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  1. Originally Posted by kgLum View Post
    Hey hubblec4, thanks for cE!
    I haven't actually used it yet, but it might come in handy sometime.
    You are welcome.
    cE is more as a chapter editor and has many Matroska features and supports/helps MKVToolNix to handle extra Matroska stuff.
    Unfortunately there is no good documentation available.
    Quote Quote  
  2. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.25 is available.

    After a little while there is another update.
    The database became too big and therefore had to be compressed.

    On 10.10.2020 I will delete the uncompressed files,
    this means that older cE versions no longer have access to the database.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev 1.25 2020-10-04
    // chapterEditor
    & MKVToolNix (MTX): --disable-language-ietf (settings: external programs)
       - MTX will no longer automatically generate IETF language elements
    // Chapter database
    # Chapters and Tags files compressed
       - Older cE versions can no longer access the database
    # When changing film information, the title name check is no longer carried out because it is unnecessary
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    Last edited by hubblec4; 4th Oct 2020 at 16:29.
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  3. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.26 is available.

    It's time for an update again.
    Some bugs were fixed and I was able to finish a user request.

    MediaInfo chapter format:
    The wish was to support this format and also to process the text content from the clipboard,
    as MediaInfo texts can often be found on websites.

    At the moment only the first menu is processed, due to time constraints. But you can copy all other menus individually and append them with CTRL + V.
    But mostly there is only one menu.
    All chapter names and their language are processed for the Matroska format.

    I have an episode on a Futurama DVD which is available in two versions and could not mux it to a multi-mkv,
    since the last VOBID only contains a video track. MKVToolNix cannot process this then.
    The whole thing is similar to the "bad" m2ts files on a BD.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.26 2021-01-03
    // chapterEditor
    & Support for ffprobe XML and JSON files
    & Support for MediaInfo Text files
    & Load chapters from the clipboard (not for the Converter)
      - for the time being only for the MediaInfo format
      - TreeView Hotkeys: with CTRL + V the chapters are inserted/appended, with CTRL + SHIFT + V a new tab is created
    // Matroska Chapters
    * when attaching invalid XML or Matroska files, the tab is no longer deleted
    // DVD2mkv
    & Multi-MKV-Mode: ignore the last VobID of attached versions if the playing time is too short
       - Minimum playing time adjustable, a value of 0 deactivates the function
    * the value for "Minimum free space" could not be changed (settings)
    * Applying Title Profiles had a bug
    * Multi-MKV-Mode: the profile selection did not open when a track is selected
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  4. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.27 is available.

    It continues with a new version of the cE.
    I was able to complete 2 user requests and there is a small improvement for the chapter database.

    When uploading the Star Trek Voyager series it was annoying that the title check had to be confirmed continuously,
    because the title is always the same.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.27 2021-02-24
    // chapterEditor
    & Deletion of chapters with identical time stamps (not for the Converter)
      - adjustable time tolerance (settings -> chapter editors)
      - Time tolerance = 0: only chapters with identical times are deleted
      - Time tolerance > 0: the following chapters are deleted
      - Time tolerance < 0: the previous chapters are deleted
      - Matroska: applicable to one or all editions
      - applicable to all tabs at once
    // Chapter naming
    & keep existing chapter names
      - an existing chapter name can be expanded with a chapter number
    * the name list did not work for multiAVCHD editor
    // Chapter database
    # Upload: When checking the title name (whether it already exists) the episode text is also checked
      - simplifies the uploading of a series
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  5. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.28 is available.

    A new small update with a bug fix for the Matroska menu editor
    and a new feature for chapter naming for Matroska.

    Chapter naming: "New Display"

    The chapter name and/or the name list as well as the languages and countries are taken into account.
    The function is available for the following buttons: Change name and Exit, Change name, Change all and Exit

    There are two variants
    1. Checkbox fully checked
    A new chapter display is always inserted

    2. Gray state checkbox
    If the name list is used and the existing chapter name in the current chapter
    is identical to the name in the list, no new Display is inserted.
    However, all new language and country codes will be added.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.28 2021-05-02
    // Chapter naming
    & New Display (only for Matroska)
      - a new chapter display is inserted
      - the name list can be used
      - Languages and countries are also taken into account
      - Right-click for the checkbox as a "backward"-click
      - Checkbox gray state: If names from the name list match the chapter name,
        no new Display is inserted. Only new language and country codes are added
    % All chapter names change regardless of their language
      - The names from the list are now used for all chapter names (if available)
    % Radio buttons removed - Name first and Name last
      - a new checkbox - Name first
    // Matroska menu
    * "Medium-Linking Simple" stopped working and cE crashed
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    Last edited by hubblec4; 26th May 2021 at 16:51.
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  6. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.29 is available.

