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  1. I have a bunch of anime series in mkv format on my computer where I want to condense the audio and subtitle tracks from multiple videos together and make them have multiple audio and subtitle tracks instead of more separate videos. For example 2 videos, one with English audio and 2 subtitles (one is for titles, signs etc.) and another video with Japanese audio with subtitles that were translated English. Instead of that I want one video with both audio and all subtitle tracks.

    The audio, video and subtitles are all compatible with one another, I guess meaning they can be muxed together no problems since I tried one with mkvmerge and it worked. The English versions have the same filenames with the exception of the episode number. The Japanese version has a different filename than the English version but all the Japanese versions have the same filenames with one another. With each anime series they are usually all the same format. It's not like I'll have an anime series with different video qualities such as aspect ratios, video format, etc. They are usually the same.

    I already found a program that can batch rip everything from the mkv file such as video, audio and subtitles. If anyone's interested in that program it's called mkvcleaver I think. It was pretty handy. I was looking for program that is similar to that but ADDS extra audio and subtitle tracks in bulk. I don't want to re-encode anything. I couldn't find anything however.

    I was using mkvmerger but as I'm sure other people have the same problem, it can only do each video one at a time. In which this program is now very time consuming when you have over 300 videos plus. Not to mention I read that the program creator doesn't ever intend on adding a batch feature due to time constraints.

    I googled on how to make a batch script for this program and came across all kinds of things but most of the time it was for a different process and wouldn't work for me. I found one where some said to just copy the command line from mkvmerge and paste it onto a text document then paste it for as many as there are videos or episodes then change them. As I mentioned, not a good solution for the large volume of videos I have.

    I know absolutely nothing of coding or anything about the details of mkv files and what not. I only got as far as I did from doing extensive googling. So I'll just post a few things I found and some info from mkvmerge

    I came across this a lot

    FOR %%A IN (*.mkv) DO mkvmerge -o "remux-%%~nA.mkv" "%%~A"

    I guess that's what you use to include in a .bat file but I have no idea what it means, what else goes with it or how to use it.

    Also I came across this video

    It's not what I want to do but I saw something in there about not having to worry about renaming so I wanted that to be included in the .bat file.


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\MKVToolNix\mkvmerge.exe" -o "C:\\Users\\Guy\\Videos\\Anim\\Anime Newly Combined Audio Video and Subtitles\\[Yousei-raws] Phantom Requiem for the Phantom 01 [BDrip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC] (1).mkv" "--track-name" "0:BDrip by moodperson" "--default-track" "0:yes" "--forced-track" "0:no" "--display-dimensions" "0:1920x1080" "--language" "1:jpn" "--track-name" "1:LPCM -> FLAC" "--default-track" "1:yes" "--forced-track" "1:no" "--language" "2:eng" "--default-track" "2:no" "--forced-track" "2:no" "-a" "1" "-d" "0" "-s" "2" "-T" "--no-global-tags" "--no-chapters" "(" "C:\\Users\\Guy\\Videos\\Anim\\ALREADY WATCHED\\Phantom\\[Yousei-raws] Phantom Requiem for the Phantom [BDrip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC]\\[Yousei-raws] Phantom Requiem for the Phantom 01 [BDrip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC].mkv" ")" "--forced-track" "0:no" "-a" "0" "-D" "-S" "-T" "--no-global-tags" "--no-chapters" "(" "C:\\Users\\Guy\\Videos\\Anim\\Anime Subtitles and Audio Extracts\\[Cman21] Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Ep 01 'Awakening' [Blu-Ray 1080p][DBAFDE5F]_Track01.flac" ")" "--forced-track" "0:no" "-s" "0" "-D" "-A" "-T" "--no-global-tags" "--no-chapters" "(" "C:\\Users\\Guy\\Videos\\Anim\\Anime Subtitles and Audio Extracts\\[Cman21] Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Ep 01 'Awakening' [Blu-Ray 1080p][DBAFDE5F]_Track03.ass" ")" "--forced-track" "0:no" "-s" "0" "-D" "-A" "-T" "--no-global-tags" "--no-chapters" "(" "C:\\Users\\Guy\\Videos\\Anim\\Anime Subtitles and Audio Extracts\\[Cman21] Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Ep 01 'Awakening' [Blu-Ray 1080p][DBAFDE5F]_Track04.ass" ")" "--track-order" "0:0,0:1,0:2,1:0,2:0,3:0"

