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  1. Hello.

    I am wondering if Aviutl will ever be updated to include the newest versions of x264GuiEX and x265GuiEX (especially this one, as older version is missing some things) and other things?

    Additionally, I know it's probably out of the question, but will we ever see a version of Aviutl x64? This software is excellent and very easy to use, and if one day we could see that, it would be probably a perfect tool.

    Thanks for all the work on this over the years!
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  2. crickets go in ur mouth vlbonnie's Avatar
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    Apologies if this question has already been answered earlier in the thread. As a complete noob to AviUtl I find myself coming back here a lot to check stuff, so I figured I'd make an account and try to actually ask a question.
    This video has a bunch of effects in it--I've figured out most of them through just poking around and downloading some extra plugins here and there, but the one I can't figure out is the part where the text sort of spreads out at about 1:45. I'm guessing it involves having 1char1obj checked and maybe adjusting the spacing but aside from that I have no clue. Is it a script thing?

    If anyone knows how to do this, I'd be super grateful.

    EDIT: Figured it out. It's 1char1obj checked with the Animation effect "Scale Coordinate" applied, with the X and Y center set to the center of the text and the Zoom being increased with midpoints/keyframes/whatever
    Last edited by vlbonnie; 29th Sep 2021 at 22:44.
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  3. crickets go in ur mouth vlbonnie's Avatar
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    Back a month later with another question in a dead thread...
    I think I turned off custom objects somehow? None of them are showing up anymore, no matter what project or scene they're in. Clearness is at 0, the layers are on, and the colors of the objects are ones that should be visible. There aren't any camera controls I genuinely don't know what I did wrong. Is there a box I need to check?

    edit: theyre back i dont know how
    Last edited by vlbonnie; 30th Oct 2021 at 09:47.
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    hello..! i am new to this forum and i have a small problem regarding the program.. it's a dumb problem but i couldn't find the solution around and i'm a newbie..

    my editing timeline is gone (the one where you usually edit and drag things around at the bottom) because i accidentally closed it. there's only the window that shows you the preview of the video, and that's all. i tried going to the window setting bar at the top (alongside the file, filter+, filter, and rest of them) but it doesn't have anything regarding "timeline editor" window. there's only playback window, histogram, ect.

    i tried restarting my PC and resetting the windows for aviutl, but it still doesn't pop up. i don't want to reinstall aviutl again since i have all the effects i installed in i don't want to lose.. does anybody have a solution to this?
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  5. Originally Posted by ekegeg0 View Post
    hello..! i am new to this forum and i have a small problem regarding the program.. it's a dumb problem but i couldn't find the solution around and i'm a newbie..

    my editing timeline is gone (the one where you usually edit and drag things around at the bottom) because i accidentally closed it. there's only the window that shows you the preview of the video, and that's all. i tried going to the window setting bar at the top (alongside the file, filter+, filter, and rest of them) but it doesn't have anything regarding "timeline editor" window. there's only playback window, histogram, ect.

    i tried restarting my PC and resetting the windows for aviutl, but it still doesn't pop up. i don't want to reinstall aviutl again since i have all the effects i installed in i don't want to lose.. does anybody have a solution to this?
    Filter+ => Advanced Editing
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    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Originally Posted by ekegeg0 View Post
    hello..! i am new to this forum and i have a small problem regarding the program.. it's a dumb problem but i couldn't find the solution around and i'm a newbie..

    my editing timeline is gone (the one where you usually edit and drag things around at the bottom) because i accidentally closed it. there's only the window that shows you the preview of the video, and that's all. i tried going to the window setting bar at the top (alongside the file, filter+, filter, and rest of them) but it doesn't have anything regarding "timeline editor" window. there's only playback window, histogram, ect.

    i tried restarting my PC and resetting the windows for aviutl, but it still doesn't pop up. i don't want to reinstall aviutl again since i have all the effects i installed in i don't want to lose.. does anybody have a solution to this?
    Filter+ => Advanced Editing
    oh god!! thank you very much this helped me out alot!
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  7. Member Bumblebee 9337's Avatar
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    It appears there are memory issues when running AviUtl in Windows 10. These eventually occur when trying to edit 4K videos. Since I'm aware of the issue, I've learned to save my work, and to avoid excessive previewing of 4K segments.

    Under Windows 7 (64 bit), I didn't have crashes from editing 4K videos.

    What has changed in the way Windows 10 manages memory, versus Windows 7?
    Is there a workaround or setting I can use?
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  8. Originally Posted by Bumblebee 9337 View Post
    It appears there are memory issues when running AviUtl in Windows 10. These eventually occur when trying to edit 4K videos. Since I'm aware of the issue, I've learned to save my work, and to avoid excessive previewing of 4K segments.

    Under Windows 7 (64 bit), I didn't have crashes from editing 4K videos.

    What has changed in the way Windows 10 manages memory, versus Windows 7?
    Is there a workaround or setting I can use?
    This may not be a "memory leak" but purely rudimentary memory management issue. The crashing problem and memory issue when using a lot of scripts or materials are known before.
    Stopping development until someone save me from poverty or get me out of Hong Kong...
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  9. Member Bumblebee 9337's Avatar
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    After replacing the executable with version 1.1 the memory errors remain, but the program no longer crashes. I can reload the project and continue.
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  10. Member Bumblebee 9337's Avatar
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    I'm using my old Windows 7 laptop to encode videos assembled in AviUtl. No issues whatsoever.
    It's a shame that Microsoft breaks compatibility with every major "upgrade" of Windows.
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  11. hello! Im trying to use a pixel sorter , however it doesn't seem to display the light and dark values. When I try to unzip it again, or check everything is in the correct files, nothing seems to be out of place.. I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong! This pixel sorter script is from

    any help would be greatly appreciated !!
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  12. I also have a second problem if that is ok! This is the second time it happened, but while working on my project suddenly the quality shrunk considerably. I heard the laptop heating up before that happened so maybe it's a problem with my project being too heavy. Is there a way to reverse this?
    (I was able to fix it the first time by copy-pasting the parts that were bad quality into an old file which somehow reversed the problem. It doesn't allow me to copy-paste it anymore for some reason...)