    An important bug fix for parsing Matroska files and Matroska chapter XML files.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.29 2021-06-04
    // chapterEditor
    * Matroska Parser + Matroska Chapter-XML Parser
      The default value for the "ChapLanguage Element" is now "eng" and no longer "und"
    // Time adjustments
    & Frames as input (move and cut)
      - add an "f" to the end of the frame number
      - the source FPS from the FPS section is used
      - Source and Target FPS should be the same (but do not have to be)
      - the FPS must be set before entering the frame number,
        otherwise the entries in the edit fields must be renewed
    // DVD2mkv
    & added opening/editing of external subtitles
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  7. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.30 is available.

    After a while there is an update again.

    BCP 47 IETF language-tags are now available after the new Matroska Standard
    and replace the old language and country codes.

    The processing of the language-tags works similarly to MKVToolNix(MTX).
    So you have to get used to no new input mask.

    However, I did not want to open this extra form to set a language.
    The goal was to maintain the "old input" for the languages.
    For this you can predefine in the settings("often used") IETF language favorites,
    which are then available in the selection lists and can thus be used directly.

    New language-tags can be added individually at any time to the selection lists.

    The input mask:

    There are a few differences to the input mask of MTX.
    My Laz_BCP47 Package supports the complete IANA code list for all subtags.
    So there is also the "Grandfathered" option
    and for the Extensions there is a selection list of the possible ones (there are only two) permissible values.

    MTX supports about 8000 languages but in the IANA code list there are 8213 (cE supports all).
    Therefore, it can happen that MTX does not recognize a language code from cE.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.30 2022-01-03
    // chapterEditor
    & BCP 47 IETF language-tags
      - own Lazarus Package -> Laz_BCP47 (
    & IETF language favorites (settings)
      - Predefined BCP 47 language-tags for the selection lists
    // Matroska Chapters
    % "Disable the multi-language and country system" removed
    % Country selection for chapter names removed
    // Chapternaming
    & Chapter names from Favorites: Language-tag parsing for BCP 47 IETF
      - The obsolete language and country codes continue to work
    % Matroska: Country selection removed
    // Tab management
    % "Compare tabs": Countries for Matroska tabs removed
      - New comparison code for Matroska tabs <0,0,0,0>
    // Chapter database
    % Old languages: Data column removed
      - older cE versions no longer compatible
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 19th Mar 2022 at 12:03.
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  8. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.31 is available.

    In this update there are a few improvements and new features for mass paste of chapters.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.31 2022-03-09
    // Text-Favorites (chapter names)
    # multiple IETF Language-Tags for a chapter name (comma separated)
       - Example: Chapter||de,en,de-CH or Chapter||ger,eng,de-CH
       - support for the old language-country-code formatting removed
    // Matroska Chapters
    & use predefined IETF languages of chapter names from the Text-Favorites
    // Multi Chapters
    & delete existing chapters
    & All tabs
    * two values were not loaded from the INI file
    // Chapter naming
    & all values are now stored in the INI file
    // Disc2mkv
    * Disc Title Profiles now use IETF language tags
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 2nd May 2022 at 14:54.
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  9. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.32 is available.

    A small update with a lot of work for the BCP47.
    Mosu had adjusted a lot and I have now made up for this.

    The new chapter format, YouTube chapters from the comments, has now also been finished.
    Simply mark and copy the text in the comment.
    You can then create a text file or load the chapters directly via the clipboard.
    It may well be that there is still a little need for adaptation, since the comments can be quite different in their structure.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.32 2022-05-28
    // chapterEditor
    & support for chapters from YouTube comments
      - can also be loaded via the clipboard
    & support for the time format MM:SS (minutes:seconds)
      - M:SS is also supported
    # Time format H:MM:SS is now also supported
    # Laz_BCP47 updated on rev 1 (ChangeLog)
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 19th Jul 2022 at 16:48.
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  10. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.33 is available.

    It is time again for a new update.
    A small fix for splitting OGG/OGM and multiAVCHD chapter files,
    and some innovations are included.

    The old GUI language system was replaced by the .po files.
    Italien was added as a GUI language and already partially translated by bovirus.

