. I had originally set up the system to keep a backup of up to 5 logs (MKVBatch_ProcessA.log to MKVBatch_ProcessE.log), but this didn't work the way I wanted. I went on to program other functions, correct programming errors etc. and forgot about the logs problem. (BTW, clearing logs has never crashed for me)

    MKVBatch 2.0.0
    - Extensively rewritten to provide the best screen rendition of the program, regardless of actual screen size/resolution. (tested on res-1024x768 up to res-3840x2160)
    - Checking for functional (read acceptable for this program's use) versions of mkvtoolnix (v08.09.00 to v19.00.00)
    - Better handling of logs; sending files to the TrashBin, which are recoverable.

    An updated Help file is *NOT* available yet. Parsing and creating JSONs is being worked on; progress remains slow.

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