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  1. Hi
    If anyone still remembers DOS?
    I can't save the echo command with two variables. How does it properly save?

    echo %audio%t%%
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  2. Member
    Join Date
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    Search Comp PM
    What is it your doing ?

    Via batch script or similar in dos prompt (arrow up should return last dos prompt used)

    You can get an idea from this
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    Originally Posted by Jamaika View Post
    If anyone still remembers DOS?
    Yes, I do. It was a 16-bit operating system which was reduced to a mere bootloader for Windows 95, 98 and M.E.

    In other words, the image below is not a "DOS prompt" at all
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	cmd-prompt.png
Views:	256
Size:	49.4 KB
ID:	31633  

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  4. Thanks for the reply.
    Originally Posted by Bjs
    What is it your doing ?
    I am trying to write my own converter mkv to mp4 with the possibility of transferring attachments. I used DOS, long time, and hence problems. I should learn C ++, but it's too difficult for me. I have Windows 8.1.
    set w=0
    set z=0
    set /p srt= < %file%_format_audio.txt
    set str=%str:,/=,und/%
    echo.%srt%> %file%_format_audio_mod.txt
    del %file%_format_audio.txt
    set /a id1=1+%w%
    set /a id2=2+%w%
    set /a id3=3+%w%
    set /a id4=4+%w%
    set /a t=1+%z%
    echo %id1% %id2% %id3% %id4%
    for /f "tokens=%id1%,%id2%,%id3%,%id4% delims=,/" %%a in (%file%_format_audio_mod.txt) do (
    echo %%a %%b %%c %%d
    if [%%b]==[AAC] set codec2=aac
    if [%%b]==[AC-3] set codec2=ac3
    set /a m=%%a-1
    set id=%%a
    set lang=%%c
    set ida=%%d
    ffmpeg -y -loglevel warning -i "%file%" -f %codec2% -map 0:%m% -c:a copy -vn -sn -dn -map_chapters -1 -map_metadata -1 %file%%t%.%codec2%
    if [%codec2%]==[aac] set audio%t%=-add "%file%%t%.%codec2%:sbr:lang=%lang%:trackID=%id%:name=(Audio %t%)"
    set audio%t%=-add "%file%%t%.%codec2%:lang=%lang%:trackID=%id%:name=(Audio %t%)"
    if [%codec2%]==[] set audio%t%=""
    echo %audio%t%%
    set w=3
    set z=1
    if [%ida%]==[%id4%] goto label2
    Last edited by Jamaika; 12th May 2015 at 10:54.
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  5. not sure what you want to do, if you want to print variable "audio" and "t" it should be:
    echo %audio%%t%
    or with some space between those:
    echo %audio% %t%
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  6. I want to be able to display the values of "audio1" to "audio100", where %t% is the second value from 1 to 100.
    I don't want two separate values.
    Originally Posted by _Al_
    echo %audio%%t%
    or with some space between those:
    echo %audio% %t%
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  7. Member
    Join Date
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    CALL echo %%audio%t%%%


    SetLocal EnableDelayedExapansion
    echo !audio%t%!
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  8. Thanks. Finally properly displayed.
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