    Since Mosu already supports the new Matroska Editions elements, I have now installed them.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.33 2022-10-22
    // chapterEditor
    & GUI language: Italian (translator: bovirus)
    # Laz_BCP47 updated on Rev 3 (
    // Matroska Chapters
    & new Matroska Chapter element: "ChapterSkipType"
    & new Matroska Edition elements: "EditionDisplay" and its sub-elements: "EditionString" and "EditionLanguageIETF"
      - Text-Favorites selection for the Edition name
    & when creating the Matroska Tags file, the Edition names are used
    // Split Chapters
    & Automatic chapter naming
      - all settings from the chapter naming feature are used ("All Tabs" is used automatically)
      - original tabs are removed before renaming
      - splited chapters must be loaded in the editor (is automatically forced)
    & Split mode: split before X chapters
    * OGG/OGM and multiAVCHD: File extension is now set correctly
    // Disc2mkv
    & an Edition Display for every Edition is now used for multi-Edition MKV's
    // CLI - Split Chapters
    & Split mode: split before X chapters-> "before-x"
      - Example: -S before-x 7 "chapters.xml"
    & alternate switch for splitting after X chapters -> "after-x"
      - synonymous as "x-chapters"
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 16th Nov 2022 at 12:18.
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  11. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.34 is available.

    Another update with a few improvements and smaller fixes is ready.

    Italian is now fully translated.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.34 2022-11-22
    // chapterEditor
    * a few missing translations
    # GUI Language - Italian fully translated
    // BD2mkv
    * Blu-rays without covers
    // Matroska Menu - Medium-Linking: Menu
    & an EditionDisplay is now used for the Edition names
    // Multi-MKV
    & an EditionDisplay is now used for the Edition names
    # The corresponding Text-Favorites are now used for the Edition names
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  12. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.35 is available.

    This is a larger update for the Chapter Database.
    All older cE versions no longer have access.

    So far there has been the "Email" field when creating an account.
    This was originally planned as a second security concept, but I never installed it.
    There was also no review of whether the Email address is correct, and also not whether it exists.

    Nevertheless, this is rated in Germany as a collecting of personal data and has not been so easy allowed since this §DSGVO.

    Since I have no interest in personal data, everything that had to do with "Email" was removed.

    There are now over 1000 users, what I would never have thought, and so I had to close a security gap.

    Communication ran directly via the SQL components and unfortunately the password of the database was also included in the cE.exe.

    From now on, a (my first) REST-API is used to communicate with the database.

    Like always with "first" things, that can contain errors.
    Therefore, please test the new REST-API and report if you feel there is something strange.

    There are also a few improvements for sorting.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.35 2022-12-31
    // Chapter Database
    & the database now uses a REST-API
    & sorting all columns in editing mode is now possible
    * it was possible to edit all movies
    # the sorting algorithm was not entirely correct and is now available for all columns
    # Upload: Title already exists -> Edit title
      - only the found title is loaded for editing
    % all Email data and components removed
    % SQL components removed
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    Last edited by hubblec4; 4th Jan 2023 at 07:15.
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  13. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.36 is available.

    A smaller update with a few repairs and an important fix for the Matroska Tags.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.36 2023-02-27
    // chapterEditor
    * German translation
    // BD2mkv
    * Missing track designation for "E-AC3 Surround Secondary Audio" if eac3to is the processing tool
    // DVD2mkv
    * Subtitle without defined language
      - Editing these tracks is now possible
      - the language code "en" is used as an internal standard language code
      - "und" is used as a language code for MKVToolnix (changeable at any time)
    // Matroska Tags
    * TargetType selection was wrong if TargetTypeValue should not be used
      - The default value "50" is used automatically for TargetTypeValue (specified by the Matroska specification)
      - TargetType selection is now limited to the corresponding valid values
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    Last edited by hubblec4; 28th Feb 2023 at 17:50.
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  14. Code:
    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
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    rev1.37 2023-04-16
    // chapterEditor
    & Settings button in the sidebar
      - a left click opens the settings of the active editor
      - a right click always opens the main settings
    % removed setting buttons from Chapter editors and Matroska Tags
    // Chapter Database
    * Upload and Edit: Movie playing time
      - all time formats that cE masters are now possible as input
    // Matroska Menu (settings)
    & Main Playback File: "The MKV file contains only Linked-Chapters"
      - there are no tracks in the file
      - since only Chapters and Tags are used, the file becomes very small
      - the file can only be played if the linked content is in the same folder
    & "No chapter names"
      - without chapter names, the main playback file will be even smaller
    & "Fill in empty chapter names"
      - only the chapter number is used
      - this is used to ensure that a media player does not generate automatic chapter names
    & "Use filename as chapter name prefix"
      - only applicable for the Top-Level chapter structure
      - a chapter name must be present
    & "Verbose chapter naming"
      - Not recommended as it is more for development purposes
      - only applicable for the nested chapter structure
      - invisible chapters also get a chapter name
    % playing the main playback file is now on the play button, by right-clicking
    % manually creating a main playback file is unnecessary and no longer allowed when only linking chapters are used
    // Matroska Tags
    * Removed the value "PART" from the list of valid values when TargetTypeVaule = 20 (bug in Matroska specification)
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    Last edited by hubblec4; 5th Jun 2023 at 17:10.
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  15. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.38 is available.