    I'm sorry that this is so long and drawn out but I wasn't sure what else to put or to do. I think this might be too much to ask but can someone help me making a script for all of this? Is it difficult?
    Quote Quote  
  2. I've created a Windows Batch (.bat) file to solve a similar scenario, and I hope others find useful.


    REM // =======================
    REM || Batch Subtitle Muxing
    REM ||       for MKVmerge
    REM || v0.4-20150511 by drudge
    REM \\ =======================
    REM @@ This batch script will scan the provided directory (or current folder)
    REM @@ for video files, attempt to match them with subtitle files,
    REM @@ and mux them using the MKVmerge command line.
    REM	// ---- ---- ---- ----
    REM // full path to mkvmerge.exe
    	SET "muxpath=C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvmerge.exe"
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM // full path to unrar program, make sure to include switches
    	SET "rarpath=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
    	SET "rarcmd=e"
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM // output path (with trailing slash)
    REM ++ leave blank for working directory
    	SET "outputdir="
    REM @@ default: SET "outputdir="
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM // prepend text to output filename
    REM ++ REQUIRED if outputdir is left blank
    	SET "fileprefix=subtitled-"
    REM @@ blank: SET "fileprefix="
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM \\ ---- ---- ---- ----
    REM -- editing below this line should be done precisely. (here thar be dragons)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM @@ simple counters
    SET /A "mc=0"
    SET /A "me=0"
    REM @@ default working path
    SET "wp=."
    REM @@ optional working path via argument
    IF EXIST "%~1" SET "wp=%~1"
    REM @@ ready steady go!
    ECHO ===========================================================================
    REM @@ attempt to use custom setting for output path
    IF EXIST "%outputdir%" (
    	REM @@ user has provided output path
    	ECHO == User Setting -- Output to: [%outputdir%]
    ) ELSE (
    	REM @@ no custom setting, check for prefix
    	IF [%fileprefix%]==[] (
    		ECHO @@ ERROR: empty [fileprefix] setting requires [outputdir] to be set
    		SET /A me+=1
    	REM @@ use working path for output
    	SET "outputdir=%wp%\"
    FOR %%H IN ("%wp%") DO (
    	REM @@ because "." doesn't tell us where we are
    	ECHO == Scanning [%%~dpfH\] for video files...
    FOR %%I IN ("%wp%\*.avi",
    REM			"%wp%\*.customVideoExtension",
    			"%wp%\*.mp4") DO (
    	REM @@ found a video file, now check for subtitles
    	CALL:getsubs "%%~I"
    FOR %%J IN ("%wp%\%~n1.idx",
    REM			"%wp%\%~n1.customSubtitleExtension",
    			"%wp%\") DO (
    REM @@ check for paired subtitle files. USF/XML may require this check as well
    	IF %%~xJ==.idx IF EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ.idx" IF NOT EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ.sub" (
    		IF EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ.rar" (
    			ECHO -- [%%~nJ.sub] -- Found potential .rar
    			ECHO | SET /p extdone=">> "
    			"%rarpath%" "%rarcmd%" "%%~dpJ%%~nJ.rar" | FIND "Extracting"
    		) ELSE (
    			ECHO @@ ERROR: [%%~nJ.idx] -- Missing .sub file
    			SET /A me+=1
    REM @@ subtitle found, time to put it all together
    	IF EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ%%~xJ" CALL:muxit "%%~f1" "%%~xJ"
    REM @@ make sure the destination file doesn't exist first
    IF EXIST "%outputdir%%fileprefix%%~n1%~x1" (
    	ECHO @@ ERROR: [%~n1%~x1] -- Existing output file
    	SET /A me+=1
    REM @@ we've made it!
    SET /A mc+=1
    REM @@ now we let mkvmerge work its magic
    ECHO | SET /p muxdone="++ Muxing: (%mc%) [%~n1%~x1]"
    "%muxpath%" -q -o "%outputdir%%fileprefix%%~n1%~x1" "%~1" "%wp%\%~n1%~2"
    ECHO  ..complete
    REM @@ success!
    ECHO == Finished Processing: %mc% completed / %me% errors
    ECHO ===========================================================================
    REM @@ game over, man
    Quote Quote  
  3. @drudge