    Thank you !
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  13. ah,, im not sure if the first message got sent] through but ill try again!

    So, I tried to use a pixel sorter script, but it would act very weird. It wouldn't show the light and dark, only green background. I saw on a blog that someone else has this problem but they weren't able to figure it out..I also don't have a twitter account and can't speak Japanese so I can't communicate with the creator.


    blog comment with the same problem as me : http://
    Last edited by Baldrick; 6th Jul 2023 at 01:59. Reason: Fixed links.
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  14. Originally Posted by thymrix View Post
    So, I tried to use a pixel sorter script, but it would act very weird. It wouldn't show the light and dark, only green background. I saw on a blog that someone else has this problem but they weren't able to figure it out..I also don't have a twitter account and can't speak Japanese so I can't communicate with the creator.
    Uncheckmark "Highlight Sorting" .
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  15. When uncheckmarking it, the sorting doesn't look like the pixel sorting in the examples... In the blog it shows the green displays the brightness and darkness, but this is just a solid color. Image
    [Attachment 72286 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 72287 - Click to enlarge]
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  16. Change the other settings - adjust the base , range, pixel size, stretch values, until you get the look you want. There are more settings when you push the settings button. When you are done, uncheckmark highlight sorting to disable the green debug mode
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  17. I've changed and played with the settings. But I don't know why it doesn't look like how the script is in the blog. Also with the green debug mode, mine is a solid color green color even when changing settings, but on the blog it shows the light and dark values. I'm not sure why mine doesn't.Image
    [Attachment 72291 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 72293 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 72294 - Click to enlarge]
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  18. Did you try it on the demo image? Were you able to get similar results on the demo image?

    If your source does not have a similar variation in shades, you probably won't a get similar effect. The effect works like a displacement map based on "shades" of light and dark . Notice the demo image has large variation black to white , many shades of grey

    Looking at your attached image, it was probably anime or some cartoon. That art style doesn't have that much detail or variation in shades of bright and dark. They generally have flat textures , uniform shades (or very few) , limited color pallete

    You can try prefiltering/ transforming your own image/video , such as add microcontrast, noise , then apply filter, composite original image layer some % with some blending mode
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  19. I tried it right now, and the result for the demo image is the same as the other.. I checked that I unzipped and correctly placed the files in the script folder so I'm not really sure what to do..Image
    [Attachment 72295 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 72298 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 72299 - Click to enlarge]
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  20. I'm using the English version by Maverick, just play with the base , range and stretch settings and you should get similar results as the demo

    In this example, I'm using Base 1273, Range 1034, Stretch 10 (Accessed when you push Settings button)
    [Attachment 72300 - Click to enlarge]

    I don't know what pixel sorter version I'm using, but it's "PixelSorter_s.dll" and @Uta's Test PixelSort.anm in the script\Uta folder
    Last edited by poisondeathray; 6th Jul 2023 at 20:08.
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  21. I really want to download the uta script but my computer said that the file is dangerous... I also double-checked on a website that confirms it. Is there any way to fix the script I am using right now?Image
    [Attachment 72301 - Click to enlarge]
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  22. Originally Posted by thymrix View Post
    I really want to download the uta script but my computer said that the file is dangerous... I also double-checked on a website that confirms it. Is there any way to fix the script I am using right now?
    2/63 is probably a false positive detection

    I don't understand - how are you using it now without the script ? Is that the dropbox link above ?
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  23. yes, im not using the pixel sorter script from uta, this is by seed 264. this is the link
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  24. I downloaded original release link (English version) 1.61 SEED264 from Github

    These are the same settings used in UTA's version above . It might not be exact same result, but it's pretty close
    [Attachment 72304 - Click to enlarge]
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  25. I checked on hybrid analysis and it says there's a threat score of 71/100.. i wonder if the Japanese version of the script works for you? I am worried about this..
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  26. Originally Posted by thymrix View Post
    i wonder if the Japanese version of the script works for you?
    Does not work properly, I get the same results as you in post 739
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  27. ok! i will try it out later today. I'll let you know if it works!
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  28. Member Bumblebee 9337's Avatar
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    The Flapper website linked earlier has lots of information on plugins. The Input Pipe plugin has resolved the memory issues I was having.
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  29. Originally Posted by Bumblebee 9337 View Post
    The Flapper website linked earlier has lots of information on plugins. The Input Pipe plugin has resolved the memory issues I was having.
    I haven't had a chance to try any of those yet, looks like many pages of plugins, projects, examples. I can't read Japanese, just have to experiment with them

    The curveeditor looks very useful, I wonder if it works on more than X,Y,Z position parameters
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  30. Member Bumblebee 9337's Avatar
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    Hi poisondeathray, just paste the url into Google Translate. This is one I've bookmarked:

    The Japanese read me text files can also be copy pasted into translate.
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