    A hotfix for the chapter database because the server changed something and you could no longer log in.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.38 2023-06-08
    // chapterEditor
    * Font color and the color for the settings button in the sidebar are now set correctly
    * Chapter files(.txt) with the time format "HH:MM:SS:FF" are now recognized correctly again
    # H:MM:SS.MS/NS time formats are now supported
    // Chapter Database
    * Changes made by the server have been adjusted
      - older cE versions no longer have access
    // DVD2mkv
    * forced subtitles that were created automatically can now be edited
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 3rd Jul 2023 at 17:21.
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  16. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.39 is available.

    It is time again for an update.
    A new editing tool is now available for BD2mkv: DGDemux.

    The author(Rocky) of DGDemux has implemented all my wishes, and so DGDemux is now better than eac3to for demuxing the tracks.

    Unfortunately eac3to is not up to date anymore and I had some problems demuxing eac3 tracks.(sounds ironic, but it is not)
    Also there are problems with UHD discs.

    DGDemux can generate the same video stream for Dolby Vision as Makemkv does.
    cE is now able to create multi-edition mkv's for UHD discs.

    DGDemux has simplified and improved many things. For example, when demuxing a subtitle track, a forced subtitle track is also created (if available).
    If you don't need to do any extra processing of the extracted subtitles, BD2mkv can do without BDSUP2Sub.
    The demuxing of a TrueHD track I find especially good, because you can extract the TrueHD part separately and also without the embedded AC3 track, which saves writing processes on the hard disk.

    DGDemux is now the standard editing tool for Windows.
    There is already a Linux version of DGDemux, but it is too old and lacks the latest features.
    I am very confident that DGDemux will soon be available for Linux in the latest version.

    It has been a great pleasure working with Rocky on DGDemux to improve it.
    Thanks again Rocky for your great work and DGDemux, which now ensures that we can edit Blu-rays properly.

    The current version of DGDemux can be downloaded here.

    rev1.39 2023-07-23
    // chapterEditor
    & support for TMPGEnc.keyframe files
    // BD2mkv
    & DGDemux
      - UHD Blu-ray's are fully supported, including Dolby Vision
      - access to DGDemux options for extraction
    & the file path for external files is displayed in the info
    * extracted TrueHD tracks with embedded AC3
      - the mtxcfg file is now created correctly
      - for automatic muxing a correct track order code is now created
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    Last edited by hubblec4; 30th Jul 2023 at 16:21.
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  17. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.40 is available.

    A small update because DGDemux is now also available for Linux.
    Now it is possible to create multi-edition mkv's under Linux, as well as edit UHD discs.

    The current version of DGDemux can be downloaded here.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.40 2023-08-13
    // chapterEditor
    & support for a special Youtube chapter format
      - Timestamp with a chapter name - "HH:MM:SS[:MS/NS] chapter name"
    * Linux: the status bar text is now displayed correctly
    // BD2mkv
    * minor adjustment so that the DGDemux Linux version also works
    # DGDemux is now also the default editing tool in Linux
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 27th Oct 2023 at 16:26.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Member Ennio's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Nice to see DGDemux implemented as demuxer. It's the only tool I know that properly does gap processing. Also the thdmerge.exe is a most welcome tool.

    Thanks for your continuous work on cE and the fix for the chapter database. Happily been using your software for years.