    Long time since I seen a batch files.. shame really as they're extremely powerful.

    Thanks for that. I added my own default language option. I added this at the top:

    REM // Default Language of created 'tracks'
    REM ++ Leave as is to set English flag
    	SET "lang=eng"
    REM @@ blank: SET "lang=eng"
    And modified the mkvmerge line around line 115 to be this:

    "%muxpath%" --default-language "%lang%" -q -o "%outputdir%%fileprefix%%~n1%~x1" "%~1" "%wp%\%~n1%~2"
    This way when the file gets indexed, the indexer (whatever you use), will know the language of the sub file you've added!

    Hope this helps others!

    Quote Quote  
  4. I have lots of video-only-files and audio-files in subfolders of one folder.
    I want to combine the video-stream and the audio-stream to MKV-files in another directory.
    Can somebody help me what script I need?
    Last edited by flashandpan007; 28th Aug 2015 at 12:34.
    Quote Quote  
  5. I think I can use the script from drudge. working through the script ...
    Do I need unrar? -> 7-Zip for this?
    Quote Quote  
  6. Click image for larger version

Name:	error.png
Views:	5159
Size:	205.0 KB
ID:	33350

    I got that error message

    I tried my new bat file and it is working, but it only picks up files in the directory. How do I include files in subfolders?
    Quote Quote  
  7. If all files are in one folder the following does work for me:
    for %%a in (*.ts) do ("C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe" -o "D:\Test\%%a.mkv" "%%a" "%%~na.ac3")
    But I have a folder with subfolders that contain each 2 files (*.ts and *.ac3) with the same filename. One contains the videostream and the other contains the audiostream.
    I tried:
    for /r "D:\Test\" %%a in (*.ts) do ("C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe" -o "D:\Test\%%a.mkv" "%%a" "%%~na.ac3")
    but it doesn't find the ac3 file which is in the same subfolder.

    Does anybody know how to modify my little script?
    Last edited by flashandpan007; 30th Aug 2015 at 12:19.
    Quote Quote  
  8. because you are running your BAT file from folder with those ts files perhaps and it does not see those ac3 files in other folder, you'd need to include whole path for those ac3 files,

    for /r "D:\Test\" %%a in (*.ts) do ("C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe" -o "D:\Test\%%~na.mkv" "%%~na.ts" "D:\Test\folder_with_ac3_files\%%~na.ac3")
    Quote Quote  
  9. The subfolders are called differently and each subfolder contains one ts-file and one ac3 file. Do I maybe need a variable for the directories?
    Quote Quote  
  10. If possible, I need a wildcard for the names of the subfolders (-> all subfolders) but * or ? doesn't work.
    Quote Quote  
  11. Can you give an example of your folder structure?
    Quote Quote  
  12. Movies
    ├─Movie_abc [...]
    │ ├─Movie_abc.ts
    │ └─Movie_abc.ac3

