I've been using the right click in the path to set the folders,just giving you the issues that aren't too big a deal,keep up the good work,saves me a lot of time using your program as i said before.
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I think,therefore i am a hamster.
Hello again,
In this rar at the bottom you can find one subtitle done in utf 8, and the same one in utf 8 bom - the way I tested it, offcourse, plus 2 screenshots of the file when finished muxing, just to see how I see it in playback. There is only 2 lines of text that appear at 8s and 16s and they have all four problematic characters (č ć š đ).
I use MPC for playback, and its subtitle options are set on easteurope (238) encoding and this setting works with either ANSI or UTF-8 subtitles. For the testing purposes, I just tried playing this "courrupted" file with VLC, it looks the same. Because, what I later saw, when I create a file with UTF 8 subtitle, the subtitle file itself gets messed up, when you extract the ASS after muxing, you will see the characters the same way as in playback (screenshot utf 8). And when you do all that with UTF 8 BOM encoded ASS, it looks normal.
in Windows regional settings, my system locale language is set to Serbian, Latin, if it was default - English US, I couldn't save files done in Serbian with mentioned characters by default in ANSI - the same problem you had when you tryed pasting these characters and saving, but I guess that shouldn't have anything to do with this issue (hopefully).
I hope I gave you all the neccessary details, if not, let me know, I'd be glad to help in anyway I can
Ah, yes, I tried this first in older version, i believe it was 1.0.5, and I tried everything in the new one and it was the same.
Also, additional things, if I may, since you mentioned the resizing of windows inside the program, I've also added screenshots of how it looks in 1.0.9 version, since I think it didn't look like this in previous one, there was still issues like this, but not exactly like it (you did say you changed it in the newer version, but still, maybe you overlooked something :P)
Aside the main window other options issue, when you open 'video format options' text is half hidden, and when you open windows that have 'sticky' box in them, the label 'sticky' is also cut, and on the same window, buttons 'apply/create' and 'close' are stuck to the bottom edge, maybe you could add some space so it looks nicer(I mentioned this because I guess it shouldn't be much work to do, and it would make a better overall feel of the interface
And, on the side note, when I tried installing new version over the old one, altough it read my settings, when I tried to 'Run Batch' it crashed everytime. So I tried uninstalling and installing a new version alone - it was the same. Only after I've removed the leftover folder with settings and such, and installed new version, did all the setting up again, it worked. Just thought you might want to know about this issue also
Thank you once again for doing all this for everyoneLast edited by Pegla; 28th Feb 2016 at 00:30.
After getting MKVBatch to startup, I encountered a new problem.
After associating MKVMerge.exe with MKVBatch, I tried merging a number of MKV files with new subtitles, whilst opting to have the existing subtitles removed.
Result was a complete crash of MKVBatch.
I seem to be unfortunate with MKVBatch
I did notice though, there is no file called read .dll on my PC. -
Same here. Crashes everytime I try to start the batch process. Nothing special; only want some hundred avc flv and mp4 files in mkv.
It only worked once for me, and I guess, if I remember right, that was, as I started it as admin for first time. This was the first and last time it worked.
PS: I've also installed the "MS VB 6 CC". Still the same.
PC: Win7 x64, 2560x1440p via NV DSR and same error like in #29.Last edited by xxAno...xx; 9th Mar 2016 at 12:53.
Crashed for me but got it working by uninstalling it completely and installing it again.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Uninstalling doesn't change anything. Already tried. I guess it's something wrong with UTF-8 or something like this.
But nonetheless, I found an other tool as I googled:
--> FFQueue. It does what I want, BUT; it uses FFMPEG and because of that, it doesn't compress the files as good, as it could with mkvmerge. With some hundreds of files this makes a difference.Last edited by xxAno...xx; 10th Mar 2016 at 20:46.
Did you remove all the other files left over that windows doesn't remove such as the folder in program files or users/admin/local?If you didn't then it will still crash after installing it again.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Hi xxAno...xx.
Im sorry MKVBatch doesn't work for you. Maybe you could help me find the problem.
Does mkvmerge.exe work on it's own (not when run from MKVBatch).
Does the MKVBatch process log file have any entries, and what do they say?
btw, in your last post you mentioned that "it doesn't compress the files as good, as it could with mkvmerge." mkvmerge is not a compressor.
librarien -
Hey, librarien, not sure if you saw my previous post from 28th february regarding the issue with subtitle encoding problem I previously had, but now I noticed one small issue, I guess easily fixable so here it goes.
If I try to add font as attachment, folder chosen, option ticked, it will not work in the case when the font itself has uppercase extension.
When there was one font with uppercase extension, it doesn't attach it, if there is another font with lowercase ext, if attaches both of them.
If I change it to lowercase everything works fine -
Thanks for the report.