    [Attachment 73144 - Click to enlarge]

    I have a shortcut of cE on my desktop. Can you tell me why the icon looks garbled up? Also evry now & then Windows seems to "forget" the icon and replaces it with the default one. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit
    Last edited by Ennio; 13th Aug 2023 at 01:50.
    Quote Quote  
  19. Originally Posted by Ennio View Post
    Nice to see DGDemux implemented as demuxer. It's the only tool I know that properly does gap processing.
    eac3to does the same gap-processing (actually it is not a gap it is overlapping)

    Originally Posted by Ennio View Post
    Thanks for your continuous work on cE and the fix for the chapter database. Happily been using your software for years.
    You are welcome.

    Originally Posted by Ennio View Post
    I have a shortcut of cE on my desktop. Can you tell me why the icon looks garbled up? Also evry now & then Windows seems to "forget" the icon and replaces it with the default one. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit
    Mmmh, I have not really an idea. I use also Win7 64bit and the shortcut on my desktop looks fine. I have also a shortcut in the taskbar without garbled.
    Quote Quote  
  20. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    eac3to does the same gap-processing
    I plainly didn't know. Thanks for this.

    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    (actually it is not a gap it is overlapping)
    This I knew.
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  21. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    I use also Win7 64bit and the shortcut on my desktop looks fine. I have also a shortcut in the taskbar without garbled.
    Maybe it's got something to do with my screen settings. I am running on native monitor resolution 1920x1080.

    FYI I created a 48x48 px icon. Things look peachy now.
    Quote Quote  
  22. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.41 is available.

    It's that time again and this time there's a bigger update.

    Firstly, there is a new editor in Matroska Tools -> Matroska Content-Grouping.
    And secondly, cE is now compatible with dark mode.

    [Attachment 74660 - Click to enlarge]

    Matroska Content-Grouping

    The whole thing is based on the beginnings of Haali and its TRACKSET -> later TRACKSETEX.
    A wonderful system for grouping certain tracks and editions together,
    to then select everything in the player with just one action.

    There was already a TRACKSETEX editor in the old cE,
    but Haali Splitter was replaced by the LAV Splitter and this nice feature has been forgotten.

    With the new editor everything is a little easier and hopefully a little more intuitive.
    There are currently 4 content types that can be grouped: the track types Video, Audio, Subtitle and the editions.
    All of these content types can be identified by their UID or the ID(index).
    The ID of a track type always corresponds to the ID that mkvmerge and other programs use.
    Each type has its own counter that always starts at 0.
    For all content types there is an option not to switch this type in the player.
    All track types can be deactivated (original Haali only allows this for subtitles).

    Why are there ID and UID to identify a content type?

    The UID is definitely the most accurate method because this value does not change even if the file is re-muxed.
    However, it is not that easy for a normal user to determine these UIDs.
    Furthermore, you don't have any of these UIDs when the file is new created.
    A Matroska Muxer could offer this as input up front, but then the user would have to create everything manually.
    An ID is assigned super quickly and is also easy to determine and is also 100% accurate as long as the file is not changed.

    I then thought a few more thoughts about this system and expanded the TRACKSETEX code a little.
    This makes it possible to deactivate the video and audio track and the new BCP47 language codes can be used.

    The Matroska attachments could also be grouped as content.
    For example, a logo or a font for a subtitle, etc.

    Since Haali TRACKSETEX was never officially included in the Matroska Specs, the entire system runs on the Matroska tags, which admittedly isn't necessarily the case is optimal.
    Nevertheless, it works wonderfully and is very simply structured.

    And now probably the most important question: Which player should be able to play this?

    There is currently no player that processes this natively.
    But I familiarized myself with the mpv player and was able to implement everything using a script.

    The project is called mpvMatroska and is intended to turn the mpv player into a Matroska player.
    In addition to content grouping, other Matroska features are already supported.

    [Attachment 74661 - Click to enlarge]

    Since chapters with linked editions are also supported in mpvMatroska, I have expanded the Matroska chapter editor for chapter-segment linking.
    This allows you to create main-link.mkv files much more quickly and they are also much smaller because you no longer have to specify chapter names.
    Furthermore, you no longer have to worry about start and end times.
    A 0 for both values is completely sufficient.

    A linking chapter then looks like this
    1. Chapter - Episode 1, start time 0 - end time 0, ChapterSegmentUID = x0AA....FF, ChapterSegmentEditionUID = 123456

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.41 2023-11-03
    // chapterEditor
    & Matroska Tools: Matroska Content-Grouping
    & Dark-Mode compatibility
    * Matroska Parser: EditionDisplay element is now parsed correctly
    // Matroska Chapters
    & Chapter-Segment-Linking with an edition (ChapterSegmentEditionUID)
    // Matroska Content-Grouping
    & full support for Haali TRACKSETEX
    & extension for the TRACKSETEX code (settings)
      - Video and Audio tracks can be disabled
    & keep existing content groups (settings)
    & when loading a Matroska file, track and edition data is determined
      - UIDs and IDs
      - Track name and Codec as well as edition names
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 17th Dec 2023 at 21:13.
    Quote Quote  
  23. chapterEditor(cE) rev1.42 is available.