    ├─Movie_def [...]
    │ ├─Movie_def.ts
    │ └─Movie_def.ac3

    ├─Movie_ghi [...]
    │ ├─Movie_ghi.ts
    │ └─Movie_ghi.ac3

    ├─Movie_jkl [...]
    │ ├─Movie_jkl.ts
    │ └─Movie_jkl.ac3

    ├─Movie_mno [...]
    │ ├─Movie_mno.ts
    │ └─Movie_mno.ac3

    ├─Movie_pqr [...]
    │ ├─Movie_pqr.ts
    │ └─Movie_pqr.ac3

    ├─Movie_stu [...]
    │ ├─Movie_stu.ts
    │ └─Movie_stu.ac3

    Quote Quote  
  13. Please help me
    Quote Quote  
  14. maybe it could be done easier, not sure, this script goes through those folders in MOVIE folder (or whatever name), finds ts and ac3 and muxes it to mkv, names of those folders or filenames are not important, just those extensions
    @echo off
    set "MOVIE_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "mkv_merge=C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe"
    for /R "%MOVIE_directory%" %%a in (.) do call :mux_TS_and_AC3 "%%a"
    echo DONE muxing
    :mux_TS_and_AC3 <folder name>
    if "%MOVIE_directory%"=="%~dpn1" goto :eof
    echo folder: %~dpn1
    set "ts_name="
    set "ac3_name_ext="
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.ts","*.TS") do set "ts_name=%%~ni" & set "ts_name_ext=%%~nxi"
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.ac3","*.AC3") do set "ac3_name_ext=%%~nxi"
    if not defined ts_name  echo    ts not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    if not defined ac3_name_ext echo    ac3 not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    echo muxing %ts_name%.mkv from %~n1 folder
    pushd "%~dpn1"
    "%mkv_merge%" -o "%~dp1%ts_name%.mkv" "%ts_name_ext%" "%ac3_name_ext%"
    echo ----------------------------------------
    goto :eof
    Last edited by _Al_; 31st Aug 2015 at 18:29.
    Quote Quote  
  15. Thank you very much. It works
    How to I set it up to put the outputfiles to a specific path. Before I edited the -o but now it doesn't work. What do have to change in this script.
    Quote Quote  
  16. Sorry my fault had Problems with the Syntax %. Now i got it
    Quote Quote  
  17. Ok last request:
    Is it possible to make a preference of dts files Over ac3. Same filename in Same Directory of ac3 files of some movies.
    Quote Quote  
  18. try this:
    @echo off
    set "DESTINATION_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "MOVIE_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "mkv_merge=C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe"
    for /R "%MOVIE_directory%" %%a in (.) do call :mux_TS_and_AC3 "%%a"
    echo DONE muxing
    :mux_TS_and_AC3 <folder name>
    if "%MOVIE_directory%"=="%~dpn1" goto :eof
    echo folder: %~dpn1
    set "ts_name="
    set "audio_name_ext="
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.ts","*.TS") do set "ts_name=%%~ni" & set "ts_name_ext=%%~nxi"
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.dts","*.DTS","*.ac3","*.AC3") do  set "audio_name_ext=%%~nxi" & goto :mux 
    if not defined ts_name  echo    ts not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    if not defined audio_name_ext echo    ac3 or DTS not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    echo muxing %ts_name%.mkv from %~n1 folder
    pushd "%~dpn1"
    "%mkv_merge%" -o "%DESTINATION_directory%\%ts_name%.mkv" "%ts_name_ext%" "%audio_name_ext%"
    echo ----------------------------------------
    goto :eof
    priority is coded in that line with :
    you can modify that as you want, first extension found is the audio for muxing
    Quote Quote  
  19. had to change it to
    to get dts if available, if not then ac3.
    Very nice. Now I'm happy. Thank you very much _Al_
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by skoenig View Post

    Long time since I seen a batch files.. shame really as they're extremely powerful.

    Thanks for that. I added my own default language option. I added this at the top:

    REM // Default Language of created 'tracks'
    REM ++ Leave as is to set English flag
    	SET "lang=eng"
    REM @@ blank: SET "lang=eng"
    And modified the mkvmerge line around line 115 to be this:

    "%muxpath%" --default-language "%lang%" -q -o "%outputdir%%fileprefix%%~n1%~x1" "%~1" "%wp%\%~n1%~2"
    This way when the file gets indexed, the indexer (whatever you use), will know the language of the sub file you've added!