Re: the subtitle encoding problem you reported - I could not reproduce the failure. However, in a recent mkvmerge changelog, there was a notice that the B.O.M. was not handled correctly in some cases (I don't recall the wording exactly, I read it sometime last week). Maybe upgrading to a later version of mkvmerge will correct the issues you have.
Re: Upper case extension failing to merge. This is completely new to me. All my file testing is performed with lower case extensions, so this slipped right past me. I'll get onto that problem.
I am doing a major rewrite of code and its taking much longer than I expected. I need to figure out how I'm going to handle adding ".idx" subtitles (idx files can hold up to 32 subtitle tracks of various languages, and the language codes are only 2 characters).
MKVBatch ver. 1.1.0 is on the horizon.
librarien -
I have no issues with idx/subs,any reason you have problems with them?
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
nothing much, only the fact that you can't easily edit them, and change their style to suit your preference in watching content with subs, since they are like pictures more than typed text, and also, because of that, you can't easily shift times if needed
.srt is smaller in size, and far better and easier to tinker with than .idx/subs and .sub - which has timings in frames rather then minutes and seconds, and above them all is .ass, in which you can do even some sort of animation -
I thouth there would be some tool for that, but I rarely run into them so I didn't bother much when I did
Thanks -
I installed v 1.1.0 and it doesn't work for me,it just goes through the files with some flashing animation and does this for a few seconds with no files produced,is this newest version based on the newest mkvmerge since i'm still using mkvmerge 8.3?
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Sorry to hear that.
I have used mkvmerge 9.0.1; 8.9.0 portable; 7.3.0; 7.0.0; and they all work properly for me (mostly: I haven't tested each version with every possible setting.)
What does the log file say?
What parameters did you set?
All that could help me track down a diffiency in MKVBatch.
librarien -
This entry generated on - May/01/2016 12:28:28 PM local time.
[Active Checkboxes]
-- Strip Existing Subtitles
-- Add Subtitles
-- Use Subtitle '.opt' files
-- Set File Title
-- Set Video Title
-- Keep All Original Attachments
~~ Video Files Path= D:\file\
~~ Target Path= D:\file\file\
[Menu Selections]
-- Append MKVBatch Log(s)
-- Log Verbosity 4 - Include All Menu Settings
-- Keep this program topmost
-- Tooltips Are ON
[mkvmerge Results]
~~~ 'Add Subtitles' is checked.
-- Adding subtitle track - file1.srt
~~~ 'Add Subtitles' is checked.
-- Adding subtitle track - file2.srt
When i select use subtitle opt files and click apply no opt files are produced.I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
--When i select use subtitle opt files and click apply no opt files are produced. --
Actually the options files are created/changed. The screen does not update automatically. You will need to click "(click here to Refresh the list)" to show the new files (until the next release. I instituted a different sorting system for the dispay and I haven't yet worked out how to display the output as I wanted.)
After the "[mkvmerge Results]" in your process log should come the line "mkvmerge v7.3.0 ('Nouages') 64bit built on Oct 22 2014 18:53:34" (for example, if you were using version 7.3.0) yet it doesn't show up. Has mkvmerge location been set (in the menu "Settings/Set Executable Paths")? MKVBatch should have found mkvmerge.exe in order to run. If not, there should be messages declaring the error.
The repeating line "~~~ 'Add Subtitles' is checked." is odd. I don't have that. It should show up only once for each video file being processed.
I don't know what could be causing your troubles but I will continue to check my program for causes.
Thanks for the feedback, it really helps.
librarien -
I click the apply opt file and finally got the opt files,still no go,v1.0.9 works for me.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
yea i'm on windows 10 and the latest version isn't working either. 1.0.9 still works fine tho
Hi, I'm not lucky with MKVBatch
I'm trying to merge audio files with its video but i got this error (I merged with mkvtoonix without any problem)
This entry generated on - may/13/2016 05:56:48 AM local time by MKVBatch ver.1.1.2
[Active Checkboxes]
~~ Add Audio Files
-- Set File Title
-- Set Video Title
-- Keep All Original Tags
-- Keep All Original Attachments
~~ Video Files Path= E:\_MP4 (E)\Vikings (x265)\T01\prueba\
~~ Target Path= E:\_MP4 (E)\Vikings (x265)\T01\prueba\res\
[Menu Selections]
-- Keep this program topmost
-- Append MKVBatch Log(s)
-- Log Verbosity 5 - Include All MKVMerge Reports
-- Keep this program topmost
-- Tooltips Are ON
-- MediaInfo location - E:\Archivos de programa\mkvbatch 1.1.2\MediaInfo.exe ver.