    There is again a new cE version with some bug fixes and improvements, as well as a necessary adjustment for the BD2mkv editor.

    MKVToolNix(MTX) has removed the display for the HEVC DV EL track in v81, as this is now processed automatically internally.
    Therefore this track is no longer displayed in the BD2mkv editor.
    However, this slightly disrupts the normal process for demuxing these tracks, and only DGDemux can now process this properly.
    Demuxing with eac3to or tsMuxeR is no longer supported and should not be used as non-Matroska-compliant files are generated.
    There's actually no need to demux at all anymore, as MTX now processes everything properly, even for seamless-branching Blu-rays.

    There are two extensions for the Matroska Menu editor to make the main playback files even smaller.
    The "Nested chapters" correspond to the Matroska specifications and therefore have no extra chapters.
    Linking with editions is now also available and creates very small main playback files.

    Change chapterEditor
    added    &
    fixed    *
    improved #
    changed  %
    rev1.42 2024-01-03
    // BD2mkv
    & New handling of HEVC+DV (BL + EL) tracks in MKVToolNiX v81
      - only the BL track is displayed
      - only DGDemux is intended for processing
    * Editing external subtitles now works correctly for ".sup" files
    * Multi-Edition-MKV mode: DGDemux as editing tool now works again for Windows
    // Matroska Menu
    & Chapter Structure: Nested chapters (settings)
    & Linking with editions (settings)
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by hubblec4; 7th Feb 2024 at 20:16.
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  24. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Hi hubble,

    I learned that chapters to be written with ffmpeg requires a specific format. Here's a quote outtake from a recent post in the CleverFFMpeg GUI thread:

    Originally Posted by ProWo View Post
    FFmpeg needs a precise syntax for a chapter file and it is like the following example:

    title=Chapter 1
    title=Chapter 2
    title=Chapter 3
    The text file MUST start with the line

    The following syntax must then be used for each chapter:
    title=Chapter 1

    The times for start and end must be specified in seconds * 1000 (for timebase=1/1000).
    The time for End must not be greater than the start time of the next chapter.
    The end time for the last chapter is the movie duration in seconds * 1000 (for timebase=1/1000).
    Does chapterEditor offer a way to export to a .txt file using this syntax? If not, would you care to see if it can be implemented?
    To convert a .xml (or any) chapterfile manually would take me a long time.
    Quote Quote  
  25. Hi Ennio

    Very interesting format is that. And yes I will implement the support for this format(loading and export).

    Is the Timebase always 1/1000? I guess no. Is there a better spec description?
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  26. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    ...yes I will implement the support for this format(loading and export).
    Sweet, thank you! More using (Clever)FFmpeg lately, I'll be a very happy camper with this
    Maybe a good idea to name this format "ffmpeg chapters" or such?

    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    Is the Timebase always 1/1000? I guess no. Is there a better spec description?
    I have no idea, wish I could tell you. It's what ProWo (author of CleverFFmpegGUI) said in his thread here

    [EDIT] I found this:
    Last edited by Ennio; 26th Jan 2024 at 07:31.
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  27. OK. Thanks for this link this will help.
    Quote Quote  
  28. I have read the specs and there is a nice feature for the "TIMEBASE". When it is omitted the times(start, end) are used as Nanoseconds.
    I always prefer the highest precession, so I plan to omit the "TIMEBASE" line. Is this OK for you?
    Last edited by hubblec4; 26th Jan 2024 at 10:23.
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  29. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Of course, as long as CleverFFmpegGUI will accept cE's output file and will mux to proper result. And last but not least, if my mediaplayers will handle skipping/jumping to chapters properly.

    So, give it a go; I will certainly test and will report back.

    Thanks in advance, hubble
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  30. Originally Posted by Ennio View Post
    Of course, as long as CleverFFmpegGUI will accept cE's output file and will mux to proper result. And last but not least, if my mediaplayers will handle skipping/jumping to chapters properly.
    You could test this already. Delete the "TIMEBASE" line in your chapter.txt file. One second is nano second.

    title=Test chapter with 1 second
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