    Hope this helps others!

    I realise this is an old thread but but it's just come up in the search I did. The batch file works fine but how would I edit it to get to tag the audio as English BUT the subs as French?

    EDIT: Ok, I see that it was the subs track that it tags so I was able to work that out; change SET "lang=eng" to SET "lang=fre". So that's all good. But is there a way to get it to tag the audio track as well? As English.
    Last edited by TomPhillips; 16th Oct 2015 at 12:13.
    Quote Quote  
  21. Originally Posted by _Al_ View Post
    try this:
    @echo off
    set "DESTINATION_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "MOVIE_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "mkv_merge=C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe"
    for /R "%MOVIE_directory%" %%a in (.) do call :mux_TS_and_AC3 "%%a"
    echo DONE muxing
    :mux_TS_and_AC3 <folder name>
    if "%MOVIE_directory%"=="%~dpn1" goto :eof
    echo folder: %~dpn1
    set "ts_name="
    set "audio_name_ext="
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.ts","*.TS") do set "ts_name=%%~ni" & set "ts_name_ext=%%~nxi"
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.dts","*.DTS","*.ac3","*.AC3") do  set "audio_name_ext=%%~nxi" & goto :mux 
    if not defined ts_name  echo    ts not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    if not defined audio_name_ext echo    ac3 or DTS not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    echo muxing %ts_name%.mkv from %~n1 folder
    pushd "%~dpn1"
    "%mkv_merge%" -o "%DESTINATION_directory%\%ts_name%.mkv" "%ts_name_ext%" "%audio_name_ext%"
    echo ----------------------------------------
    goto :eof
    priority is coded in that line with :
    you can modify that as you want, first extension found is the audio for muxing
    Is it possible to add a counter for the number of muxed files into that script? I tried it and it works but it only works for the file-structure above but _Al_ 's script also works when the movies are in that kind of file structure:

    All Movies
    ├Movies A .. C
    │ ├─Movie_A [...]
    │ │ ├─Movie_A.ts
    │ │ └─Movie_A.ac3
    │ │
    │ ├─Movie_B [...]
    │ │ ├─Movie_B.ts
    │ │ └─Movie_B.ac3
    │ │
    │ └─Movie_C [...]
    │   ├─Movie_C.ts
    │   └─Movie_C.ac3
    ├Movies D .. F
    │ ├─Movie_D [...]
    │ │ ├─Movie_D.ts
    │ │ └─Movie_D.ac3
    │ │
    │ ├─Movie_E [...]
    │ │ ├─Movie_E.ts
    │ │ └─Movie_E.ac3
    │ │
    │ └─Movie_F [...]
    │   ├─Movie_F.ts
    │   └─Movie_F.ac3
    ├Movies G .. I
    │ ├─Movie_G [...]
    │ │ ├─Movie_G.ts
    │ │ └─Movie_G.ac3
    │ │
    │ ├─Movie_H [...]
    │ │ ├─Movie_H.ts
    │ │ └─Movie_H.ac3
    │ │
    │ └─Movie_I [...]
    │   ├─Movie_I.ts
    │   └─Movie_I.ac3
    What do I have to add to the script?