-- MKVMerge.exe location - E:\Archivos de programa\mkvtoolnix 9.0.1\MKVMerge.exe
[mkvmerge Results]
mkvmerge v9.1.0 ('Little Earthquakes') 64bit
Error: '1:00:2' is not a valid pair of file ID and track ID in '--track-order 0:0,0:1,1:00:2,0:3'.
-- Adding audio track - "Video 01_track01.m4a"
My O.S: Win7x64
MKVBatch ver.: 1.1.2
MVKtoonix ver.: 9.0.1
Name of the video track to merge: Video 01.mkv
Name of the audio track to merge: Video 01_track01.m4a
I have a question, Is there any way to save the executable path of mkvmerge? I have to set it every time I open the program.
Thank you very much. -
Installed v1.1.2 and it works,thanks for the updated version,as to saving the executable path on mkvmerge you don't need to do that since the program finds it and it's set it that way,if you are having issues then there's something wrong on your end.Do a complete uninstall on mkvbatch and reinstall it.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Thanks for the report and detailed feedback. I thought I had corrected all the track order flaws but something may have slipped through my testing.
I'll track it down.
MKVBatch is supposed to remember the locations of MediaInfo.exe and mkvmerge.exe. These are saved in the MKVBatch.ini file. From your log file I see you use a non-English language. Unfortunately Visual Basic 6 does not always play nicely with unicode. As a workaround, I would suggest you place a copy of mkvmerge.exe in a simpler path (i.e. "E:\MKVMerge\MKVMerge.exe") and see if that works for you.
Let me know how it works (or doesn't work) for you.
librarien -
I'm glad the newer version works for you. I have more cleaning-up and adjustments coming in the next version (i.e. MKVBatch works on Windows 10 Pro but the sizing is wonky).
As the big bugs get squashed, the little bugs are more difficult to root out. This can take a lot of time. It's a good thing that I love programming.
librarien -
You are right, the language of my O.S. is spanish, so I followed your advice. I have reinstalled mkvtoolnix and mkvbatch in 5 differents paths including the default paths, but I always have same results with the test video file. And The path of kmvmerge wasn't detected in any case too, I have to set it manually each time. (Is there any way to set irt manually in the .ini?)
I tried to merge another video file (H264/AAC) with its audio and it worked. Maybe doesn't work for my test video file because the audio/video codec? I'm trying to merge H265 video files with HEAAC-V2 audio files. With mkvtoolnix GUI works without problem so I'm a little confused.
Any idea?
This entry generated on - may/15/2016 08:44:37 PM local time by MKVBatch ver.1.1.2
[Active Checkboxes]
~~ Add Audio Files
-- Set File Title
-- Set Video Title
-- Keep All Original Tags
-- Keep All Original Attachments
~~ Video Files Path= C:\test\
~~ Target Path= C:\test\out\
[Menu Selections]
-- Append MKVBatch Log(s)
-- Log Verbosity 5 - Include All MKVMerge Reports
-- Keep this program topmost
-- Tooltips Are ON
-- MediaInfo location - C:\MKVBatch\MediaInfo.exe ver.
-- MKVMerge.exe location - C:\MKVToolNix\MKVMerge.exe
[mkvmerge Results]
mkvmerge v9.1.0 ('Little Earthquakes') 64bit
'1:00:2' is not a valid pair of file ID and track ID in '--track-order 0:0,0:1,1:00:2,0:3'.
-- Adding audio track - "Video 01_track01.m4a" -
First, let's clear up your confusion.
mkvmerge shows '1:00:2' is not a valid pair of file ID and track ID in '--track-order 0:0,0:1,1:00:2,0:3'. mkvmerge is correct. The track order string is incorrectly formed. It should be '--track-order 0:0,0:1,1:0,0:2,0:3' (note the comma in red). MKVBatch is not doing it's job. Version 1.1.3 corrects this (and a few other problems). Version 1.1.3 should be uploaded in a few days.
Regarding mkvmerge.exe location: when MKVBatch is closed (with the Quit button or the 'File\Exit' or the terminate box in the title bar) the settings are written to the '.ini' file. The '.ini' file is just text; you can open it in a text editor and examine the contents. Under the [Paths] heading there should be an entry 'mkvmerge.exe Path=C:\MKVToolNix\MKVMerge.exe' (in your case). When MKVBatch is started, this value is read and placed into the "MKVMerge.exe location" box in the "Set Executable Paths" window (under the Settings menu). If there is no setting, the registry is checked for a location. If that fails, then the "Set Executable Paths" should show up when you push the "Run MKVBatch" button.
Open the '.ini' file and check the 'mkvmerge.exe Path=' setting. It should show the path to the mkvmerge program. If its not there, then I will have to track down the break in the chain of path discovery.
Wait for version 1.1.3 and see how it works for you.
librarien -
Tried 1.1.3 and it works fine now with mp4 files, BUT still doesn't with flv, avi, mpg etc.
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