    Thank you
    Last edited by flashandpan007; 24th Dec 2015 at 08:01.
    Quote Quote  
  22. it was designed for that specific structure, ....,also that counter it can be done in many ways, you can generate a log file with filenames and counter as well, hopefully there is no syntax error in script I modified:
    @echo off
    set "DESTINATION_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "MOVIE_directory=D:\Movies"
    set "mkv_merge=C:\Program Files\MKVtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe"
    set "logfile=%DESTINATION_directory%\logfile.log"
    rem erasing logfile:
    rem resetting counters:
    set "counter=0"
    set "counter_success=0"
    for /R "%MOVIE_directory%" %%a in (.) do call :mux_TS_and_AC3 "%%a"
    echo logfile is in: "%logfile%"
    echo. >> "%logfile%"
    echo total of MKV processed: %counter% >> "%logfile%"
    echo total of MKV created    : %counter_success% >> "%logfile%"
    echo total of MKV processed: %counter% 
    echo total of MKV created    : %counter_success%
    echo DONE muxing
    :mux_TS_and_AC3 <folder name>
    if "%MOVIE_directory%"=="%~dpn1" goto :eof
    echo folder: %~dpn1
    set "ts_name="
    set "audio_name_ext="
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.ts","*.TS") do set "ts_name=%%~ni" & set "ts_name_ext=%%~nxi"
    for /r "%~dpn1" %%i in ("*.ac3","*.AC3", "*.dts","*.DTS") do  set "audio_name_ext=%%~nxi" & goto :mux 
    if not defined ts_name  echo    ts not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    if not defined audio_name_ext echo    ac3 or DTS not found in %~n1 folder & goto :eof
    echo muxing %ts_name%.mkv from %~n1 folder
    pushd "%~dpn1"
    echo.  >> "%logfile%"
    echo folder name: %~dpn1 >> "%logfile%"
    set /a counter=%counter% + 1
    "%mkv_merge%" -o "%DESTINATION_directory%\%ts_name%.mkv" "%ts_name_ext%" "%audio_name_ext%"
    if not %errorlevel%==0 echo ------------ error returned by mkvmerge ------------- >> "%logfile%" & popd &goto :eof
    if not exist "%DESTINATION_directory%\%ts_name%.mkv" echo ------------ error, mkv not created ------------- >> "%logfile%" & popd &goto :eof
    echo new mkv:             .... \%ts_name%.mkv >> "%logfile%"
    set /a counter_success=%counter_success% + 1
    echo ----------------------------------------
    goto :eof
    Quote Quote  
  23. OMG! Thank you very much. I tested your script and I'm happy, but I noticed that the total of MKV processed is one per Folder Movie_A [...], Movie_B [...], Movie_C [...] higher than the created MKV Files. That is the similar issue I had with my script. Do you know what is causing this?
    Quote Quote  
  24. looks like this is caused by mkvmerge itself.
    If a movie has an ampersand in the filename like Fast & Furious then the logfile doesn't contain the line with new mkv in the logfile caused by the ampersand in the filename which causes to take Furious as a command.

    I searched but I'm not sure if this can be fixed?

    Thank you _Al_
    Last edited by flashandpan007; 27th Dec 2015 at 15:46.
    Quote Quote  
  25. Originally Posted by drudge View Post
    I've created a Windows Batch (.bat) file to solve a similar scenario, and I hope others find useful.


    REM // =======================
    REM || Batch Subtitle Muxing
    REM ||       for MKVmerge
    REM || v0.4-20150511 by drudge
    REM \\ =======================
    REM @@ This batch script will scan the provided directory (or current folder)
    REM @@ for video files, attempt to match them with subtitle files,
    REM @@ and mux them using the MKVmerge command line.
    REM	// ---- ---- ---- ----
    REM // full path to mkvmerge.exe
    	SET "muxpath=C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvmerge.exe"
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM // full path to unrar program, make sure to include switches
    	SET "rarpath=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
    	SET "rarcmd=e"
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM // output path (with trailing slash)
    REM ++ leave blank for working directory
    	SET "outputdir="
    REM @@ default: SET "outputdir="
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM // prepend text to output filename
    REM ++ REQUIRED if outputdir is left blank
    	SET "fileprefix=subtitled-"
    REM @@ blank: SET "fileprefix="
    REM \\ -- -- -- -- --
    REM \\ ---- ---- ---- ----
    REM -- editing below this line should be done precisely. (here thar be dragons)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM @@ simple counters
    SET /A "mc=0"
    SET /A "me=0"
    REM @@ default working path
    SET "wp=."
    REM @@ optional working path via argument
    IF EXIST "%~1" SET "wp=%~1"
    REM @@ ready steady go!
    ECHO ===========================================================================
    REM @@ attempt to use custom setting for output path
    IF EXIST "%outputdir%" (
    	REM @@ user has provided output path
    	ECHO == User Setting -- Output to: [%outputdir%]
    ) ELSE (
    	REM @@ no custom setting, check for prefix
    	IF [%fileprefix%]==[] (
    		ECHO @@ ERROR: empty [fileprefix] setting requires [outputdir] to be set
    		SET /A me+=1
    	REM @@ use working path for output
    	SET "outputdir=%wp%\"
    FOR %%H IN ("%wp%") DO (
    	REM @@ because "." doesn't tell us where we are
    	ECHO == Scanning [%%~dpfH\] for video files...
    FOR %%I IN ("%wp%\*.avi",
    REM			"%wp%\*.customVideoExtension",
    			"%wp%\*.mp4") DO (
    	REM @@ found a video file, now check for subtitles
    	CALL:getsubs "%%~I"
    FOR %%J IN ("%wp%\%~n1.idx",
    REM			"%wp%\%~n1.customSubtitleExtension",
    			"%wp%\") DO (
    REM @@ check for paired subtitle files. USF/XML may require this check as well
    	IF %%~xJ==.idx IF EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ.idx" IF NOT EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ.sub" (
    		IF EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ.rar" (
    			ECHO -- [%%~nJ.sub] -- Found potential .rar
    			ECHO | SET /p extdone=">> "
    			"%rarpath%" "%rarcmd%" "%%~dpJ%%~nJ.rar" | FIND "Extracting"
    		) ELSE (
    			ECHO @@ ERROR: [%%~nJ.idx] -- Missing .sub file
    			SET /A me+=1
    REM @@ subtitle found, time to put it all together
    	IF EXIST "%wp%\%%~nJ%%~xJ" CALL:muxit "%%~f1" "%%~xJ"
    REM @@ make sure the destination file doesn't exist first
    IF EXIST "%outputdir%%fileprefix%%~n1%~x1" (
    	ECHO @@ ERROR: [%~n1%~x1] -- Existing output file
    	SET /A me+=1
    REM @@ we've made it!
    SET /A mc+=1
    REM @@ now we let mkvmerge work its magic
    ECHO | SET /p muxdone="++ Muxing: (%mc%) [%~n1%~x1]"
    "%muxpath%" -q -o "%outputdir%%fileprefix%%~n1%~x1" "%~1" "%wp%\%~n1%~2"
    ECHO  ..complete
    REM @@ success!
    ECHO == Finished Processing: %mc% completed / %me% errors
    ECHO ===========================================================================
    REM @@ game over, man
    This works great, had to add the .ass subtitle extension but when testing it auto-added perfectly. However it stops at like episode 32 with no errors or anything and doesn't go past that. I took out the ones before it so that it would start with the problematic episode and managed to print screen when the CMD flashed and went away, it says:

    .avi] was unexpected at this time
    Any ideas?
    Quote Quote  
  26. Any special characters in the file name where it fails? Often these things happen because of unescaped characters like parentheses.
    Quote Quote  
  27. Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
    Any special characters in the file name where it fails? Often these things happen because of unescaped characters like parentheses.
    Only the exclamation point, but there were other episodes before that with one. Oh and the parentheses for part one and two.

    EDIT, just went by some more with parentheses and no issues. Strange.

    EDIT2, also every time the subs are merged either by this script or mkvToolnix I get audio sync issues....
    Last edited by negativzeroe; 6th Feb 2016 at 16:41.
    Quote Quote  
  28. Originally Posted by roma_turok View Post
    Thanks for the tip!
    Using it and loving it!!

    Any tool that merges FFMPEG commands with MKVBatch turn out to be the best and fastest converter.
    Quote Quote  
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